Monday, January 20, 2020

Episode 27, Season 3 - Looking for Answers

REMINDER: The canon characters of RWBY are owned by Monty Oum and Rooster Teeth, as well as the characters of Gintama are owned by Hideaki Sorachi. Also, the only Tales of characters that will be involved is Velvet Crowe and Zaveid, I do not own these characters but Yoshiharu Gotanda does since he's the creator of Tales of.


Writer's Thoughts: Sup, guys? This is RWBYFan19_, back at you again with a new episode of RWBY: After the Fall! I hope you all liked the Season 3 Premiere! Before recapping, I can announce that we'll get the opening and ending themes to debut in this episode, so don't worry! Now, recapping! We saw a glimpse of Gintoki's past with Shoyo in it and the flashback does imply that Shoyo may had the Demon-Dweller Sword on his side, at the time, which was something Salem wanted from him. And that nightmare that Gintoki had, tho...Could it be a sign of things to come? And Ray reuniting with Kazuko, for the first time in years. We even got to see Mutsuko, Zaveid, and Vanilla in the last episode. Also, Tony's headed to Atlas to look for answers, while Utsuro is already sending his men to Atlas. That makes me wonder...Are we actually gonna witness some chaos, already? Find out on this new episode of ATF! Roll the episode, boys!



The episode begins with multiple flashbacks with the Fall of Beacon from twenty years ago.

A narrating voice sounds off in the background about it's past.

"Long ago..."

The flashback sees The White Fang and Adam Taurus, along with Roman Torchwick and Cinder Fall destroying Beacon Academy as Beacon had multiple students as well as from different schools trying to defend Beacon as well. Grimm was heavily involved as well.

"Remnant, mostly in Vale saw a new era...A era that was truly experienced with..."

The narrating voice paused as a red background appears where Adam Taurus severely injures Yang Xiao Long by slashing his sword at the arm of Yang, a front of Blake Belladonna.


A black background would fade in as a background and it shows a flashback with Pyrrha Nikos sending Jaune Arc into the weapon pod away from Beacon.

"Sad goodbyes..."

Then, the darkness would fade in once more. Timeline wise, would go back to see at the Beacon Tower in the end of the Cinder vs. Pyrrha fight where Cinder shoots one of her arrows at the heart of Pyrrha and Ruby Rose sees this.

"The worst of all...Death and heartbreak..."

Ruby was in shock as Cinder places a hand on Pyrrha's forehead as Pyrrha fades away. Then, Ruby cries out and screams out as the Silver Eyes activated and the whole background changes into all white afterwards.

"But, after all of that. A certain team was broken, later brought back together to stop one villain ahead of them that's caused The Fall of Beacon and the wars to happen."

The background would be painted in with color and it's in Salem's castle. Salem is shown.

"This woman, this dangerous woman...The darkness flows within her, because of her selfish needs. This woman's name is Salem and she won't stop at nothing until...The world is burnt down to the ground a front of her...."

What's next is shown with pages like a history book would be flipped and sees a war breaking out. The pages flip once more as the paint is being placed in the page with Team RWBY standing side by side with Ryuuto Yoshida, Gintoki Sakata, Zaveid, Shinsuke Takasugi, Shinpachi Shimura, Mutsuko Crowe, Velvet Crowe, Qrow Branwen, Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren, Oscar Pine, and Raven Branwen on their side along with tons and tons of allies by their side.

"A war would be engaged. One side was the legendary Team RWBY alongside with their allies, that came along for in their journey."

Next page is flipped as it's shown with The White Fang with leader, Adam Taurus and many more on his side and standing from a few minutes off of where they were was Salem shown standing inside from the castle, watching this from afar.

"As The White Fang and Adam Taurus was ready for war. Salem was watching from afar. Then, from there the war finally begun."

A brand new page had been created as it would be painted in as it shows Team RWBY defeating Salem, alongside with Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie. Oscar Pine, and Lie Ren.

"Then, Salem was defeated by our heroes of the past. Sure, the war with Salem ended. But, things took a dark turn with The White Fang and Team RWBY's allies."

Another page would be stained in paint as it shows Shinsuke Takasugi, Velvet Crowe, Shinpachi Shimura, Mutsuko Crowe, Qrow & Raven Branwen, and Zaveid being held down as Adam Taurus watched them grovel and is enjoying it. As Shoyo Yoshida is seen tied up at the end of the cliff.

