Saturday, September 26, 2020

Episode 29, Season 3 - Trouble In Atlas

REMINDER: The canon characters of RWBY are owned by Monty Oum and Rooster Teeth, as well as the characters of Gintama are owned by Hideaki Sorachi. Also, the only Tales of characters that will be involved is Velvet Crowe and Zaveid, I do not own these characters but Yoshiharu Gotanda does since he's the creator of Tales of.


Writer's Thoughts: Sup, ATF readers? Welcome to Episode 29 of Trouble in Atlas! I hope you all enjoyed Episode 28 with that "explosive" cliffhanger at the end of the episode. Small announcement, I can officially announce that we will get a new opening theme song, debuting on Episode 32 as well, the second half of Season 3. We will give you more info on that in a later date. We even got some major returns, especially the reformation of Team JNPR, sadly without Pyrrha but with Renora, Jaune Arc, and his little student, Shizuka on the pathway to "finding" Ray Rowe for Himiko. We even saw the shocking return of the one and only Ozpin, who is actually still in Oscar Pine's body after all of these years, saving Richard from a near-death experience. What does the Shimura/Crowe family have to talk about with Mutsuko, that's about Tony? And of course, Is the partnership deal between Utsuro and the leader of The Black Claw, Ao Taurus come into good terms? What's next for Oz/Oscar and Ambrose? What is the status on Atsuko, Ray, Kazuko, and Asuka, are they all headed to Atlas? And finally, who is gonna stop one of Utsuro's higher-up's Jason Black and Utsuro's men from destroying Atlas, can Weiss, Wraith, and Tony save Atlas? We won't have an intro, anymore. We will just cut straight into the episode. We'll find out in this explosive and new episode! Also, the episode is dedicated to a friend who was previously sick and another friend as well, who needs to see something amazing. This episode was made, many, many months ago. But, I still dedicate this one to my good friends on this episode here, hopefully it makes their day as much as y'all's.


Let's roll the episode, peeps!

P.S. Apologies for the episode coming very, very late. It's been tough lately on work and real life. But, here you go and I hope y'all enjoy!


Opening Theme Plays

The opening visuals begins off with a collection of sakura leaves going past by and then, it does clear out as it slowly rises up in the night sky with the leaves passing by in the background, as a detail of light sparkles appears in the scene. As the RWBY: After the Fall Season 3 title card appears in a slow reveal like way and the moon can be seen along with the title card.

Then, the visuals fades out with a bright light effect, after the title card had appeared fully.

Alone on this spring night

As the visuals faded out, it shows Tyler Black with his eyes closed, sitting against a tree. 

Sighs fade out into the monochrome sky

The moonlight reflects down onto him, as he slowly had opened his eyes and they were visibly shown with dull eyes, slowly waking up and he starts to be looking up at the sky. Tyler slowly stood up and starts walking away from the light.

The waves of diligent people simply stared at me

The next scene shows Nashime "Kita" Yoshida, Ryuuto Yoshida, and Vanilla Frost outside of their home. Ryuuto having a smile on his face, as well as Kita. The moon light in the sky shines on them, as well as Vanilla. Vanilla's eyes lit up and she had a look where she seemed a bit upset, looking at the sky. But, Kita placed a hand on her shoulder and Vanilla turns the sad look into a smile.

Since all I did was wait for you

A quick moment can be seen with a trail of sakura leaves leaning towards the moon. 

Both of us, Both of us

This scene quickly transition to seeing Tyler Black running away as he almost trips but kept running.

Searched for that missing half of that month

Four transition moments can be seen. The first saw Tyler as a kid running away from his mother and brother. 

The second shows Tyler as a young teen, running with Roman Reigns and he had a reassuring smile on his face.

Third transition saw Tony Shimura, Roman Reigns, and Dean Ambrose running with Tyler together. Tyler is seen with a grin on his face.

Then, as he gains a memory of his mother and brother leaving him and his younger self is seen trying to reach out to them and his current self, even sees Tony, Roman, and Dean as the fade out from Tyler's mother and brother going into the light, without him. 

I was able to share this loneliness with you'

He shouts out as he finds himself falling down into a pit of darkness. 

But once again, I swear

The next scene can be seen with Tony Shimura on opposing sides against Tyler's brother, Jason Black. He ran towards them with Siegfried and the Ambrose Breaker. Jason took out Tyler's gun and shoots at him, as Tony blocks the bullets and he jumps into the air and does a double sword slash.

We quickly tried to change like how the towns usually do

The fight scene transitions into seeing Shinsuke Takasugi staring at the moon with his smoking pipe in hand and, Sayaka Ishiyama staring into the beautiful moon with a smile on her face.

Following seeing them, next up would see Yang Xiao Long and Kintoki Sakata sitting on the bench as he was looking up at the moon, in Vale. As Gintoki was standing, looking up at the moon next to his family with Tatsuma Sakamoto and Kotaro Katsura standing behind the family.

After this would see, and the shot is updated with Ray Rowe alongisde with his sister, Kazuko Rowe and Asuka Reigns standing on top of a tree at Mistral and the three had serious looks on their faces, as they were looking up at the moon. 

Even so, (even so) we still chased after it

A quick transition saw a still shot of Tony Shimura and Wraith Belladonna standing in the forefront, in front of the flames-filled Atlas.

