Monday, February 4, 2019

Episode 14, Season 2 - Roads Untraveled

REMINDER: The canon characters of RWBY are owned by Monty Oum and Rooster Teeth, as well as the characters of Gintama are owned by Hideaki Sorachi. Also, the only Tales of characters that will be involved is Velvet Crowe and Zaveid, I do not own these characters but Yoshiharu Gotanda does since he's the creator of Tales of.

I do NOT own these characters other than my own and close friends of mine. Thank you very much.


Writer's Note: Sup, readers? Back again with another episode in Season 2. What a cliffhanger Episode 13 had ended at?! Now, you all are probably thinking...Will Wraith put the friendship she sort of has with him and the bond that Tony and Jake developed back in Shoka Shinjuku days aside, to actually fight the insane and proclaimed "vigilante", Tony Shimura? And the search for Tony has begun! But, will someone in the new generation find him? Also, quick announcement. We definitely have a second ending theme for this season, that's dedicated to this current arc. Stay tuned for the end of the episode to see it. And don't worry, it's only for this arc. Niji will return for future episodes after this arc is over. Sooo, yeah! Now, let's get to the episode! *Shouts at the producers* HIT THE EPISODE, GUYS!



The episode begins with multiple flashbacks with the Fall of Beacon from twenty years ago. 

A narrating voice sounds off in the background about it's past.

"Long ago..."

The flashback sees The White Fang and Adam Taurus, along with Roman Torchwick and Cinder Fall destroying Beacon Academy as Beacon had multiple students as well as from different schools trying to defend Beacon as well. Grimm was heavily involved as well.

"Remnant, mostly in Vale saw a new era...A era that was truly experienced with..."

The narrating voice paused as a red background appears where Adam Taurus severely injures Yang Xiao Long by slashing his sword at the arm of Yang, a front of Blake Belladonna.


A black background would fade in as a background and it shows a flashback with Pyrrha Nikos sending Jaune Arc into the weapon pod away from Beacon.

"Sad goodbyes..."

Then, the darkness would fade in once more. Timeline wise, would go back to see at the Beacon Tower in the end of the Cinder vs. Pyrrha fight where Cinder shoots one of her arrows at the heart of Pyrrha and Ruby Rose sees this. 

"The worst of all...Death and heartbreak..."

Ruby was in shock as Cinder places a hand on Pyrrha's forehead as Pyrrha fades away. Then, Ruby cries out and screams out as the Silver Eyes activated and the whole background changes into all white afterwards.

"But, after all of that. A certain team was broken, later brought back together to stop one villain ahead of them that's caused The Fall of Beacon and the wars to happen."

The background would be painted in with color and it's in Salem's castle. Salem is shown.

"This woman, this dangerous woman...The darkness flows within her, because of her selfish needs. This woman's name is Salem and she won't stop at nothing until...The world is burnt down to the ground a front of her...."

What's next is shown with pages like a history book would be flipped and sees a war breaking out. The pages flip once more as the paint is being placed in the page with Team RWBY standing side by side with Ryuuto Yoshida, Gintoki Sakata, Zaveid, Shinsuke Takasugi, Shinpachi Shimura, Mutsuko Crowe, Velvet Crowe, Qrow Branwen, Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren, Oscar Pine, and Raven Branwen on their side along with tons and tons of allies by their side.

"A war would be engaged. One side was the legendary Team RWBY alongside with their allies, that came along for in their journey."

Next page is flipped as it's shown with The White Fang with leader, Adam Taurus and many more on his side and standing from a few minutes off of where they were was Salem shown standing inside from the castle, watching this from afar.

"As The White Fang and Adam Taurus was ready for war. Salem was watching from afar. Then, from there the war finally begun."

A brand new page had been created as it would be painted in as it shows Team RWBY defeating Salem, alongside with Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie. Oscar Pine, and Lie Ren.

"Then, Salem was defeated by our heroes of the past. Sure, the war with Salem ended. But, things took a dark turn with The White Fang and Team RWBY's allies."