After this, then a page is turned as Gintoki Sakata is seen slashing Shoyo's head off clean with his sword, forcibly.

"After Shoyo's sacrifice for his students. The war did indeed end but on a sad note as our heroes stared at the sun, looking into the future as The White Fang did die down after the war and later disband. This would be the end of the past generation."

Then, a new book would be picked up by someone as the person would open that book. As the book has pages that needs to be filled in. But, the background would be painted in as a new generation would be shown standing a front of Beacon Academy.

"After twenty years of chaos and war. A new generation has risen. The new generation will make sure the world is safe from any sort of danger..."

A page is flipped and the background gets painted in as it would show Dean Ambrose in his new demon form killing Roman Reigns a front of Tony Shimura, Tyler Black, Mutsuko Crowe, Seth Thurston, Asuka Reigns, Vanilla Frost, and Nashime "Kita" Yoshida.

"Then...even in the new generation, darkness exists within the new generation..."

A new page is shown, one of the new pages is there but the one to the right is not painted in yet. The page to the left shows Dean not turning his back to look at his former teammates, as he did side with Cinder Fall, Roe Ket, Zero Kishitani, Katsuke Shinoda, and Saiko Mayama. Tony is shown with an angered look on his face.

"This is where...Anger, darkness, despair, and finally...hatred comes into play..."

The page to the right is now painted in as it shows Tony Shimura standing all alone, in the rain and is apparently seen at Atlas, raging in the rain by himself, continuing his search for Dean, following his interaction with Saiko Mayama using her Darkness Control on him. He is seen shouting out loud out of desperation and anger.

"The boy, Tony Shimura is now under his own darkness and fighting his own subconscious, with a desperate mind, that's close to breaking. Trying to prove he can save someone on his own and under his own power."

Another page is flipped and is seen with someone holding their hand out to Tony, as Dean walked away into the darkness. Saiko is shown holding her hand out and Vanilla holding hers on opposite sides as Tony was in the middle.

"Now...Darkness or Light, Give up or keep fighting is his two only options...Which will he choose?...

A page is flipped once more as it shows Vanilla Frost hugging Tony Shimura, outside of Beacon Academy, with an laid out Saiko Mayama as well as the Beacon's head, Ruby Rose, Jake Belladonna, a close friend of Tony's, and Vanilla's sister, Nashime "Kita" Yoshida watching the two hug.

....A choice was made when the girl, Vanilla Frost woke him from the boy's own darkness. The boy, Tony... chose to continue the fight and his mission to save his friend..."

A new page is seen as it's shown Tony Shimura, Nashime "Kita" Yoshida, and Vanilla Frost heading towards for Britannia Village for the upcoming war.

"The young trio now is going into their hometown village and defend Vale from darkness and war, that the enemy declares...."

Another page is flip on the left as it's shown on both pages, of the two sides which sees on one side, Ryuuto Yoshida, Velvet Crowe, Zaveid, Ray Rowe, Emilia Rose, Himiko Ren, Kaiku and Sagura Shimura, Tyler Black, Kintoki Sakata, and Asuka Reigns in the village defending for Vale. The other side would see Cinder Fall leading the charge for her side alongside with Roe Ket, Zero Kishitani, and her forces heading into the village to start the war. In the background shows Dean Ambrose standing on the village's bridge.

"As the war emerges..."

The next page shows Dean Ambrose fully in his demon form and holding the Demon-Dweller Sword, as Tony Shimura was standing on the opposing side with Siegfried in hand.

"For better or worse...Two friends, now enemies, a rivalry...It will all collide ahead on one battle and whoever is the last man standing...the rivalry came to ahead."

The page is flipped over as the picture was painted in of Tony and Dean laying side by side on the ground, at the bottom of the riverbank. Dean can be seen dying with a smile on his face.

"Of course, one died and the other remained alive to tell the tale."

To the right page, sees Tony Shimura picking up the Demon-Dweller Sword and Siegfried after his fight with Dean.

"With the request of taking the Demon-Dweller Sword as a gift from his friend. Tony rose up and took the sword, as he was finally ready to join the war."

On the next page, it was also painted in shown with Tony standing in front of Cinder Fall, back at Britannia Village. In the two pages sees him fighting her and defeating her.

"After joining the fight and taking on Cinder...Tony with the will of his friend, defeated Cinder Fall and saved his hometown village, as well as the world."

The final page would show a picture of Tony, Vanilla, Kita, KaikuSagura, Himiko, Emilia, and Kintoki, two years later in a group photo together.