A new shot can be seen with Jason Black sitting down on Weiss' office chair, watching Atlas burning to the ground as Shirou Tanahashi and Kazuhiro Inoue standing guard for Black. Black can be seen with a evil smirk on his face.

Ruby and Emilia Rose can be seen standing outside of Beacon, heading inside and looking at the beautiful moon in the sky. Himiko Ren is standing in the background, with a very worried expression on her face.

In Vacuo, Mutsuko Crowe, Velvet Crowe, Kaiku & Sagura Shimura, and Benjamin Shimura can be seen standing outside of Course Academy., looking up at the moon.

Roe Ket, Jake Belladonna, Kyrie Castillo, and Katsuke Shinoda can be seen at Menagerie, outside of Roe and Katsuke's home, watching the leaves and moon. 

A new shot can be seen with Oscar Pine standing by with Ozpin's cane in hand. and Richard Ambrose staring up at the moon with the matching serious looks on their faces. 

Also, the next shot can be seen with The Black Claw's leader Ao Taurus, along with her bodyguards standing by not looking up at the moon at all.

And finally, Utsuro can be seen staring at the moon with an evil smile, as Saiko Mayama can be seen with him as she had a evil smile on her face as well. 

Since that time, Since that time

Next scene shows Lily Black charging towards Tony Shimura, as the two began to clash swords back and forth. 

Searching for that missing half of that month

The exchange between the two ends with Lily kicking Tony in the gut as he would get sent back.

Tony can be seen with a shocked look on his face. A close-up shot shows Utsuro standing a front of him, with half of his face shown in the moonlight. He is seen with a cold, emotionless look on his face.

Then, Tony is standing up with both Ambrose Breaker and Siegfried in hand, ready to fight Utsuro.

Some time, Some time

The scene transitions back to Tyler Black running away still.

As Tyler is seen running towards to a cliff with the sakura tree up ahead, he sees going towards is his teen counterpart with his Shield brothers, he turns the look of sadness in his face into a slight smile. 

In his vision, he saw his teen self with Tony, Ambrose, and Roman, watching the beautiful moon and atmosphere. This fades out into seeing Tony by himself.

We'll head towards the blooming sakuras under the full moon 

Tyler joins Tony, as he tries to catch his breath. Tony looked at Tyler with a grin on his face, Tyler looked back at Tony with a smile. The scene can be seen static out as it's just Tyler standing there by himself and he had kept the smile on his face, as he was looking up at the sakura tree with falling petals coming from it.

The scene statics out once again to see a quick visual would see the Ambrose Breaker dropping to the ground, bouncing off the ground along with Siegfried to end the opening.


The episode begins off with the town of Atlas engulfed in flames. A number of huntsmen and huntresses were fighting off some assassins who works for Utsuro. Tony Shimura and Wraith Belladonna can be seen barging in through.

"Let's go, Wraith!" Tony shouted out at her, as he barges into the fight.

"Yeah..." Wraith just immediately turned her one-handed katana, Onimaru into her war gideon weapon, with her particle semblance, Solar Flayer. She started to smash her way through the field by attacking some of those assassins.

Tony uses his hand to hand combat fighting to get past them as well. 

Back to Wraith's point of view. 

Wraith has like six assassins coming after her. She would hit two assassins with the gideon and her weapon would immediately change into a gun, 20 seconds from almost ending the semblance. 

Three of the six assassins attempts to slash her with a sword, but she steps back as she shoots at them. The fourth one came from behind with a kunai in hand but she spun to the right side and shoots them at the side of their head. As the assassin accidentally threw their kunai at the fifth assassin, as that assassin got struck in the head with it. 

The final one came towards Wraith and her gun fades out in particles as it turns into a katana once again.

The assassin jumps in the air and attempts a spin-out sword slash but Wraith blocks it as their sword broke into two and Wraith would switches hands with her katana, and she delivers a hard clubbing blow to the back of their neck, as the assassin lands on his neck, thus breaking his neck. 

"Pathetic humans..." The black-haired faunus said, as she glared at all of the dead assassins. 

Tony began to use his Wind Trajectory Semblance, for his pendulum. He can use it to his advantage. He had like two assassins coming after him. He swings his pendulum at one of them and grabs a hold of them, as he pulls them back to deliver a spinning heel kick to the face. 

Then, the other assassin attempts to attack him with his sword and slashing at him in every turn, but Tony  slips and dodge a few times. As he saw yet another one coming at him with sword attacks. Tony swung his pendulum at the one behind him and grab a hold of his arm, as he kicks him in the gut and then pays attention back to the one who attempted to slash at his face but Tony lifted his leg up in the air to kick the sword out of their hands. 

As Tony follows that up with a break dance head spin turning that into kicks of his own to whoever was coming his way, including the one who attempted to slash at him with a sword. The assassin was just sent back to the ground after that huge kick to the face. 

"Wow...I didn't know I could do that..."

Tony gets back into his feet, as he looks straight ahead to see someone standing in front of him. It appears to be a swordsman, hm...That swordsman doesn't look too familiar at all. 

"Who are you?" He asked, as he slowly took out Siegfried from his holster. 