Another page would be stained in paint as it shows Shinsuke Takasugi, Velvet Crowe, Shinpachi Shimura, Mutsuko Crowe, Qrow & Raven Branwen, and Zaveid being held down as Adam Taurus watched them grovel and is enjoying it. As Shoyo Yoshida is seen tied up at the end of the cliff.

After this, then a page is turned as Gintoki Sakata is seen slashing Shoyo's head off clean with his sword, forcibly.

"After Shoyo's sacrifice for his students. The war did indeed end but on a sad note as our heroes stared at the sun, looking into the future as The White Fang did die down after the war and later disband. This would be the end of the past generation."

Then, a new book would be picked up by someone as the person would open that book. As the book has pages that needs to be filled in. But, the background would be painted in as a new generation would be shown standing a front of Beacon Academy.

"After twenty years of chaos and war. A new generation has risen. The new generation will make sure the world is safe from any sort of danger..."

A page is flipped and the background gets painted in as it would show Dean Ambrose in his new demon form killing Roman Reigns a front of Tony Shimura, Tyler Black, Mutsuko Crowe, Seth Thurston, Asuka Reigns, Vanilla Frost, and Nashime "Kita" Yoshida.

"Then...even in the new generation, darkness exists within the new generation..."

A new page is shown, one of the new pages is there but the one to the right is not painted in yet. The page to the left shows Dean not turning his back to look at his former teammates, as he did side with Cinder Fall, Roe Ket, Zero Kishitani, Katsuke Shinoda, and Saiko Mayama. Tony is shown with an angered look on his face.

"This is where...Anger, darkness, and finally...Despair comes into play..."

The page to the right is now painted in as it shows Tony Shimura standing all alone, in the rain and is apparently seen at Atlas, raging in the rain by himself, continuing his search for Dean, following his interaction with Saiko Mayama using her Darkness Control on him. He is seen shouting out loud out of desperation and anger.

"The boy, Tony Shimura is now under his own darkness and fighting his own subconscious, with a desperate mind, that's close to breaking. Trying to prove he can save someone on his own and under his own power."

Finally, a new page is flipped and is seen with someone holding their hand out to Tony, as Dean walked away into the darkness. Saiko is shown holding her hand out and Vanilla holding hers on opposite sides as Tony was in the middle.

"Now...Darkness or Light, Give up or keep fighting is his two only options...Which will he choose?"


Opening Theme Plays
Opening Theme Song Name: RESISTER by ASCA

The opening begins with seeing Vanilla Frost and Nashime "Kita" Yoshida standing together, side by side as the two staring at the dark clouds ahead and wind was blowing around them. 

Strong memories wither, brilliant pride

This would transitioning to seeing her with the determination in their faces, as they got close-ups.

Fight against destiny

Another transition gets a close-up into Vanilla's eye as it would then show white particles forming the RWBY: After the Fall Season 2 title card in a dark background. 

In a place where your voice does not reach

Tony Shimura would be seen dropped into the water and had his eyes opened, but slowly closing.

As someone's hand appears around his neck. Saiko Mayama appears to be the one having her hand around his neck and she whispers into his ear. His eyes does close, completely.

Distorted rules that no one taught

What's next going down deeper into the water, would transition to seeing Cinder Fall with Zero Kishitani, Roe Ket, Saiko Mayama, and Katsuke Shinoda. As Cinder was leading the way towards for Britannia Village. 

I strongly hoped for it when I was young.

Then, it's seen that Dean Ambrose in his demon form and him having the Demon-Dweller Sword in hand, awaiting for his former friend, Tony. He had an evil look on his face.

The journey to find the location of a dream has just begun

After that would then see Dean use his demon-dweller sword which was in dark flames. Make a huge slash, as the dark flames would burn out this scene.

As that scene transitions to show Gintoki Sakata and Jake Belladonna heading to Vale from Vacuo, as Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladonna were left at the hospital in Vacuo with a paralyzed Shinsuke Takasugi.

I do not need time to cry

Kaiku and Sagura Shimura walking with Zaveid and Velvet Crowe on their search for Tony, as Sagura and Kaiku is seen with a concerned, yet confident looks on their faces. Velvet and Zaveid is seen with serious looks on their faces.

