Sunday, December 8, 2019

Episode 26, Season 3 - Back to the Past

REMINDER: The canon characters of RWBY are owned by Monty Oum and Rooster Teeth, as well as the characters of Gintama are owned by Hideaki Sorachi. Also, the only Tales of characters that will be involved is Velvet Crowe and Zaveid, I do not own these characters but Yoshiharu Gotanda does since he's the creator of Tales of.


Writer's Thoughts: Hello, guys! RWBYFan19, here back with Season 3 of After the Fall! I apologize for the long wait here, been working and dealing with some stuff in real life! I finally got a new laptop and I cannot wait to continue this fanfic for you guys! A little update. Don't worry, Part 3 of ATF with the remade episodes will come out eventually! Anyways! Let's get to the episode!


The episode begins with multiple flashbacks with the Fall of Beacon from twenty years ago.
A narrating voice sounds off in the background about it's past.

"Long ago..."

The flashback sees The White Fang and Adam Taurus, along with Roman Torchwick and Cinder Fall destroying Beacon Academy as Beacon had multiple students as well as from different schools trying to defend Beacon as well. Grimm was heavily involved as well.

"Remnant, mostly in Vale saw a new era...A era that was truly experienced with..."

The narrating voice paused as a red background appears where Adam Taurus severely injures Yang Xiao Long by slashing his sword at the arm of Yang, a front of Blake Belladonna.


A black background would fade in as a background and it shows a flashback with Pyrrha Nikos sending Jaune Arc into the weapon pod away from Beacon.

"Sad goodbyes..."

Then, the darkness would fade in once more. Timeline wise, would go back to see at the Beacon Tower in the end of the Cinder vs. Pyrrha fight where Cinder shoots one of her arrows at the heart of Pyrrha and Ruby Rose sees this.

"The worst of all...Death and heartbreak..."

Ruby was in shock as Cinder places a hand on Pyrrha's forehead as Pyrrha fades away. Then, Ruby cries out and screams out as the Silver Eyes activated and the whole background changes into all white afterwards.

"But, after all of that. A certain team was broken, later brought back together to stop one villain ahead of them that's caused The Fall of Beacon and the wars to happen."

The background would be painted in with color and it's in Salem's castle. Salem is shown.

"This woman, this dangerous woman...The darkness flows within her, because of her selfish needs. This woman's name is Salem and she won't stop at nothing until...The world is burnt down to the ground a front of her...."

What's next is shown with pages like a history book would be flipped and sees a war breaking out. The pages flip once more as the paint is being placed in the page with Team RWBY standing side by side with Ryuuto Yoshida, Gintoki Sakata, Zaveid, Shinsuke Takasugi, Shinpachi Shimura, Mutsuko Crowe, Velvet Crowe, Qrow Branwen, Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren, Oscar Pine, and Raven Branwen on their side along with tons and tons of allies by their side.

"A war would be engaged. One side was the legendary Team RWBY alongside with their allies, that came along for in their journey."

Next page is flipped as it's shown with The White Fang with leader, Adam Taurus and many more on his side and standing from a few minutes off of where they were was Salem shown standing inside from the castle, watching this from afar.

"As The White Fang and Adam Taurus was ready for war. Salem was watching from afar. Then, from there the war finally begun."

A brand new page had been created as it would be painted in as it shows Team RWBY defeating Salem, alongside with Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie. Oscar Pine, and Lie Ren.

"Then, Salem was defeated by our heroes of the past. Sure, the war with Salem ended. But, things took a dark turn with The White Fang and Team RWBY's allies."

Another page would be stained in paint as it shows Shinsuke Takasugi, Velvet Crowe, Shinpachi Shimura, Mutsuko Crowe, Qrow & Raven Branwen, and Zaveid being held down as Adam Taurus watched them grovel and is enjoying it. As Shoyo Yoshida is seen tied up at the end of the cliff.
After this, then a page is turned as Gintoki Sakata is seen slashing Shoyo's head off clean with his sword, forcibly.

"After Shoyo's sacrifice for his students. The war did indeed end but on a sad note as our heroes stared at the sun, looking into the future as The White Fang did die down after the war and later disband. This would be the end of the past generation."

Then, a new book would be picked up by someone as the person would open that book. As the book has pages that needs to be filled in. But, the background would be painted in as a new generation would be shown standing a front of Beacon Academy.

"After twenty years of chaos and war. A new generation has risen. The new generation will make sure the world is safe from any sort of danger..."