Tony had to guess that this man is apart of the chaos that's happening throughout Atlas. This is why he had to take Siegfried out, to defend himself.

The man straight ahead was definitely one of Utsuro's top rookies, Ashida Kanitaro. The man had a emotionless look on his face. He takes his sword out and didn't respond to Tony's question. 

"I see. You won't answer my ques--"

Ashida just ran towards Tony with his sword in hand, is ready to attack him with it. Tony turns Siegfried into a sword, as he was ready for the first move that opposing enemy made on him. 

They began to fend swords with each other. 

On the other hand, Wraith was standing face to face with two swordsmen who are involved in the chaos. Both swordsman's names are Kaneki Momoshiro and Renjiro Husaka. They were two of the five top rookies under Utsuro's organization. They seemed to be very cocky and confident that they will beat the shit out of this one.

"Well, well, well...If it isn't Atlas Military Leader, Wraith Belladonna of the Belladonna Family..." Renjiro said with a confident smirk on his face and he draws his sword, as he points that sword at Wraith. 

Kaneki did the same thing but with a serious, yet so confident smirk on his face. 

"This is gonna serve well for us, Renjiro...We'll have the head of the Military Leader of Atlas to our leader's collection.."

"I swear, you humans make me sick to my stomach..." Wraith responded back to them, as she takes out her railgun, Immobius and points it at them. 

Kaneki and Renijro started to charge towards Wraith, as they ran into different directions trying to have the numbers game play a role against her.

Wraith shot the ground, as she was hoisted up off from the ground into the air and she activates her semblance, by turning her railgun into a war gideon. As she attempts to slam her gideon at one of them, or at least targeting the ground to shake the earth in the ground.


Then, the fight cuts into the sky where Cinder Fall was, as she was watching Atlas fall and Wraith and Tony fighting off those swordsmen down below from where she was.

Cinder Fall was in the sky, with flames emanating from her hands and boots to keep herself floating up above and she was watching Tony and Wraith fighting the assassins down below with a smug look on her face.

" true destruction~ The future I happening before me. This is nice to see.

A green light would appear from behind Cinder and it was a whirlwind-like hurricane as it fades, and it appears to be Zaveid behind Cinder. He points Siegfried at her. 

"You won't escape that easily, Cinder..." Zaveid knew what was happening, since he was nearby Atlas at the time of this destruction began happening. 

"Oh, I won't Zaveid? That's what you exactly said, long time ago when you didn't save him...You know who I'm talking about too..." 

God, she went there....Bringing up Shinpachi's death 20 years ago...Damn, it did light a fire in Zaveid after hearing that...He shoots a bullet at Cinder immediately.

Cinder blocked the bullet with her aura, coming from her hand. She blocked it like it was nothing...She smiled at him evilly.

"Looks like you will lose again..." She said, as she flees away from the destroyed Atlas. 

Of course, she did this to draw Zaveid, who is a licensed huntsman away from the chaos. 

Zaveid was becoming enraged by this. Dammit, it pushed him that easily because she brought up a terrible memory in his life...Where he or Velvet couldn't save him, back then...


He shouted out loud, as he flees straight after her.


From a few minutes away from making it to the town of Atlas.

Sayaka Ishiyama, was on her way to making it there by tree, going by tree to tree.

"Damn...I need to get there...Save those people and figure out who were those people that went into the city....But, Shinsuke..." She thought to herself.

Flashback Scene

As Shinsuke and Sayaka were sitting outside of their home in the outskirts of Atlas where they saw the fire up ahead. 

Shinsuke exhaled smoke. after taking a small hit from his smoking pipe. He looks up at Sayaka with a slight smile. He wanted her to save those people from whatever danger that's happening in Atlas. Those people come first.

"Just go, Sayaka...It's okay, I'll be fine here.." He said to her, reassuring her that he would be fine. 

Sure, he couldn't do much while he's on the wheelchair. But, he's good enough to at least defend himself while being in the wheelchair.

"You sure, Shinsuke? What about--" 

Shinsuke drew his sword out, as he looks at Sayaka with his usual, confident grin.  

"No worries, Saya...I'll be fine, besides...I do have backup as well. For hunstmen and huntresses, they need to protect the people, no matter the cost. This will help you rack up more experience as a huntress. Understand?"

Sayaka understood what he said about the duty of huntsmen and huntress, she wanted to be a huntress that will do whatever it takes to protect people and yes, Shinsuke as well. She nodded her head at him. "Alright, Shinsuke." 

"Now, go out there and make me proud!" 

Shinsuke said with a grin on his face, he knew that her student could do it. He had faith in her to do her very best out there against the enemy who was destroying the town. 

In the background, sees two people in black clothing passing by into the trees. 

"Hm? Who are they?" 

She wondered. Sayaka noticed this, but Shinsuke didn't. She ran off and jumps onto a tree branch, as she was now on her way to Atlas.

Flashback ends.

"They might be headed to the same place as me. But, no worries, citizens of Atlas! I'm coming!" 

Sayaka thought in her mind, as she jumps out from the trees and going straight into the ground. She ran off, straight into town.


Back in Course Academy, in Vacuo. At the Headmaster's office, Sami Callihan was guarding the door as he asked to by Mutsuko, in the privacy to her and her family.