Asuka Reigns is next seen nearby as they were walking. She is seen with her brother's gloves and looks up at the sky with a serious look on her face. She balls her fist as she walks off to the village, to join the fight.

Break down the limit wall right now

Then, it's seen with Ao Thurston, Kintoki Sakata, Emilia Rose, Ray Rowe, and Himiko Ren at Britannia Village, defending for Vale. Asuka joins in as well as she does lead the charge.

As Cinder with the leading charge, she, and Katsuke, Roe, Zero along with their forces on their side and ready to go.

After this would then see both ends starting to fight and begin a war in the village. 

Strong memories wither, brilliant pride

Kintoki, Ao, and Ray would take on Cinder, Katsuke, and Roe but three Dark Lightning arrows are getting shot at Roe, as she had a shocked look on her face, looking up at someone, who she once knew as Zero had taken out Emilia, Himiko, and even Ray by himself as he still had Asuka to try and take on. Zero and Asuka gets in a fist fight.

Memory that does not change even if any pain is touched

As Tony was in the water, still sinking in deeper into his own subconscious counterpart. It's seen Vanilla Frost running towards for Tony, as she reaches out for him. 

Embracing the oath that expanded visibility and found it

Then, this would see Vanilla Frost diving in deeper to reach for him. 

As she reaches for him, this would see a quick vision visual of Tony standing face to face against Wraith in a psychotic state of mind, that's almost broken at Atlas. He pulls out Siegfried in gun form while Wraith grabbed Immobius, her railgun and pointing at each other.

I will connect you with the road I chose with cloudless eyes

This scene would fade out to seeing Tony standing in the middle without making a move or saying a word. This with a background where's it's just all grey and dark with fog as the background for this visual, all over the place. On opposing sides, would see Vanilla pulling Cheshire, as Saiko pulled out her long sword and the two started to fight but before the fight begins.

The fight fades out back in with Vanilla grabbing Tony's hand.

Resound your voice to resist fate

Tony Shimura with Siegfried in it's sword form would soon be seen standing on opposing sides with Dean Ambrose, who still had his Demon-Dweller Sword in hand. This fades out with a memory of the two in Shoka Shinjuku in sword fencing practice. 


Tony had an serious look on his face. As Dean would have an evil smile on his face. The two would run towards each other as they would begin their fight. The two didn't even have their semblances showcased, yet. 

The opening would see with multiple background and brief scenes such as Tyler Black being shown with a concerned look on his face at Beacon, everyone from the village in Vale, worried, and also Roman Reigns walking away into the light as the fight fades out. 

The OP would end with two swords seen slammed into the ground, together, in which it was Siegfried in sword mode and the Demon-Dweller Sword.


The episode begins with Wraith having to go to Atlas to grab her railgun weapon that is actually customized made with a hardlight shield. Then, she would find herself standing a front of a line of injured or dead guards on the ground.

Wraith looks up at Tony. "Did you do this, Tony? And why?"

Tony had a look of a serious and psychotic person...He points Siegfried in gun form at Wraith. 

"Helloooo, old friend...Wraith...Belladonna...It's been since our graduation, hasn't it?!" He turned the look into a innocent smile, as he kept Siegfried pointed at Wraith. "Now, where is he?! Dean..."

"For one, you're threatening me and two, I don't know. If you don't put your weapon down. I will not go easy on you, I assure you of it...." Wraith would slowly grab her railgun, Immobius. 

"Oh, really now, Wraith? I'm threatening you? Awh, boohoo! Don't give me that shit! GIVE ME THE INFORMATION ON WHERE THE HELL HE IS!!!!" Tony shouted out in anger as he had his finger on the trigger and still pointing at Wraith.

Wraith didn't flinch at this. She just took out Immobius and points her railgun at Tony. "I told you...I don't know where he is...If I did know, I wouldn't even tell you otherwise. I need to kill that traitorous bastard, after what he did...Now, if I was you. I'd put the damn gun down and not fight. I really am not in the mood for this...Also, I really don't want to see Jake's best friend and rival to get hurt..."