A page is flipped and the background gets painted in as it would show Dean Ambrose in his new demon form killing Roman Reigns a front of Tony Shimura, Tyler Black, Mutsuko Crowe, Seth Thurston, Asuka Reigns, Vanilla Frost, and Nashime "Kita" Yoshida.

"Then...even in the new generation, darkness exists within the new generation..."

A new page is shown, one of the new pages is there but the one to the right is not painted in yet. The page to the left shows Dean not turning his back to look at his former teammates, as he did side with Cinder Fall, Roe Ket, Zero Kishitani, Katsuke Shinoda, and Saiko Mayama. Tony is shown with an angered look on his face.

"This is where...Anger, darkness, despair, and finally...hatred comes into play..."

The page to the right is now painted in as it shows Tony Shimura standing all alone, in the rain and is apparently seen at Atlas, raging in the rain by himself, continuing his search for Dean, following his interaction with Saiko Mayama using her Darkness Control on him. He is seen shouting out loud out of desperation and anger.

"The boy, Tony Shimura is now under his own darkness and fighting his own subconscious, with a desperate mind, that's close to breaking. Trying to prove he can save someone on his own and under his own power."

Another page is flipped and is seen with someone holding their hand out to Tony, as Dean walked away into the darkness. Saiko is shown holding her hand out and Vanilla holding hers on opposite sides as Tony was in the middle.

"Now...Darkness or Light, Give up or keep fighting is his two only options...Which will he choose?...

A page is flipped once more as it shows Vanilla Frost hugging Tony Shimura, outside of Beacon Academy, with an laid out Saiko Mayama as well as the Beacon's head, Ruby Rose, Jake Belladonna, a close friend of Tony's, and Vanilla's sister, Nashime "Kita" Yoshida watching the two hug.

....A choice was made when the girl, Vanilla Frost woke him from the boy's own darkness. The boy, Tony... chose to continue the fight and his mission to save his friend..."

A new page is seen as it's shown Tony Shimura, Nashime "Kita" Yoshida, and Vanilla Frost heading towards for Britannia Village for the upcoming war.

"The young trio now is going into their hometown village and defend Vale from darkness and war, that the enemy declares...."

Another page is flip on the left as it's shown on both pages, of the two sides which sees on one side, Ryuuto Yoshida, Velvet Crowe, Zaveid, Ray Rowe, Emilia Rose, Himiko Ren, Kaiku and Sagura Shimura, Tyler Black, Kintoki Sakata, and Asuka Reigns in the village defending for Vale. The other side would see Cinder Fall leading the charge for her side alongside with Roe Ket, Zero Kishitani, and her forces heading into the village to start the war. In the background shows Dean Ambrose standing on the village's bridge.

"As the war emerges..."

The next page shows Dean Ambrose fully in his demon form and holding the Demon-Dweller Sword, as Tony Shimura was standing on the opposing side with Siegfried in hand.

"For better or worse...Two friends, now enemies, a rivalry...It will all collide ahead on one battle and whoever is the last man standing...the rivalry came to ahead."

The page is flipped over as the picture was painted in of Tony and Dean laying side by side on the ground, at the bottom of the riverbank. Dean can be seen dying with a smile on his face.

"Of course, one died and the other remained alive to tell the tale."

To the right page, sees Tony Shimura picking up the Demon-Dweller Sword and Siegfried after his fight with Dean.

"With the request of taking the Demon-Dweller Sword as a gift from his friend. Tony rose up and took the sword, as he was finally ready to join the war."

On the next page, it was also painted in shown with Tony standing in front of Cinder Fall, back at Britannia Village. In the two pages sees him fighting her and defeating her.

"After joining the fight and taking on Cinder...Tony with the will of his friend, defeated Cinder Fall and saved his hometown village, as well as the world."

The final page would show a picture of Tony, Vanilla, Kita, Kaiku, Sagura, Himiko, Emilia, and Kintoki, two years later in a group photo together.

"After the war ended, the world is safe and sound yet again thanks to our heroes..."

"... But, for how long?" 

The book is closed by someone as he drops it to the ground and burns it up with a lighter.

"The world will crumble...At your expense, Shimura...."

The narrator reveals himself out to be Utsuro and he smiled evilly, as he walks away.


The episode begins off without the opening credits and it starts with a flashback, when the original Shoka Shinjuku was alive.

This was when Shoyo Yoshida was alive as well. He was sitting outside of the dojo. It was in the night time.