"After the war ended, the world is safe and sound yet again thanks to our heroes..."

"... But, for how long?" 

The book is closed by someone as he drops it to the ground and burns it up with a lighter.

"The world will crumble...At your expense, Shimura...."

The narrator reveals himself out to be Utsuro and he smiled evilly, as he walks away.


Opening Theme Plays

The opening visuals begins off with a collection of sakura leaves going past by and then, it would clear out as it slowly rises up in the night sky with the leaves going by in the background. As the RWBY: After the Fall Season 3 title card appears in a slow reveal like way and the moon can be seen along with the title card.

Then, the visuals fades out with a bright light effect, after the title card had appeared fully.

Alone on this spring night

As the visuals faded out, it would show Tyler Black with his eyes closed, sitting against a tree. 

Sighs fade out into the monochrome sky

The moonlight reflects down onto him, as he slowly had opened his eyes, slowly waking up and he starts to be looking up at the sky. Tyler slowly stood up and starts walking away from the light.

The waves of diligent people simply stared at me

The next scene would next see Nashime "Kita" Yoshida, Ryuuto Yoshida, and Vanilla Frost outside of their home. Ryuuto having a smile on his face, as well as Kita. The moon light in the sky shines on them, as well as Vanilla. Vanilla's eyes lit up and she had a look where she seemed a bit upset, looking at the sky. But, Kita placed a hand on her shoulder and Vanilla turns the sad look into a smile.

Since all I did was wait for you

A quick moment can be seen with a trail of sakura leaves leaning towards the moon. 

Both of us, Both of us

This would quickly transition to seeing Tyler Black running away as he almost trips but kept running.

Searched for that missing half of that month

Four transition moments can be seen. The first saw Tyler as a kid running away from his mother and brother. 

The second sees Tyler as a young teen, running with Roman Reigns and he had a reassuring smile on his face.

Third transition sees Tony Shimura, Roman Reigns, and Dean Ambrose running with Tyler together. Tyler is seen with a grin on his face.

Then, as he gains a memory of his mother and brother leaving him and his younger self is seen trying to reach out to them and his current self, even sees Tony, Roman, and Dean as the fade out from Tyler's mother and brother going into the light, without him. 

I was able to share this loneliness with you'

He shouts out as he finds himself falling down into a pit of darkness. 

But once again, I swear

The next scene can be seen with Tony Shimura on opposing sides against Tyler's brother, Jason Black. He ran towards them with Siegfried and the Ambrose Breaker. Jason took out Tyler's gun and shoots at him, as Tony blocks the bullets and he jumps into the air and does a double sword slash.

We quickly tried to change like how the towns usually do

The fight scene transitions into seeing Kaiku and Sagura Shimura with Benjamin Shimura and Velvet Crowe outside of their home in Britannia Village, watching the moon. 

Following seeing them, next up would see Yang Xiao Long and Kintoki Sakata sitting on the bench as he was looking up at the moon, in Vale. As Gintoki was standing, looking up at the moon next to his family.

After this would see, Ray Rowe standing on top of a tree at Vacuo and he is seen with an emotionless look on his face. He looked up at the moon with his dull grey eyes. 

Even so, (even so) we still chased after it

A quick transition would see a still shot of Wraith Belladonna running out of Atlas Academy, about to make her leave from Atlas. 

Then, more still shots sees Emilia Rose standing out in town, holding out her hand as sakura leaves goes by and past her. 

Himiko Ren sitting outside of her home with Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren, looking up at the beautiful moon and sakura leaves. 

Jake Belladonna is seen with Kyrie Castillo in Kyrie's room at Beacon, as the two is looking at the moon through the room's window. 

Roe Ket and Katsuke Shinoda can be seen at Menagerie, outside of their home, watching the leaves and moon. 

Asuka Reigns is seen at Mistral, about to leave and is seen at the docks, watching the moon.

And finally, Utsuro can be seen staring at the moon with an evil smile, as Saiko Mayama can be seen with him as she had a evil smile on her face as well. 

Since that time, Since that time

Next scene would show Lily Black charging towards Tony Shimura, as the two began to clash swords back and forth. 

Searching for that missing half of that month

The exchange between the two ends with Lily kicking Tony in the stomach as he would get sent back.

Tony would then be seen with a shocked look on his face. A close-up shot would show Utsuro standing a front of him, with half of his face shown in the moonlight. He is seen with a cold, emotionless look on his face.