"Hmph...So, you wouldn't tell me and you're telling me to back off from gaining the truth before I get hurt?! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! YOU DON'T KNOW ME! NOT EVEN JAKE! HE DOESN'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT ME! YOU BASTARDS NEVER DID KNOW ME! I don't give two shits if I get hurt, as long as I KILL THE POISON who is CONTROLLING HIM, I mean Cinder Fall...She have tons of hell to pay, I will be the one to give her that hell. No one else, but myself...I will take Cinder down and then, bring Dean back into his senses...

...Nothing will stop me and NOBODY will, not even you, Wraith...There is no turning back...This is my redemption...And mine alone.."

Tony said out of total anger, emotion, and serious mental pain.... He would turn the angry look with a psychotic look on his face, and slowly transitions into having a psychotic laughter. 

His eyes were dull still and looked back at Wraith with these eyes.

Wraith didn't flinch by the look on his face and laughter or get shook by those comments. "I see...You're mentally hurt, aren't you? It's turning you into something you're truly not. I believe you are becoming to be like---"

Tony pulls the trigger and the bullet missed her head, just only passing by. 


He yelled at Wraith in total anger, as he turns Siegfried into his sword form.

"I'm done talking...I wanna see you back your talk up..." He said, finally in a calm-like tone of voice.

Watching from a far distance, Saiko Mayama smiled at Tony's insanity growing even more, especially Wraith triggering him with those comments.
"Whoops...Should've never done that, Belladonna. Heh, this is true progress! Kill the bitch, Tony! Ohhhh, please do!"

"Fine...So be it, then. You gave me no other choice, Tony..." 

Wraith would quickly shoot out three projectiles, full of electricity at Tony. As Tony would quickly charge at straight at the projectiles and he slides under one, then, jumps over the second one. Lastly, he would charge his aura up to Siegfried and he shoots out a big shot of wind to the last projectile as he did move to the side. The wind shot distorted the electricity of the projectile.

After this Tony would slide his fingers to the ground to slow himself down, as he shoots out a few bullets at Wraith. Wraith would then activate her semblance, and makes a sword out of her golden aura, in which the sword was created out of f. She would quickly block the bullets with her sword.

Tony would turn Siegfried from a gun to his sword and the two charge at each other in full speed, with their swords in hand. They would clash off with their swords.

As the two had gone back and forth of fencing their swords, in quick pace. Tony would attempt to slash at Wraith but she does a quick handstand kick as Siegfried was kicked out of Tony's hands and she gets into the air. Flames in Wraith's sword would soon change form into a bow. 

The bow was made out of solar energy and flames at the same time. She arches and shoots a few arrows at Tony.

Tony had to take a pendulum out that he found during his search for Dean. He used this to take out a few people with this. He would charge his aura up into the pendulum and blocks two to three of the arrows with his pendulum in the help of his semblance, Wind Trajectory Manipulation.

One of the arrows did hit his knee, he goes down on one knee and gritted his teeth in pain. 

In return, after blocking the arrows with his pendulum. This may damaged the pendulum by little, as it's shown with scorches and the point of the weapon was literally destroyed since the arrows were literally made out of flames.

"DAMMIT! This is NOT OVER!!!!" Tony shouted as he grabbed for Siegfried and turns into back into a gun. He uses little of his aura left to shield Siegfried from suffering anymore damage as it already served.

Wraith comes back down and she shoots more arrows at him, as Tony looks up and shoots bullets at the arrows as both the bullets and arrows collides on serious impact.

Wraith's semblance still has 30 seconds left, until the use of her semblance is up. She would turn her bow into a gun, but with just flames this time as the fight just now getting even more interesting. Tony and Wraith would begin shoot at the same time at each other. Until they ran out of all ammo, between the two...Tony taken three shots to the other leg, twice and his shoulder. 

Wraith took two shots, one to the hand where she was holding the gun, but not letting go of the gun and the other to the right leg of her hers. Most of Wraith's bullets did hit Siegfried which it completely damaged the aura that Tony put on the gun.

Tony notices this and the fact he ran out of ammo. 