His pupil student, Gintoki Sakata and his little brother, Ryuuto Yoshida was inside sleeping.

"...Such a beautiful night, tonight...I love this type of feel to the weather..."

Shoyo said to himself, as he looks up at the moon in the sky. The moonlight reflecting in his eyes and he had a bright smile. The wind around him was blowing around him, along with his long grey hair.

Then, he can sense someone's presence from behind as he can see a knife being pointed at his neck.

Shoyo didn't seem to flinch here.

"Oh, hello...Salem's puppet..."

"Don't play games with me, Shoyo Yoshida! You have something that Salem is looking for... Now, tell me where is it?"

A male voice shouted and asked the calm and collected, teacher of Shoka Shinjuku. He threatened him.

Shoyo still didn't seem to be very intimidated by it. He kept a smile on his face and looks back at the masked male.

"I know she's looking for it, but I'm longing not to tell you anything. Why would I tell you something so confidential?"

"You're seriously trying to speed up your death, Yoshida. Better tell me where it is or I will actually kill--"

Shoyo would vanish as he would reappear, standing behind him. His eyes turned red and he was close from taking his sword out.

"What the?!"

"...Were you just about to kill me...? I wouldn't recommend doing that....Make sure you tell Salem that, I will not tell her where it is. If she wants it, she better come and get it herself. Not her obedient dog... You're lucky, I don't kill people in this persona here... So, if I was you. Walk away now and you'll live to see another day...."

Shoyo said in a deeper, yet scary tone of voice. This was the darkest side of Shoyo.

The male looked back at Shoyo, with his eyes widened and fear was shown in his eyes, as he would run away from Shoyo. He shouts out to him.

"You'll pay for this, Shoyo Yoshida!!!"

Shoyo watches the masked male running away, as he breaths in and out, closing his eyes. Only to open them again, his eye color was back to normal. He smiled as he looked up at the sky again.


The next scene would show the younger, Gintoki Sakata and Ryuuto Yoshida in the same room together inside the dojo.

Ryuuto was sleeping on one side of the room, while Gintoki slept in the other.

Gintoki slowly wakes up, and his stomach was growling, as he held his stomach.

He noticed that Ryuuto was asleep.

"Man... I'm so hungry...But, I don't wanna wake up Ryuuto...I guess I gotta be quiet about it..." Gin thought to himself, as he rubs his eyes and he slowly but surely walks over to the door.

He looked over at Ryuuto, as he came close to hitting the wall. Of course, the room was dark.

Gin bumps into the wall while making sure Ryuuto stays asleep.

"Ow!" The silver haired boy covered his mouth, trying to not be too loud when Ryuuto was asleep.

"Mm.. U-Uh..." Ryuuto would turn over on the bed.

Gintoki held his nose as he watched Ryuuto turn his body over under the cover in the bed.

"Phew...At least, that didn't wake him..." 

He thought in his mind as he walks out of the room, and slowly closes the door behind him.

Gintoki had made it towards downstairs, heading into the kitchen. He sees the door being opened and he saw Shoyo sitting down outside.

"Hm...I wonder why Shoyo-sensei is outside..."

Gintoki wondered. He would just go into the kitchen. The boy would make some cereal. What it appears to be the Pumpkin Pete's cereal, with huntress, Pyrrha Nikos on the cover of the cereal box.

Gin was eating his cereal, as Shoyo would get up from sitting down outside.

Shoyo comes back into the dojo part of the home, as he would yawn. He sees Gintoki sitting in the kitchen, eating.

"Hey, kiddo. What are you doing up this late at night?" The teacher asked his pupil student, as he enters into the kitchen. He asked him with a smile on his face.

Gintoki looks over to see Shoyo-sensei at the entrance of the kitchen. He didn't think sensei would notice him in the kitchen, eating.

"U-Uh...Shoyo-sensei! I-I'm sorry. I just got hungry, is all." Gintoki sped up eating his cereal.

Shoyo laughed as he would walk over towards the kitchen table and sat down on the opposite side of the table from where Gintoki was sitting.

"What's funny?" Gin curiously asked.

"Oh, it's nothing, Gintoki. It's okay. If you needed some food, you're free to do so. I mean. You do live here. Right?" Shoyo responded back.

Gintoki nodded his head at his teacher, as he continues to eat his cereal. "Yeah, I guess so."

"So, Gintoki. I wonder...When you grow up, what kind of huntsmen would you want to be, when you're finished up with Shoka Shinjuku?" 