Then, Tony is seen standing up with both Ambrose Breaker and Siegfried in hand, ready to fight Utsuro.

Some time, Some time

The scene transitions back to Tyler Black running away still.

As Tyler is seen running towards to a cliff with the sakura tree up ahead, he sees going towards is his teen counterpart with his Shield brothers, he turns the look of sadness in his face into a slight smile. 

In his vision, he saw his teen self with Tony, Ambrose, and Roman, watching the beautiful moon and atmosphere. This fades out into seeing Tony by himself.

We'll head towards the blooming sakuras under the full moon 

Tyler joins Tony, as he tries to catch his breath. Tony looked at Tyler with a grin on his face, Tyler looked back at Tony with a smile. As he stood up straight, watching the moon and sky with Tony.

In a quick visual would see the Ambrose Breaker dropping to the ground, bouncing off the ground along with Siegfried to end the opening.


The episode begins in Mistral, where Ray Rowe was seen with the girl who challenged him to a fight, for information she has on Saiko Mayama. 

If he won, she would have to tell him on where Saiko Mayama is, as of this very moment. 

"You better give me your all, Ray Rowe. If you really want to find and kill her that badly..." The girl shouted as she readied herself and gets into her fighting stance. 

Ray gets into position as well, as he nods his head at her. "Bet your ass that I will give it my all..."

"Okay...Begin!" The girl shouted out loud, as she sees Ray about to make his first move.

Ray would attempt to punch the girl with his lefts and rights, but at every turn, she ducks and quickly blocks the punches, a number of times. 

She would then grab one of his fists with the palm of her hand and she attempts to deliver a sliding roundhouse kick to the side of Ray's head. 

Ray would block the kick with his forearm in the way of his head, but does get sent back slightly.

Then, the girl ran towards him and jumps in the air to attempt a reverse spinning wheel kick but Ray sidesteps this as she would miss hitting him. 

Ray attempts to get her with a sweep kick underneath her feet but she jumped in the air, sidestepping the move, as she went for a running sliding kick to the face but he lays on his back with his knees on the ground, literally coming close to getting kicked in the face.

"Hm, He's impressive..." The girl thought in mind.

Ray would quickly sit up and the girl turns around, as he attempts to hit her with a forearm but she blocks it and turns his forearm away by the palm of her hand, only to spin him around and kicking him in the stomach with a slant kick but Ray catches her by her leg, preventing her from kicking him.

He flips her in the air, as she does hit him with an uplifting frontflip kick. She manages to stay on her feet and Ray also kept his balance only to unexpectedly hit her with a front flip kick. 

But, the girl manages to stay on her feet even after the frontflip kick by Ray. Both Ray and her attempts to punch each other at the same time but they ended up missing each other's faces. 

"What?! Are we really that similar in fighting styles? And I don't know why, but I feel like I know this girl from somewhere..."

Ray thought in his mind, as the girl attempts to hit him with a roundhouse kick but Ray sidesteps this by getting back a bit. 

The two tries to catch their breath. The girl gave Ray a smirk. "Aren't we both that similar to each other's fighting style, huh?"

"Yeah, that's what I was exactly thinking..." Ray said, as he gets back into his fighting position.

The girl giggled and she had laid back on the ground, with Ray standing there confused a bit on why she did that.


"Uh, what? I'm just laying here. Heh~ Ray, you passed." The girl said, raising her hand up for a thumbs up to him. She would then look up at the beautiful night sky with the stars igniting the sky. The girl puts her hand up in front of her face,

Ray was surprised that she had declared Ray to pass in the fight they just had. He sat down as well. "So, that makes me the winner then?"

"Pretty much, yeah." The girl responded back.

"So, girl....I never got your name...What is it?" Ray asked the girl, because since they've met by far. He never had caught her name.

The girl looked up at Ray, as she sat up from laying down. She already knows Ray because...not just the confrontation they had in the town square earlier on. 

But, she knows him on a personal level. She would reach over to her hair and tie it up for Ray to recognize who she is, really.

Ray had a shocked expressed look on his face. "No way..."

"Yup...Ray, I'm your lost sister...Kazuko..." Kazuko responded to his little brother, who had grown up so much since they actually last seen each other. 

Ray didn't pay attention to it before. The looks and the way she fights. It's all similar to him, but he had no clue she was literally his older sister. His sister was three years older than Ray.

"So, this is my sister you spoke of, Mother?" Ray thought in his mind. 