Wraith did run out of ammo, so her weapon fades away in particles of solar energy. 


Wraith ran towards Tony and punches him in the stomach, which pops Tony up in the air, and she uses multiple quick kicks and punches to him, as she would end this with a huge punch sending Tony back into the trees. At least, with two or three.

"I did warn you, you idiot...Didn't I?" She walked towards Tony and grabs his shirt. "Your insanity is really leading yourself to getting hurt, Tony. You're forgetting who you are...You're not you. You aren't being yourself! YOU ARE BECOMING JUST LIKE HER!!" She shouted at him.

Tony's eyes widens and looks down at the ground. His body went limp a bit, hearing those words. He turned this look of despair on his face into a innocent smile and began to laugh a bit...He treats this as if it's like a joke. "I don't care what you say to me. I believe in what I say, not you. Why would I care to even believe that shit, huh?! It's funny to me!" 

Tony said with a calm, yet so unstable tone of voice. Then he laughed at this. "Whatever you say to me, doesn't matter to me. They aren't gonna hurt me. Call me reckless, stupid, or an idiot. I won't care...I know I'm not a killer, like Cinder. I'm not heartless. I just don't need anyone to help me get Dean back. The hell if I need any help....It's not like anyone care enough to bare the pain I am having to suffer because Dean is gone and I have to save him, instead of just doing---.."

Wraith punches Tony in the face and let's go of him. She had a disgusted look on her face. 

"If nobody cared, then how do you explain people looking for you, then?! Because they care. How would you think if your family was worried for you, then? Because they have to worry and they care for your safety! Then, why is Vanilla looking for you now? Because she loves you, I know what Kita told me on the phone after what happened. She told me how you told Vanilla that it's okay to speak out about things like her being a faunus and maybe her love to you! You can't seriously be telling me you are turning this girl down just to fulfill your goal, if that's really the case. You are way worse than scum, you're just nothing more than a hypocrite."

Tony got back up slowly and spat blood to the side. He smiled and laughed at her comments once more. He bucked his eyes widened like a mad, psycho man. "I never said that, you're just saying factual lies. Lies told to keep me from saving one friend! If I can't save Dean and by myself, than I'm just as useless than all of you are. I'm nothing but scum if I leave my friend in the dark. He's more than just a teammate and friend. He is a brother to me. If I abandoned my brothers, I would be the worst person on this earth."

"AND YOU ARE, TONY! You left your mother and sisters worried, one of your brothers, Tyler is left distraught when you should be there for him or even be with Asuka to comfort her about Roman, and , even...You should be with Vanilla, who deeply cares for you and---"

"STOP GIVING ME THAT SHIT! I'M DONE SEARCHING HERE!" Tony shouted at Wraith, as he grabbed Siegfried and runs off. As Wraith didn't stop him.

"Man, you're stubborn..." Wraith lastly said, as she walks off and then she is approached by two guards of Atlas who was supposed to go after Tony. "Don't bother, you two...He's lost it...Go back to duty, please."

"Yes, Miss Belladonna." The two guards said and walks away, as Wraith follows until she hears a voice from behind.

Saiko smiled as she stood up on the tree branch. As she followed pursuit of Tony, just staying far behind.


Vanilla and Kita is seen about to enter Britannia Village after they just left Beacon, when they decided to look for Tony and Dean, together. 

Kita looks over at Vanilla, as Vanilla had an determined and confident look on her face. She stopped walking as she looked at the ground, thinking...

"Can...I do it? Can I be as confident as Sister? How can I confess to Dean again? I need to know how....I need to--"

"Kita, is there something wrong?" Vanilla stopped and walks over towards Kita as she places a hand on her shoulder.

Kita snapped out of it as she looks up at Vanilla and blinks.

"No. Not at all." 

"Kita, I know that look. I understand, you're nervous and having second thoughts. But, c'mon. We cannot give up here, when we just got started. Besides, we are almost there for Britannia Village! Our hometown. We may even get to see father again and hopefully somebody in the area knows where either Tony or Dean are. When you confess to Dean, I'll make sure to be there when you do and help you through it. That's what sisters are for. Right?" Vanilla asked with a reassuring smile.