Mutsuko Crowe was sitting down in her office with the rest of the Crowe/Shimura family. 

Velvet Crowe, Benjamin Shimura, Kaiku & Sagura Shimura were here just to talk with Mutsuko about Tony and Atlas.

"So, I'm guessing you're here to figure out on where Tony could be, as of right now, right?" Mutsuko guessed right off the bat, she knew this was what they wanted to ask about.

The four family members looked at each other, Velvet stepped forward and looks at Mutsuko, giving her a simple response.

"Well, you're close...Girls, wanna tell her?" Velvet asked, looking over to her two daughters.

Kaiku places a hand on Sagura's shoulder and smiled at her. "You can tell her, Sags. It's okay." 

"Okay..." Sagura quietly responded to her sister.

"So, what is it, then? Sagura?" Mutsuko looks straight at her, she wondered on what they need to really discuss, when it came to Tony...Well, Tony is understandable, because they are the most concerned for him. But, what does Atlas have to do with all of this?

Sagura hoped that the man, who spoke to the family before about Tony was right...She took a deep breath in and out for that one moment. 

"We found out from someone, who lives in Atlas...They said they saw Tony going to Atlas! There has been sightings of him!" 

This was the best news Mutsuko has ever heard, she wanted to cry but she just can't...It's a relief that Tony is still alive out there...

"Sure, we may know that's where he had went to. But, we don't know the specifics on why he went to Atlas...Other than searching for his friend, and we already know it's Tyler. The man said he didn't know why..."

Benjamin fully explained to Mutsuko, as he looks over at the old photo of his former team, with him, Mutsuko, Velvet, and Shinpachi...Wow...25 years without Shinpachi around...Crazy...

"It's only been two years! We want to see him and help him!" Kaiku said. Tears were falling down from her eyes, and past her glasses, as she takes it off and dries the tears onto her white jacket sleeve. 

Sagura went over to hug her sister, trying to comfort her.

"So...What are you guys going to do now that you got this new information?" Mutsuko asked.

"We're gonna find him, we're gonna help him with his mission to find--" 

Mutsuko's office phone rings, while Velvet was cut off mid-sentence. She looks down at the caller ID and it was an unknown hotel-like number or something. Huh? Weird...She doesn't often get calls outside of the school, unless if it was either from different classrooms or teachers, or even from his family. But someone was calling from a hotel...

She looks up at Velvet, and Velvet nodded her head, basically telling her to answer the phone.

"Don't apologize, it's okay, sis. You can answer it..." It was almost like Velvet knew that this call had to be very important, Mutsuko is the headmaster of this school after all. 

Mutsuko goes over to answer the phone and answers. "Hello?"

Phone Call:

Speaking from the other line is actually Richard Ambrose and Oscar Pine, who is also Ozpin. 

Following Richard's run-in with Utsuro's lackeys, Saiko Mayama and Lily Black, with Oscar/Ozpin saving him back there at their hideout. They actually decided to go the nearest place and they are at a small village, staying at a hotel there. 

"Hello, is this Mutsuko Crowe?" Richard asked, as he had spoken over the speakerphone. 

"Wait...This voice...Are you--?!" 

Mutsuko quickly recognized who this was, if it is...She would immediately hang up because she hates that man, Richard Ambrose...After all of the shit he's done to his own son at the young age and his own wife, too instead of just being there for his wife and teaching his son how to be a man...

"Yes, Ms. Crowe...This is Ozpin and Mr. Ambrose here..." 

It appears, Ozpin had taken over Oscar's body for the moment. 

Mutsuko was shocked, no...Surprised is the right word...That can't be Ozpin, right?! RIGHT?! He fucking died a long time ago, after Shinpachi did....But, how?!

"You must be playing a joke...Are you?! I don't have time for this, Ambrose! Aren't you supposed to be in--" 

"It's true, Mutsuko...Ozpin is really here with me and still in the body of Oscar Pine...Sorry to cut you off, but it's in fact, true...Ozpin is here and alive still..." Richard clarified. 

"Hold on for a second..."

Mutsuko would put the phone call on speakerphone, so that the family could hear this..."Can you hear me, you two?!" 

Velvet, Kaiku, Benjamin, and Sagura were absolutely curious on who Mutsuko was talking to. They were ready to hear the "person" or "people" over the other line.

"Yes, Mutsuko..." Richard responded.

"Yup, Ms. Crowe. We can hear you just fine." Ozpin responded. 

Velvet and Benjamin quickly recognized those voices...They couldn't believe it...

"No fucking way..." Benjamin's eyes widened, taken aback by the people who were over the phone.

Velvet was just speechless, remembering that last voice from anywhere...What the hell?! But, that can't be right?

"What are you calling about and where are you at?! And...Oz...We...thought you--" Mutsuko asked, wondering on why they called and where were they calling from.

Ambrose came up with an answer for the question that Mutsuko just asked. 

"To leave a long story short...I actually found a lot of things, one...Saiko Mayama's location. Two, it's confirmed that she's with someone...But, it's someone that nobody would expect, it's just Ozpin's theory though, Three...I did find out that...they have Tyler Black and they also are trying to eliminate Atlas, before getting to every last country in Remnant..."

"Yes, the name of the person who is trying to take out Atlas is..." 