The male tries his best not to tear up and cry as he stood up, and walked over towards her to give her a hug. 

Kazuko would tear up as well and embraces the hug from Ray. 

"It's okay, Ray. I'm here for you now..." 


Meanwhile in Menagerie, Katsuke Shinoda, Roe Ket, Jake Belladonna, and Kyrie Castillo was sitting outside of the home of Shinoda and Roe, as they were watching the stars in the night sky.

Notably, Jake is spotted with a scar to his right eye, Roe grew out her hair a little longer than before, and Katsuke's arms had finally healed after these last two years.

"Man, it's such a beautiful night tonight, isn't it?" Kyrie asked, as he smiled and raises his hand up to the sky, as if he was reaching out to them.

Katsuke nodded in agreement. "Totally. The scenery is really a thing of beauty, tonight."

"Kyrie, Roe. Remember when we used to do this all the time, when we grew up here together before I moved away?" Jake asked Kyrie and Roe, as he notices Roe spacing out over there.

"Yeah! Of course! We used to think about what our futures would look like and talked about the dreams we had while looking up at the same beautiful night sky. Those were the good ol' glorious days we had together." Kyrie responded back with a smile on his face.

Roe blinked and was just spaced out a bit, as she looking up above at the beautiful night sky and the stars of the night, shining brightly in the sky. She was amazed by the atmosphere. It was about time she got to live in peace and harmony, after what happened two years ago.

Two years ago felt like it was an eternity to Roe. 

"What's wrong, love?" Katsuke looks over at Roe, with a concerned and worried look on his face. 

Jake sighed and he snaps his fingers in front of Roe's face, in hopes to wake her from her spaced out state. "Wake up, Roe."

"Oh! Sorry, guys! I was thinking about something, looking at how beautiful the night sky really looks. It's been awhile since I've seen the scenery look so good." Roe had explained and apologized for spacing out, but she was trying to cover up the fact that she was looking back at the past that is dead at this point.

Jake places his hands at the back of his head and he walked in front of Roe. Then, he turns around to ask her this question. "Are you thinking about what happened back then, Roe?"

Roe didn't know how to respond to that at all, as a matter of fact, how can she deny that?! She slowly nodded her head at Jake. She kind of feels a little guilt after what she did before the wars, two years ago.

"Roe...It wasn't your--" Katsuke tries his best to comfort her with a hug, but Roe steps away from her boyfriend. 

"But, it was..." Roe said in a sudden shaky tone of voice and she tries her best not to tear up here.

"Besides...I was the reason for everything happening the way it did...I still blame myself for the horrible things I've done...Everyone hating each other, the war, and for even siding with Cinder, giving her everyone's weaknesses! All of those horrible things...Is something I have to live with for the rest of my life! I shouldn't even be here with you all, nor I deserve it just because of those horrible things... I should've just--"

"Stop right there..." 

Jake said with his hair covering his eyes, he had enough hearing this as he turns around and walks up to Roe as he flicks her nose.

"I think that's enough of that, Roe...Stop blaming yourself for every last bit of what happened, two years ago....It's been over and done with...It's time to finally face you past with your future, your present! Your past doesn't defy who you are, your present is what matters to you. The right now...Look at you now after these last two years, beautiful and smart, and you're teaching the future generation how to defend themselves up here! Like what Ryuuto-sensei did with us all...

...Love yourself to love others, and care for others. We know you have that in you to do so. May as well live up to it for yourself and because nobody else will do it for you. Although, you got us to help you get there. And that's being real..."

Jake said with a reassuring smile on his face and giving Roe that smile.

"C'mon, Roe. Smile. Be happy that you're alive today, with your friends, your students, and more importantly with your life too..." He added. 

Katsuke stood up and he would hug Roe from behind, as he smiled and kisses her cheek. "Smile for me, please..."

"...." Roe had tears falling down from her face and she smiled happily, as well as she embraces Katsuke's hug to her. "I will!"

Roe, Katsuke, Jake, and Kyrie stood there watching the sun slowly rising up in the sky, It was already becoming the morning time.


At Beacon Academy, it was in the morning time over there as well. Ruby Rose was looking out at the window, watching the students of Beacon entering the school from their homes in Vale.

Someone would then knock on the door and she calls out to the person knocking on it. "Come in!" 

The person opens the door and turned out to be two people. Ruby's daughter, Emilia and Himiko Ren who was with Emilia.