Shoyo asked, looking over at Gintoki. He wondered what his future plans might be for the future.

Gintoki stopped eating, to think about it for a moment. What kind of huntsmen he wants to be?
He would then respond to his question..

"The kind of huntsmen I want to someone who anyone depend on, at any given time. No matter what, I want to able to protect people, even if it costs me my life."

The silver haired boy responded out to Shoyo. Shoyo smiled at the answer his student made.

"I like that answer. I think you'll be a fantastic huntsmen, Gintoki..." 

Shoyo said, as he sat up and looked at Gintoki, placing his hands into his sleeves with a smile on his face.

"Well, Gintoki. Before you become a huntsmen. You have to get through Shoka Shinjuku. The best advice I can give is...Always listen, learn, and improve. It'll happen someday. Understand?"

"Yes, Shoyo-sensei." Gintoki said with a slight smile on his face.

Shoyo looked back at Gin, returning the smile. "Make sure you clean up after yourself, Gintoki and head back to sleep. Gonna need a lot of sleep. Because you got a big day ahead of you and Ryu...Goodnight." He waved at him, as he walks out of the kitchen.

"Okay, Shoyo-sensei! Goodnight!" 

Gintoki said, waving back at him as he was finishing up his cereal. As soon as he got finished. He cleaned up the bowl he used.

He would turn the lights out in the kitchen, as the flashback would end.


The flashback scene would go into a scene where the younger Gintoki was standing in the light, far away from Shoyo, who was walking away.

"Where am I?" He looked around. Gintoki would see Shoyo walking away.


Gintoki blinked, as he started to run after him and with a smile on his face. But, then he grows up in evolution to his teenage self, going up to his current adult self.

"Wait for me, Sensei!"

The silver-haired samurai ran towards him with a smile on his face. As he was running, he was running as his young self, to his teen self, up to his current adult self.


Shoyo would disappear before Gintoki's eyes, as he would then run into a sword that was pressed through his abdomen, and went through his abdomen.

Gintoki saw the sword in his abdomen and his eyes widened as he saw his own blood dripping off of the sword.

He yelled out loud and he coughed out blood, as he looked up to see Utsuro standing in front of him.
Utsuro had a evil smile on his face and he laughed at Gintoki's pain and suffering.

"Now you your teacher feels, Gintoki Sakata...Death is unavoidable...

...Especially, you killed your own teacher. The only remains of him is his memories and his disciples..."

"S-Shut up! You know nothing about--"

Utsuro depends Gintoki's wound even more. Gintoki continuously to bleed out more from his wound and felt like he was gonna pass out.

"Oh, trust me...I know about it all. And I will kill his little disciples to erase this 'persona' that's been dead for years. And I will start off with..."

Utsuro paused to lean in closer to Gintoki and whispers into his ear.

"...I will start off by killing you..."

The villain would take his sword out and kicks him in the stomach, as Gintoki can be seen getting floored after the kick.

"...H-Hey...Get back here, d-dammit..."

Gintoki said, slowly closing his eyes and his voice sounded a bit slower from before. 



Gintoki wakes up in the middle of the night and he yelled out loud, he was sweating. He was panting and tries to catch his breath.

Tears suddenly fell down from his eyes.

Yang wakes up as she looked over at how tense her husband was and she leaned over towards Gintoki to hug him, in comfort.

"Is everything okay, Gin?"

Gintoki would finally snap out of it, once Yang hugged him and tries to talk to him.

"U-Uh...Y-Yeah. I'm fine, Yang."

"Are you sure? You're tearing up..." 

Yang asked, as she had noticed his tears and she would wipe his tears with a smile on her face. She hadn't seen Gintoki cry in years, since...that day when Shoyo died...

"If there is really something wrong, Gin. Please tell me. Besides, you're my husband. I must make sure know how you're feeling so, we can figure it out together..."

She places her hand down on top of Gintoki's and smiled at him.

Gintoki looked down at her hand that was touching his, and nodded his head slowly.

"Yeah. Thanks, love. I appreciate it."

Gintoki turned the light back off in the room, as he and Yang went back to sleep.


Next scene goes to where it was left off, back in Mistral. At the docks, Ray Rowe can be seen setting everything up with the boat he'll be using to get to places.

He was about to leave Mistral, to continue his search for Saiko Mayama. And unfortunately, she was not in the area.

Rowe had looked up at the moon for a moment, and goes back to preparing.