The scene cuts to being outside of the building and shouting can be heard.



Coming from Vale, Lie Ren, Nora Valkryie, Shizuka, and Jaune Arc were on their way to Vacuo, to go and see Mutsuko Crowe at Course Academy. But, they had to go past Britannia Village to get there, which was in between both Vale and Vacuo. 

Gladly after recovery in the town, the people were very active and just back to doing normal things after these past two years. 

"Wow!! The town is more active and lively like before! And they have expanded a little more now!" 

Shizuka said with a lot of excitement and she was happy to see everyone just active and all. It was nice to see, definitely. 

"Yea, seems like everyone is more happier than before! It's great to see the village back up and running, once again." Jaune responded, nodding his head in agreement with Shizuka.

Ren and Nora walked with them, holding each other's hand

"So much has changed since that time...Changes have been made, and the mood has been very lively here! The energy is much more fluid than before! And, more importantly, we're BACK TOGETHER AGAIN!!! How exciting is that?!" 

Nora had her other hand on Jaune's shoulder, shaking him and she was excited that they were back together for the first time in years.

Ren smiled, watching Nora and Jaune, man....It felt so nostalgic, going back to their days when they were in Beacon and when Pyrrha was alive too.

As the group were walking towards the bridge, about to make their exit from the village.

Ren notices Ryuuto Yoshida and his daughter, Nashime "Kita" Yoshida down below the nearby the river, at the grave site of Dean Ambrose, doing a prayer..

"Hm...Is that Ryuuto and his daughters?" Ren asked.

Jaune, Nora, and Shizuka looks over to see Ryuuto and Kita doing a prayer for the former Shield member that died on that very spot, two years ago, in the fight he had with Tony. 

"Should we go down there and say hello?" Shizuka asked them.

"Nah, it wouldn't be right to...interrupt them in their prayer..." Jaune said, as he continued to walk and moving forward. 

Ren did agree to that, as he walked forward as well and Nora follows behind.

Ryuuto began to notice Ren, Nora, Jaune, and Shizuka walking on the bridge, as he looks over towards the girls and as they finished their prayer. 

"Hey, Kita...There goes your friend, Shizuka! Wanna go and say hello to her real quick?" Ryuuto asked, as he wanted her to go and see her friend. 

Kita quickly nodded her head, as she bowed at the front of his memorial grave and she went up the stairs, headed up to the bridge. Yes, they built some stairs for the river's surface down below. She ran towards her for a hug. "Shizuka!!!!"

Before Shizuka could catch up with them, she saw Kita running up the stairs and embraces the hug Kita gave her. "Hey, Kita! How are you?"

"I'm doing well! Just sending our prayers to my guardian angel...What are you doing here? It's been two years, since we've last seen you!" Kita excitedly said to one of her closest friends. 

Shizuka was happy to see Kita. Them, Jaune, Ren, and Nora watched them hug it out. It was nice to see in their eyes, of course.

"Well, I'm with Teacher, Ren, and Nora! We're about to go to Vacuo! It's for a very important mission." Shizuka said without explaining the full details on the "mission" that Team JNR and Shizuka are on. 

"Mission, huh? Well, I wish you luck, Shizuka! You too, guys! Be safe!" Kita waved at Jaune, Nora, and Ren before going back to hug Shizuka again. "Stay safe, Shizuka. We're cheering you all on!" 

"I will. You stay safe too." Shizuka said, as she let's go of the hug at the same time as Kita did. She ran off, as she caught up with the team and they moved forward.

Ryuuto had finally made it up to the bridge with Kita and he smiled, as he was happy to see Kita reuniting with one of her close friends she met after the war, from two years ago.


Back with Ray, Kaneko, and Asuka as they were on the boat and with Ray rowing the boat and Asuka having the map in her hands and Kaneko being the lead here.

They seem to be headed off towards Atlas.

"Go west, Ray. We're not far away from Atlas." Asuka instructed, as she was reading the map.

Ray nodded his head at Asuka. "Got it..." He rowed towards the west side direction. 

Kaneko wondered on why did Asuka just decided to come with them, other than wanting to get retribution for the loss of her brother instead of staying with her mother, where it's mostly safe.

"Asuka...Why didn't you stay with your mother? I understand you want to get retribution for your brother and all but, why? Why put yourself in dang-"

Asuka places her index finger to Kaneko's lips, trying to quiet her. 

"Why? Because...this is something you both shouldn't be handling on your own. Mom can protect herself, and she got some brothers to make sure nothing ever goes wrong with Mistral...So, I'm here with you now to make sure you both make it back alive. I can't stand to see anymore people die, because of a war that they were never supposed to be involved in..."

She took her finger off, as she smiled slightly at Kaneko. "I see..." 

"Guys...Bad news..." Ray saw Atlas straight ahead, as he saw it engulfed in flames...

Kaneko, Asuka, and Ray was shocked to see what's happening to the whole place. 

"Please tell me we're not too late! Right?!" Kaneko just couldn't keep her composure, just looking at how destroyed Atlas looked. 

Ray thought that, it's not too late to save Atlas or the people within it. "It looks like the destruction has begun...Should we go out there?" 

"Yeah. Let's go and pull up, we're gonna find out who or what was behind this..." Asuka called out to Ray.