Kita nodded her head and smiled back at Vanilla. "Yeah. I'll be there for you when you confess to him too! Let's keep this journey going, sister."

"That's the spirit!" Vanilla said as she grabbed Kita's hand and ran towards to the entering site of Britannia Village. Kita follows her.

But, Vanilla would soon then run past an old friend, she knows, and she was a fox faunus, Sayaka Ishiyama.

As Vanilla was running, she had a surprised look on her face as she saw Sayaka. 
Sayaka was seen dragging two beaten up and knocked out people, apparently it was someone affiliated with Cinder Fall. She did notice Vanilla.


Velvet, Zaveid, Kaiku, and Sagura were seen leaving Britannia Village, heading for the docks. 

"This is gonna be sooooo coooollll!!! We get to see mother in action for the first time!" Kaiku said out of crazy excited for this.

Zaveid laughed at Kaiku's reaction and Sagura smiled.

"Yeah. It'll be exciting." Sagura says. 

Velvet would sense someone in the area, as she stopped walking and puts her arm out to Zaveid, Kaiku, and Sagura to stop. "Wait...Someone's also nearby as well."

"Who did you sense, Velvet?" Zaveid asked, as he looks around and takes the real Siegfried out in it's only gun form.

Kaiku takes Black Mass out as Sagura takes her weapon, Witcher Traum out. The four rounded each other up, as Zavied senses an arrow that was made out of fire, being shot coming his way, as he deflects the arrow in flames with a shot from Siegfried as it shot a Wind Bullet at it, blocking the arrow.

Two members of Cinder's group comes up towards front of Kaiku and Sagura, as one comes up towards Velvet. 

At the same time, Velvet turned around to take the two out with double kicks to the face as Kaiku and Sagura uses their weapons at the same time to take out the one in front, who was attempting to attack Velvet. 

"Good one, you three." Zaveid said as he smirked at the three, then he hears enchanting singing from a far distance, then he blinks as his eyes goes dull and walks off. 

"Zaveid! Where are you going?!" Velvet exclaimed, as she watched Zaveid walk off into a different direction in the forest. 

Three more people starts coming from the trees. Sagura would create a second Witcher Traum with her Wind Creation semblance and using her aura to create the second one.

Kaiku would use her aura to make dark flames on her sword. "Go after him, Mom! We'll cover you!"

"Go!" Sagura yelled out, as Velvet nods and then runs off to go after Zaveid.

Sagura would use her original Witcher Traum to shoot at one of them, and slashes out a Wind-Binding Slash out to the other member with her wind creation version of Witcher Traum.

"Dark Cloak: Dimensions Split!" Kaiku would slash at the third member into two, as a dark round cloak is surrounded by the member and is stuck there now, just split into two.

Zaveid walks forward to a younger-looking person, looks like still into her 20's. Velvet makes it to Zaveid, but the younger woman got to him first.

"HEY! WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM?!" Velvet shouted as she takes her blade out of her gauntlet.

"What? Can't I not sing a delightful, enchanting song to him? I'm sure he needs it. Isn't that right?" The woman asked Zaveid, as she holds his hand. 

Zaveid slowly nods his head at the woman.

"ANSWER ME!" Velvet ran towards her, as she attempts slashing at her with the blade but the woman vanishes, but reappears with Zaveid behind her.

"All so violent, jeez...Ugh, boring! Have him back. He seems too old for me, anyways!" She snaps her fingers as Zaveid slowly regain his consciousness and she would run away. 

Zaveid feels his head and shook it off. "Damn...What happened?"

"What did that girl use?!" Velvet had a serious look, as she thinks in her mind. She looks over at Zaveid. "I'll explain later, we need to help the girls!" 

"Oh, yeah!" Zaveid says, as he and Velvet runs back to the area where Kaiku and Sagura was.

"What?! Are you serious, Ben?" Ryuuto asked, as his eyes widens in shock.

Benjamin nodded his head at Ryuuto. "Yeah. Cinder is really going all out...She sent most of her people to spy on everyone. Make sure they stay locked down for her upcoming plans."