"Emilia? What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be--" 

"Sorry to interrupt you, mother but I came in here for the same reason as Himi..." Emilia said.

Himiko nodded slowly and she looks straight at Ruby. "Yeah...Where is Ray, Miss Rose? Have you kept tabs on him, Ms. Rose?..." 

Ruby blinked and she questioned in thought. "I see...That's why they came up here..."

"Please tell me, if you know..." Himiko said in a slow and shaky tone of voice, she had been worried and waiting for Ray to at least show back up after these last two years.


Jason Black with a number of men behind him who are Utsuro's men by his side, along with four samurai who was with him, was all headed to Atlas to start the mission Utsuro had for them.

"Remember the two objectives, guys! We take Cinder Fall from the Atlas Maximum Security Jail and make as much as destruction to Atlas as you can!"
"Sir!" The men shouted out.

"If I see that Shimura boy, I will totally obliterate him and take the Demon-Dweller Sword out of his hands and bringing it back to it's original owner! I will not lose, I will not fail this mission!" Jason thought in this mind.


On the outskirts of Atlas, in the forest. Shinsuke Takasugi, who was still relegated to a wheelchair, but he can still use his arms and he was outside of his new home. He smiled at how nice the atmosphere was as it was the morning time in Atlas.

Sayaka Ishiyama was still by his teacher's side too. She had grown out her hair even more since the last time she was seen.

"Such a beautiful morning, isn't it, Saya?" Shinsuke asked as he was looking up at his pupil student.

Sayaka noticed the small detail of Shinsuke's eyes, they weren't filled with any sort of dullness in them at all. No burdens to carry anymore, no pain, nothing. Just happiness. It made her morning and she smiled at Shinsuke. She nodded.

"I agree, teach--"

"No need to get formal, remember? Just call me Shinsuke. Okay, Sayaka?" Shinsuke said with a grin on his face.

Sayaka would smile and bow. "Yes, I know. I'm sorry, Shinsuke."

Shinsuke laughed. "Don't worry about it, Sayaka. It's alright."


Tony Shimura in a cloak-like jacket on, can be seen walking towards the entrance way at Atlas Academy and he was stopped by security.

"Stop right there!" One of the men shouted at him.

"Where's your pass?" 

Tony yawned sarcastically and he would take his hood off from his head, as he reveals himself to the security team. "....I don't need a pass, pal...."

The two security men recognized who this man was.

"No fucking way!"

"Aren't you Tony Shimura?!" 

Tony nodded his head at them and he smirked, as he folds his arms. "So, where's the Headmaster of Atlas at?"

"U-Uh! Please, come and follow us!" The men said to him, as they let Tony into the school and they were headed up to Weiss Schnee's office.


Meanwhile inside of Atlas Academy, Weiss Schnee, the headmaster of Atlas was doing some paperwork and looking at some stuff about Saiko Mayama, Cinder Fall's case, and Tyler Black's disappearance.

She sighed lightly. "I don't know why, but I feel like somehow, someway all of this seems to be connected somewhere among the lines..."

One of the men would walk up to the door and knocks on it. 

The beginning instrumental of Lily by Luck Life began playing in the background. 

"Ugh, who is it?!" Weiss called out to the person who was knocking at the door, as she puts the papers back down on the table.

"Um! Ms. Schnee! You have a guest that wants to see you!" The man shouted back out to the headmaster.

Weiss had no patience for this, but she would let them in anyways and calls out to the man behind the door. "Let them in!" 

They open the door for Tony, as he enters the room with his hands in his black cloak. 

"What's up, Queen of Schnee? You got a minute to talk?" Tony asked with a smirk on his face.

Weiss was taken back by the "surprising" guest and it happened to be the same guy who had taken out most of her men all in one go, two years ago on the build-up to that war.

"It's you...Shimura..."

"Yup...And I'm looking for answers...Would you like to oblige, Ms. Schnee?" Tony asked.


The episode would end with Cinder Fall in her jail cell, at the Atlas Maximum Security Jail. She had a evil smirk on her face and she says to herself. "Your world...will crumble, Tony Shimura..." 

The scene cuts into the ending credits playing.


Ending Theme Plays

Theme Song: Lily by Luck Life

The ending visuals begins off with a full sight view of the new bridge at Britannia Village and in the background is seen with a beautiful atmospheric view, in the daylight.

A slideshow transition shows the full view of Vale, Atlas, Vacuo, and Mistral, in the same atmospheric view as well. 