Ray nodded his head at Asuka, as he pulls up to shore with the boat with Asuka and Kaneko on board.


Meanwhile in Atlas Academy, the headmaster, Weiss Schnee had gotten past the samurai who were guarding the entire place, in attempt to make sure nobody was interfering with the plans that Utsuro had set in place for his faction.

Jason Black, who was sitting down in Schnee's office, watching the chaos going on. He had a smug look on his face, he was proud to see the destruction of this very city happening before his very eyes.

Shirou Tanahashi and Kazuhiro Inoue was standing side by side in front of the desk, on guard for Jason.

Jason did quickly sense a presence nearby, he knew there was someone on their way here. "Shirou, Inoue...Keep on the lookout for our special guest...Stay on your guard."

"Alright, Mr. Black..." Shirou said, without any emotion or feeling in him. 

Kazuhiro took his sword out, as he kept his guard up for when the enemy arrives. "Okay."

Weiss Schnee uses her glyphs to break into the office, thus breaking the door and seeing multiple men flying into the room, literally have been taken out by those glyphs. 

Kazuhiro does a slant sword slash to one of the glyphs, as Shirou using quick sword skill attacks to take out the remaining glyphs. 

Jason Black was still sitting down in the chair behind the desk, calmly and comfortably watching the chaos ensue in Atlas. He didn't even bother to turn around, because he knew Weiss can't make it past Shirou and Kazuhiro.

"So, I see you've come finally...Weiss Schnee..."

As the smoke clears in the room, Weiss Schnee is standing by herself in front of Shirou and Kazuhiro, with a serious look on her face. 

"Yeah, and I'm guessing you're the one who orchestrated this and Cinder Fall's escape. If so...You're terrorism, you making an escape route for Cinder, and you DESTROYING my school, the government, this town, and the people within it. It stops right here and right now!" 

"Well, I hate to break it to you. But, if you wanna fight him...Better go through us to do it." Shirou simply said to Weiss, as he pointed his sword straight at Weiss. 

Kazuhiro looked at Weiss with a somewhat look of concern on his face. As if he didn't want to fight her like this. He had his doubts about this. He readies himself for this fight, anyways. 


Back to the chaos at hand outside of Atlas Academy. 

Two people can be seen running rampant over the enemy force, down below. They were the same people that Sayaka Ishiyama saw earlier on. Both of them had cloaks over their heads. 

Both of them were talking to each other.

"How close are we to him?" The tall person on the right asked, that sounded a male's voice.

The shorter person on the left responds back to him. "We're not too far off from him!" It seems like it's a female's voice. 

Who were these people is a mystery to everyone? Why are they here in a place like this, while there is destruction happening in the town. Also, it seems like both of them are here for someone.

Wraith had taken out those two cocky samurai, without a problem. "Hmph, is that really all you both had to offer? And you said you were gonna have my head on your boss' silver platter, huh? How pathetic..." 

Then, she saw those same two people running an onslaught through everyone. 

"Huh?! HEY! STOP! YOU CAN'T-- Dammit..." 

Wraith did spot one of them having a grin on their face. "Who is that and why are they here when they should be outside of the city away from the chaos?" She thought, then began to run after them to find out why they are really here.

After both Tony and Ashida clashed swords, they were going back and forth in crazy speed. 

Ashida attempts to do a horizontal sword slash but Tony slid under the sword, as he quickly stood back up and the moment he got back up, he jumps in the air, trying to go for a spin out vertical sword slash. Ashida counters with a spinning side kick to the gut, which actually connected.

Tony landed on his feet, basically keeping his balance. "Damn!" 

Ashida was quick enough to get up close to Tony, attempting a uppercut sword slash. 

Tony had no time to think of an counterattack because he was that quick. "Shit! He's quick" 

Then, before they knew it, someone fired a few shots at Ashida. Which Ashida had to call an audible, by sidestepping the fired shots and blocking some of those bullets with his sword. 

Tony sat back after seeing his life flashing before his very eyes, as he saw someone standing behind him.

That tall person walked in front of Tony, as they did respond to Tony's question. "Don't worry, kiddo...You can sit tight while we handle this guy."

"Kiddo...? What do you mean?" Tony simply asked, as he looked up at the tall person in front of him. 

With Ashida having his back turned, the second person in the cloak appears from behind. She aims her bow and arrow, as she shot a heat-seeking missile like arrow at Ashida. 

Ashida turns around to slash his way through that arrow, only for the person in the cloak to quickly run towards him and changing their current weapon, the bow and arrow into a shape of a two-handed sword. 

They attempt to do a cyclone sword attack with the two-handed sword. 

Ashida slid under that first attempted sword slash, but the second under that cyclone attack he couldn't even dodge that as he did get cut by the cheek. 

Following that cyclone attack, that cloaked person quickly changes their weapon's shape of form once again, but this time into a sniper rifle and fires a huge explosive bullet at Ashida. 

Ashida didn't see it coming at all, as he did get struck in the shoulder with that huge bullet. 

"Damn! Who in the hell are these people and why would they save someone who's worth of dying? Someone that Lord Utsuro ordered us to kill." He silently said to himself. 