"Dammit... She's nowhere in Mistral...No one doesn't even know where the hell she is...I don't like where this search is headed. It just means it's getting cold, and colder...But, I will not stop until I find her and end that poor excuse of a life that she has....Even if it means I have to go through some jackass or God, to do...

...I will make my promise..."

Ray thought to himself, out loud. He continued to pack up, and he puts his bow and a huge bag full of swords. Then, a pair of footsteps can be heard coming from behind.

"Going somewhere...Ray Rowe?"

The person who had saw Ray packing up to depart from Mistral, turned out to be the same female, Ray and Tony encountered earlier.

Ray would look back at the girl, as he stood up and looked at the girl, down in the eye. Wondering what does this girl want...

"Yeah...What of it? And...How did you know my name?"

The female walked a bit closer, as she stopped, staring back at the unstable male. "I heard that you used to be apart of Team EJHR. The team that broke up, two years ago after the wars ended. That right?"

"How did you know that?? And why do you know any of the shit that nobody else is supposed to know about! Who told you? Was it that traitorous Roe Ket or was it someone else?! You better answer me now!" 

Ray shouted out at her, as he picked up his bow and his bag full of swords.

The female didn't seem to be fazed by it or intimidated by that.

"Saiko Mayama...She told me about it all. How both of your and Team TDTR breaking up, the wars breaking out, Cinder getting arrested, and you and Shimura searching for her...I even know that you want to kill her after she had controlled one of your teammates, Jake Belladonna. Right?"
She just straight up answered, just simple as that.

When the female was explaining everything of who told her all of that information. Ray seemed to be interested. He had a suspicion that she might have used to work with Saiko before. So, Ray went to ask her this question.

"Okay. So, Saiko Mayama told you everything...If she told you. Then, I must ask. Did you used to work with Cinder and Saiko, before?...Or are you saying all of this, just to stall me?"

Ray crosses his arms, as he looked at the female in the eye. He needed to know the truth
The female looked at Ray and laughed, as she would quickly stop.

"If I was lying, then why am I here to explain all of this to you?...I wouldn't lie to you or anyone. This is my true honesty, speaking to you."

The female had a pretty good point. But, Ray trusts her anyways.

"Okay...So, tell me this...Where is she? What is that psychotic bitch doing?" Ray asked.

"Well...after Cinder got arrested and Saiko went missing. She had apparently found someone that was like Cinder, who was wanting to destroy the world. Last I seen her, was when I ran away from the group she was joining up with...

...They are possibly making their moves slowly, but surely for all I know...And if you want me to tell you about where they are. That info doesn't come out for free..." The female said. It was like she was willing to tell him through a looking for a challenge.

Ray looked up at the girl, and puts his weapons down back into the boat. "Oh? You won't tell me?"

"Nope. But, if you beat me in a one on one fight or at least, I value you as worthy to know. Then, I'll tell you where she is." The female said.

"I see...Where do we begin?!" Ray turned his emotionless look on his face to a smirk, and he was willing to do whatever it takes to know where Saiko was.


Meanwhile, back in Vacuo, Mutsuko Crowe was at her home. She was sitting outside of the porch, smoking a cigarette.

She takes her cigarette out and exhales. Mutsuko was looking at the beautiful moon in the dark and sparkling sky...

She wondered in her mind. "I hope my nephew is doing okay on his own... It's really been two years since he left..."

"Worried about your nephew, aren't ya, Ice Queen?"

Zaveid asked, as he was already standing next to her at the porch.

"Of course. Where have you been, Zaveid?" Mutsuko asked, as she looked up at him.

Zaveid crosses his arms, as he looks back down at Mutsuko with a grin on his face. "Been doing normal huntsmen stuff, you know the usual... I've also been trying to keep tabs with that nephew of yours."

"Oh? Did anything new come up?" Mutsuko asked, crossing her left leg over her right. She takes an exhale.

Zaveid shook his head, that was the unfortunate thing about it was that he had lost tabs on Tony. "Unfortunately. No. He's been everywhere... It's tough to even keep up with him...And if you're asking about him still searching for Tyler Black. People do say that he's still looking for him."

"Oh...I see... He's still not giving up on that?"

"Nope. Gotta respect his heart. He will do whatever it takes to find him, even if it takes him two, three, or more years to find him. He's got the will of his own father and his friends that passed on, two years ago." 

Zaveid complimented and he looked up at the moon. "I'm sure he's okay, though." He added.

"Yeah. I hope so..." Mutsuko said in a soft tone of voice and she would put out the cigarette with her boot. She sat up from her bench on the porch and she was about to go back inside the house.