I burned something for someone

Following the transitions would show Tony Shimura with his back turned and he held Ambrose Breaker onto his shoulder, letting it rest as the background visuals is him looking up at the light. 

It made me suffocate

Tony Shimura is seen looking up, he doesn't seem to look back at all. 

Then, a quick scene would see Tony and his father, Shinpachi Shimura crossing paths and he fades into the light, as it quickly transitions to Dean Ambrose walking past Tony as well. And Dean is seen fading into the light from the darkness as well.

Mixed up my priorities, emotions are swaying

Next would show Vanilla Frost and Nashime "Kita" Yoshida together, back to back. Vanilla is seen with a somewhat smile, but slowly turning into a sad look on her face as Kita is seen with a smile, yet with a concerned feeling for Vanilla.

I forgot how to be myself

A memory transition sees Vanilla and Tony on their final moment before Tony's departure. She had a memory of seeing Tony waving without looking back, leaving the village. 

The memory slowly burns out into a transition to seeing Tyler Black looking back and he was standing in the middle of town at the village, following the war, four years ago. 

Please, choose me

Tyler Black is now seen with his back turned as well but he is slightly looking back, as the background visuals with him facing the darkness and fog around him. He is seen with his hands in his pockets. 

I feel pain in my heart

Tyler envisions himself crossing paths with Roman Reigns, as he fades away into the light as well. He tries his best not to tear up at all...But, he wakes up in his vision to see his mother, Lily Black singing into his ear from behind and all he sees his brother, Jason Black a front of him. 

This sorrow and hollow feeling

Black slowly closes his eyes to the singing as tears slowly fell down from his eyes down to his cheeks. 

Following this, would show Utsuro standing fully with his back turned as he had Saiko Mayama by his side and she was next to him, facing forward and she had her long sword in hand. Saiko had a psychotic smile on her face. 

Are throbbing right here

After would show quick transition shots shows Gintoki Sakata balling up his fist, Ryuuto Yoshida looking outside at the sky with a slightly serious look on his face, Shinsuke Takasugi gripping his fingers onto his covers, and Ray Rowe gritting at his teeth in anger.

Then, three moments sees Yang grabbing onto Gintoki's hand, Vanilla hugging Tony from behind, and someone reaching their hand out to Tyler.

Tears, please don't overflow

A brief moment shows Tyler with tears falling down his cheeks. 

Then, it shows multiple scenes with the following:

Tony crying a front of Vanilla after she saves him and embracing her in a hug. 

Kita also crying for Dean after finding out about his death. 

Gintoki tearing up before him executing Shoyo Yoshida with a crying smile on his face. 

Dean in his final moments with Tony, tearing up as well. 

Roe Ket in tears as well after Kaiku and Sagura helped her get through her trouble of being alone. 

Kaiku, Sagura, and Velvet in tears following Tony's return before the war. 

A new scene can be shown with Ray Rowe hugging his sister, Kazuko while both of them are in tears.

I breath out quietly

Tony Shimura and Vanilla Frost shouting out to Cinder Fall as they began to hit their combo move on her. 

After this would show Velvet Crowe holding hands with Shinpachi Shimura, tearing up before his death.

Following this moment would see Saiko Mayama in her mental breakdown after failing to re-capture Tony. 
During this breakdown shows, Utsuro lending a hand down for Saiko. 

Saiko slowly reached out to Utsuro's hand as the scene fades out into the light.

I held it in so no one'll notice me

Next scene is transitioned to seeing Himiko Ren can be seen running after someone and reaching out to them, as she sees that person walking away. 

Then, a quick transition sees Ray Rowe walking away as she is running towards for him. He looked back slightly at her as he turned his head back to forward and he fades away from Ren. 

Ren didn't get to catch his hand in time, either once he did fade away.

She tears up slowly as Emilia Rose and Jake Belladonna, alongside with Kyrie Castillo walked up to her as both of them, places a hand on her shoulder. Jake is seen with a smile on his face, as well as Emilia.

Ren looked back at the Jake, Emilia, and Kyrie and she smiled slightly. The four began walking away as well.

What's "being myself?"

Another scene shows Cinder Fall behind bars in Atlas and she is spotting herself with a evil smile on her face as Weiss Schnee came up to the cell door with a serious look on her face. 

Next moment sees Mutsuko Crowe at Course Academy, watching her students from the window of the school and is seen sitting on her office chair with Sami Callihan in the background. 

Crowe had a suspicious look on her face as she slowly sat up and looked up at the sky from the window. 