The shorter person, the woman in the cloak also stood in front of Tony and beside the man, who she came here with. The woman's weapon immediately turns back into a sword. 

"Are you okay?" 

Tony was watching this unfold between these two random people who just showed up. But, that sword style and those attacks that the other person made is very impressive. And then, he was even more caught off guard on how the second person just called him by his name.

He was confused as to why they knew his name and asks them. "Who are you guys?" 

"Well, I'd say it's been a long time, hasn't it? We haven't seen you in ages." 

The man said with a grin on his face, as he slowly pulls his hood over slowly revealing himself as Yusuke Kuromiya. 

The woman also took her hood off as well. She had a smile on her face, because...She has a chance to see her friend's son for the first time in years, Havana Miku was very happy to see him.

"You're like a spinning image of your own father and mother, aren't you, Tony?"

Tony didn't know what to make of this, the reveal of the people who saved him. He does remember seeing an old photo, back at Shoku Shinjuku, when he was young. He does remember seeing two other people in the photo that looked very unfamiliar. Then, the fact they mentioned his parents and his dad. 

The 20-year old kid of Shinpachi Shimura was surprised that they knew his parents, and...He wasn't sure if they were the two other students in the photo with the old class from so long ago. 

This scene cuts into the ending theme credits. 


Ending Theme Plays

Theme Song: Lily by Luck Life

The ending visuals begins off with a full sight view of the new bridge at Britannia Village and in the background is seen with a beautiful atmospheric view, in the daylight.

A slideshow transition shows the full view of Vale, Atlas, Vacuo, and Mistral, in the same atmospheric view as well. 

I burned something for someone

Following the transitions would show Tony Shimura with his back turned and he held Ambrose Breaker onto his shoulder, letting it rest as the background visuals is him looking up at the light. 

It made me suffocate

Tony Shimura is seen looking up, he doesn't seem to look back at all. 

Then, a quick scene would see Tony and his father, Shinpachi Shimura crossing paths and he fades into the light, as it quickly transitions to Dean Ambrose walking past Tony as well. And Dean is seen fading into the light from the darkness as well.

Mixed up my priorities, emotions are swaying

Next would show Vanilla Frost and Nashime "Kita" Yoshida together, back to back. Vanilla is seen with a somewhat smile, but slowly turning into a sad look on her face as Kita is seen with a smile, yet with a concerned feeling for Vanilla.

I forgot how to be myself

A memory transition sees Vanilla and Tony on their final moment before Tony's departure. She had a memory of seeing Tony waving without looking back, leaving the village. 

The memory slowly burns out into a transition to seeing Tyler Black looking back and he was standing in the middle of town at the village, following the war, four years ago. 

Please, choose me

Tyler Black is now seen with his back turned as well but he is slightly looking back, as the background visuals with him facing the darkness and fog around him. He is seen with his hands in his pockets. 

I feel pain in my heart

Tyler envisions himself crossing paths with Roman Reigns, as he fades away into the light as well. He tries his best not to tear up at all...But, he wakes up in his vision to see his mother, Lily Black singing into his ear from behind and all he sees his brother, Jason Black a front of him. 

This sorrow and hollow feeling

Black slowly closes his eyes to the singing as tears slowly fell down from his eyes down to his cheeks. 

Following this, would show Utsuro standing fully with his back turned as he had Saiko Mayama by his side and she was next to him, facing forward and she had her long sword in hand. Saiko had a psychotic smile on her face. 

Are throbbing right here

After would show quick transition shots shows Gintoki Sakata balling up his fist, Ryuuto Yoshida looking outside at the sky with a slightly serious look on his face, Shinsuke Takasugi gripping his fingers onto his covers, and Ray Rowe gritting at his teeth in anger.

Then, three moments sees Yang grabbing onto Gintoki's hand, Vanilla hugging Tony from behind, and someone reaching their hand out to Tyler.

Tears, please don't overflow

A brief moment shows Tyler with tears falling down his cheeks. 

Then, it shows multiple scenes with the following:

Tony crying a front of Vanilla after she saves him and embracing her in a hug. 

Kita also crying for Dean after finding out about his death. 

Gintoki tearing up before him executing Shoyo Yoshida with a crying smile on his face. 

Dean in his final moments with Tony, tearing up as well. 

Roe Ket in tears as well after Kaiku and Sagura helped her get through her trouble of being alone. 

Kaiku, Sagura, and Velvet in tears following Tony's return before the war. 

Following this scene can be shown with Ray Rowe hugging his sister, Kazuko while both of them are in tears.

I breath out quietly

Tony Shimura and Vanilla Frost shouting out to Cinder Fall as they began to hit their combo move on her. 

After this would show Velvet Crowe holding hands with Shinpachi Shimura, tearing up before his death.

Following this moment would see Saiko Mayama in her mental breakdown after failing to re-capture Tony. 
During this breakdown shows, Utsuro lending a hand down for Saiko. 

Saiko slowly reached out to Utsuro's hand as the scene fades out into the light.

I held it in so no one'll notice me

Next scene is transitioned to seeing Himiko Ren can be seen running after someone and reaching out to them, as she sees that person walking away. 

Then, a quick transition sees Ray Rowe walking away as she is running towards for him. He looked back slightly at her as he turned his head back to forward and he fades away from Ren. 