She stopped, and looks back at Zaveid.

"Well, Zaveid. It was great seeing you. Thanks for stopping by. And if you hear anything new. Please don't hesitate to let me know."

"Thanks? That's totally uncharacteristic of you, Ice Queen...But, you do have my word on that..." Zaveid would lastly say, as he uses his wind semblance to vanish.

Mutsuko watched Zaveid leave, as she would head back into the house.


Back in Britannia Village, Vanilla Frost was out in the balcony, outside of her room at the Yoshida residence.

Last Vanilla was seen, she had shorter hair. But, after these last two years. Her hair grew out longer and she grew a bit bigger as well.

She was outside and looking up at the moon, with a sad look on her face. The girl was thinking about her lover, hoping to see if he's okay, she was very worried.

Vanilla also had the picture of her, Kita, Kaiku, Sagura, and Tony together, before Tony left the village to find his friend. "Please be safe....I still miss you...Everyday, I can never get pass that day when you left the village...I hope everything is okay..."

She tries not to tear up, but a eagle appears on the edge of the balcony. It appeared to be a note tied around the eagle's body.

"Hm? A eagle? Is this...?" 

Vanilla would take the note out and she unfolds it, as the note reads.

"Heya, Vanilla. This is Tony... I'm sure you met the messenger eagle I sent for this. Anyways...I hope everything is going well for you, after it's really been two years since I left the village. I'm sorry for the worry I caused for you. It may have been really hard. But, don't worry... I'm doing absolutely fine...

...The search is somewhat slow, but it's progress...As of right now, I'm just headed out to Atlas and look for answers there. But, I sent this note out to you just to let you know that everything is going okay on my end. Just so you know, my promise to you still stands. I will come back and I will come back with Tyler, see you happy again! Again, I'm sorry for causing you worry.

Until next time and from love,
-Tony Shimura."

Vanilla teared up, after she just read the note.

"You better come back safely, you idiot!" 

She thought out loud as she would watch the eagle flying away.


In Mistral, Tony Shimura was on his way to Atlas. To look for answers. "I hope Vanilla got the message..Schnee... Let's see if you got any sort of answers for me...."


To end the episode, the next scene saw Lily Black, Tyler's mother in her room with Tyler laying down on her lap, asleep, unconsciously.

Jason Black would knock on the door in her room.

"Come in." Lily softly said, as she was spreading her hand down her son's hair.

Jason opens the door, as he looks to see his mother patting his brother in the head. "Mother, I'm heading out to Atlas. As ordered by Lord Utsuro..."

"Oh? Really, Jason?" Lily seemed to be a bit caught off guard by that.

"Yeah. It appears my little brother's friend is actually heading there as we speak." Jason replied back.

Lily nodded her head and looks down at Tyler, as she had him in a sleeping paralysis. "I see. Well, do what you have to do, Jason. Make sure he doesn't find out where my son is..."

"Ohh, don't worry. But, we are also heading there...because Cinder is down there and we are getting her out of there...Again, as ordered by Utsuro..." Jason said.

Lily couldn't believe that, Utsuro actually wants to work with Cinder...That seemed very unusual.


"Well, I gotta get going.. I'll see you when the mission is done, mother!" Jason said, with a smile and blew her a kiss.

Lily would return the kiss blow back to him and she smiled. "Okay, dearie. Get the job done!"

Next moment would show Utsuro, with Saiko Mayama beside him. He would be seen looking a number of surveillance cameras that was everywhere around Remnant.

He had a evil smile on his face."The destruction will begin...soon enough..."


As there was no ending credits here. Yang Xiao Long appears and she waves at the viewers.

"What's up, guys? Yang Xiao Long, here, member of Team RWBY, the wife of Gintoki Sakata, mother of Kintoki! We, welcome you guys back to RWBY: After the Fall! I can't believe it, we're at three seasons and what a way to kick off the season with a Yang!"

The producers and scriptwriters were laughing so hard at this in the background, at Yang's pun.

"Haha, at least some people gets my puns. Anyways! I'm supposed to give out the next episode title to you all! So, here it is! Episode 27, Looking for Answers! Looking forward to seeing you all there for that episode! Also, here's a quickie. The opening and ending visuals will appear on Episode 27! Worry not, peeps! And unfortunately, there is no preview here, because this episode may get intense...

...But, yeah! I hope to see you all on the next one! See y'all next time!"

Next Episode: Season 3, Episode 27 - Looking for Answers

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