Please, someone answer this question

Following the scene with Crowe, it transitions back to Tony as he is apparently standing on top of a building at Atlas, in the night time. He looked up at the moon as he takes out his photo copy of Him, Vanilla, Kita, Kaiku, and Sagura together.

Tony slowly gave a smile at this, as it would looks back at the moon. 

What do I have? What can I do?

This scene would do a downward-like spiral transitional scene to seeing Tyler still sleeping under his own subconscious and Lily holding onto her son. 

Until someone slowly reaches out to Tyler, at least in his mind and somewhat hears a voice as well, shouting out to him. 

A quick scene sees Tony singing "What do I have?", as he was in the light and Tyler singing out in his sleep, "What can I do?" in the dark.

As the wind blows, I stared at the light 

Tyler opens his eyes slowly, as he saw Roman, Tony, and Dean in his vision, as he saw them in his vision, he tears up a bit but in his real vision sees just Tony, Asuka, and Ray on opposing sides against Jason, Lily, and Saiko.

Quick memory shots shows Tyler growing up with Roman, then teaming with him, Dean, and Tony, as they head to Beacon, and finally the last shot sees Tony and Tyler high-fiving Dean and Roman as Dean and Roman fades out into the light. 

Tyler starts to smile, as he turns around finally. Tony looks behind as well fully from his earlier shot, as well as Vanilla and Kita. 

The ending visuals would end with seeing Tony and Tyler with Vanilla and Kita back to back as their teen selves, as the adult Tony, Tyler, Kita, and Vanilla looks at their teen selves. 


"Yo! What's up RWBY fanatics and ATF fanatics as well!? This is Kazuko Rowe, here! Ray's lost older sister and new character here! We hope you loved this week's episode out here! And we finally debuted the opening and ending themes here! About time! Anyways! I am here to give you guys, Episode 28's Title Name and the preview! So, here it is! Episode 28, Days Are Numbered! See you all there on the next one! Enjoy the preview!"


Preview: Season 3, Episode 28 - Days Are Numbered

Kazuko and Ray Rowe began packing up their stuff for departure from Mistral.

"So...Sister? You say she is rumored to be somewhere in Atlas, that right?" Ray asked as he looks over towards her and his eyes can be seen with bags under them. It was very not noticeable.

"Yeah. Or...From what I heard with my sources..." Kazuko said and nodding her head at Ray.

"Sources, huh? Very interesting..." A voice said and the voice was very familiar to Ray, as Ray looks over and his eyes widened. 

"No way! Is that you...?" Ray couldn't believe to see this person.


At an unknown place now, Richard Ambrose can be seen trying to make the run for it from Utsuro's men, as he would take one of them down with a kunai.

"Damn that Utsuro! So, his plan is to literally destroy this entire world with that semblance?! He can't be serious!! Right?!" He thought in his mind. 

Then, straight ahead an unhinged Saiko Mayama attempts to throw one of her swords at him and Richard would jump out of the trees down to the ground, thus Saiko missing him.

"I WILL NOT LET YOU RUIN HIS PLAN, AMBROSE! I will...KILL you...~" Saiko shouted at him and she laughed like a total psychotic and blood-thirsty person would.

Richard gritted his teeth at Saiko. "Try and kill me. I won't go down without a fight."


At a local Vale bar, Gintoki Sakata was with Yang Xiao Long having a drink at the bar. Yang decided to take Gintoki out for a drink, the same place where they actually first met each other so long ago.

Long ago though, Gintoki was with Shinsuke, and two friends he hadn't seen in years, Tatsuma Sakamoto and Kotaro Katsura. 

"Man...It feels like memories for us here, doesn't it?" Yang asked with a smile on her face, looking over at her husband. But she couldn't help but notice Gintoki just in a trance of his own mind and overthinking.

Gintoki was looking down at his drink as he can see himself in the reflection of the drink. He was thinking a bit too much about that horrible nightmare, and of it possibly coming to life.

"Gin?" Yang places a hand on his shoulder.

Gintoki snapped out of it and looks over at Yang.
"Oh, sorry...I spaced out..."

"...Sweetie...Please, tell me. What is wrong? Let me help..." 

"Your wife is right, y'know...Gintoki..."

"Yeah. What's with the grim look, Gintoki? Why look so down?!"

Two males spoke out from behind and they put their hands on Gintoki's shoulders.

Yang looks over at the two men and she was surprised to see them.

Preview ends

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