Himiko didn't get to catch his hand in time, either once he did fade away.

She tears up as Ruby Rose and Emilia Rose walked up to her as both of them, places a hand on her shoulder. Jake is seen with a smile on his face, as well as Emilia.

Following that scene showed a still shot of Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren, and Shizuka walking away from Beacon Academy, heading off to Vacuo.

What's "being myself?"

Next scene can be shows Jason Black, standing in the forefront of Weiss Schnee's office at Atlas Academy, alongside with Shirou Tanahashi and Kazuhiro Inoue standing side by side.

Next still shot saw Mutsuko Crowe at Course Academy, watching her students from the window of the school and is seen sitting on her office chair with Sami Callihan, Velvet Crowe, Benjamin Shimura, Kaiku and Sagura Shimura in the background.

With Mutsuko looking out into the window, in the reflection of the mirror had shown her with a look of suspicion on her face. 

The camera shot transitions into the destroyed town of Atlas.

Please, someone answer this question

Following the scene with Crowe, it transitions back to Tony, Wraith, and Weiss standing outside of the prison to see Atlas engulfed into flames.

All three of them looked very serious as they began to part ways.

Tony shot a bullet from his gun and Wraith would do sword slash, which brings it into the next scene.

What do I have? What can I do?

This scene would do a downward-like spiral transitional scene to seeing Tyler still sleeping under his own subconscious and Lily holding onto her son. 

Until someone slowly reaches out to Tyler, at least in his mind and somewhat hears a voice as well, shouting out to him. 

A quick scene sees Tony singing "What do I have?", as he was standing looking up at the sun and Tyler's expression is updated with him, singing out with a sad look on his face, "What can I do?" looking down at the ground in the nighttime.

As the wind blows, I stared at the light 

Tyler opens his eyes slowly, as he saw Roman, Tony, Dean, and himself together in his vision, as he saw themselves together in his vision, he tears up a bit but in his real vision sees just Tony with his back turned, with him looking back at Tyler with a smile on his face. And Roman and Dean can be seen standing behind Tyler and they push him towards Tony.

Quick memory shots shows Tyler growing up with Roman, then teaming with him, Dean, and Tony, as they head to Beacon, and finally the last shot sees Tony and Tyler high-fiving Dean and Roman as Dean and Roman fades out into the light. 

Tyler starts to smile, as he turns around finally. Tony looks behind as well fully from his earlier shot, as well as Vanilla and Kita. 

The ending visuals finishes up with seeing Tony and Tyler with Vanilla and Kita back to back as their teen selves, as the adult Tony, Tyler, Kita, and Vanilla looks at their teen selves. 


"Hello, guys! It is I, the Headmaster of Atlas, Weiss Schnee speaking to you amazing fans out there!"

The audience gave Weiss a standing ovation, one she actually loved to get. 

"We thank you for tuning into this week's episode! We had a pretty action-packed episode, and how about that finish at the end of the episode?! It seems as like we got some more people re-emerge from the past, from our time! Where have those two been this entire time?! What was there reason to show up now whle the town was getting destroyed by some group of assassins myself. Speaking of, I got some assassins and some idiot I have to deal with back in the Academy. Gotta do what I gotta do to save my school and my town. And how about that Zaveid vs. Cinder tease?! That's gonna be insane! And what kind of information did Ozpin and Mr. Ambrose gave to the Crowe and Shimura family?! Oh, and before I give the next episode title. The producer of the show decided on the next opening theme starting on Episode 32, and that'll be "Aurora" by Aoi Eir! Finally, someone new is doing the opening! Anyways, the next episode. Episode 30, Despair and Hope! This next episode is gonna be very intense. Here's the preview images for that new episode! See you all on the next episode!"

Weiss waved at the audience with the crowd cheering in the background, as she walking away with the preview images appearing.


Preview Images: Episode 30 - Despair and Hope

Gintoki Sakata, Tatsuma Sakamoto, and Kotaro Katsura along with Yang Xiao Long-Sakata, sat down at the bar together, recalling old memories from the wars together and Gintoki and Katsura's past in Shoka Shinjuku, along with Shinsuke Takasugi, who wasn't present here. They were all laughing and having a good time. 

Next image saw Gintoki holding a old picture with all of the people who attended Shoka Shinjuku back then, with people like Ryuuto, Shinpachi, Katsura, Takasugi, Velvet, Benjamin, Miku, Yusuke, Mutsuko, and himself in there with the rest. Shoyo Yoshida was in the middle of that class picture they took.

Cinder was waiting for Zaveid to arrive at a certain place, a very familiar place...

Utsuro sitting in his throne, in the control room watching all of the monitors with a evil grin on his face with what it appears to be Saiko Mayama in his lap. 

Tyler Black in what it seems to be his "dream", looking back at the times he had with his Shield Brothers.

Havana Miku, Yusuke Kuromiya, Tony Shimura, and Wraith Belladonna standing back to back against a full crowd of swordsmen, mages, and whatever else that Utsuro had in his forces.

Final image is shown with Weiss Schnee charging towards Shirou Tanahashi and Kazuhiro Inoue, while Jason Black comfortably sits back and watches them fight.

Preview ends.

Next Episode: Episode 30 - Despair and Hope

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