"Dammit! This wasn't I was hoping to hear...Not at all...Ugh, I feel like this is my--" Ryuuto said, as Ben snaps him out of it by giving him a reassuring smile.

"Don't blame yourself, Ryuuto. It's not really your fault at all. I know it isn't. But, trust me. I think our students can overcome Cinder and her plans to possibly overthrow Vale and who knows elsewhere...Hell, even us as the professionals can even backup our graduates. I mean, Zaveid and Velvet is still out there. But, Shinsuke is out of it, though."

"Oh?! Shinsuke is out of it? What do you mean?" Ryuuto asked. 

Ben grabs his coffee and drinks the rest of his coffee. "Well, he is paralyzed, thanks to one of Cinder's men. I had a certain someone to watch over that for me."

"I saw what went down. Cinder was fighting Belladonna's daughter, Wraith. It ended with Wraith's brother, Jake getting involved and Shinsuke also intervening, but got there at the right time, but bad place." Qrow says as he looks over at Ryuuto and Ben.

"Qrow?!" Ryuuto was shocked about this.

"Yep. Turns out that Qrow was still around, thanks to some info that led me to him." Ben explained.

"But, how?! You've been gone from Vale in years." Ryuuto exclaimed.

Qrow takes his flask out and starts drinking, as he sat down in between Ryuuto and Ben at the table.
"You see...I kept hidden for a few years, after the wars ended. Didn't want the new generation to know the history's past. Knowing the past was majorly up's and down's for everyone. Especially with what happened after the wars..."

"Oh, yeah. Right..." Ryuuto looked to the side, as he remembered the time where he was with Gintoki Sakata, Shinsuke Takasugi, and more standing at the cliff with Shoyo's head, dead watching the sun. 

"Besides that, we need to focus more on Cinder's movements." Benjamin said.

Qrow nods in agreement, so does Ryuuto. But, Ryuuto has doubts for what happens next.


Meanwhile, with Gintoki and Jake as they are seen in a rowing boat as they were headed towards for Vacuo. The two was talking, until they heard yelling and shouts as they were leaving.

"What was that?" Jake stopped rowing as he heard the yelling and shouting.

Gintoki looks up and hears it as well. "Hmm...I'm not sure, could be some protest or something..."

"Actually, no. I recognize that yell anywhere. No doubt about it, that's Tony." Jake said as he looks back at Gintoki. 

Gintoki raised an eyebrow, confused. "But, how can that be?! There is no way, I mean the news announced that he was missing."

"I don't think that's really true...Gintoki, I feel like something feels really off here. Doesn't it?" Jake asked.

Gintoki nodded in agreement. "Let's still head back to Vacuo. We need to make a visit to Mrs. Crowe...And see what's really going on here..."

"Yeah." Jake nods and kept rowing the boat, as Gintoki does the same.


Asuka finally stopped crying as Tyler Black had hugged her, while she was holding Roman's cold and dead hand. 

"It's okay, Asuka...It really is okay. Roman is in peace now. He is watching over us both, make sure we stay strong and make sure that we are gonna be just fine. Roman would've wanted justice for what happened. But, knowing him. Revenge does never suit him. All can he do was to fight and endure it all, then keep moving forward..." Tyler said, as he tries his best not to break down and cry. 

Asuka would return Tyler's hug and she holds his and Roman's. She tries not to cry either.
"Yeah. I'm sure he wants me and you to stay and protect each other, until all of this is over... That's what he would've wanted. But, Tyler....I feel like we have something going on right now. We need something..."

"Yeah, I know. I'm gonna try my hardest, Asuka. I really am gonna try..." Tyler nods his head at her, as tears falls down from his eyes to his face.

Asuka looks back at Roman. She says. "This one is for you, big brother..." She put Roman's gloves onto her hands, as she shakes the tears off. As she blows a kiss to him, as she turns her back to wait on Tyler.

"Yeah, Ro. Justice will be served, for the last time and for good reason." Tyler said, as he turns back as he and Asuka leaves the room, on their way to fight


In a unknown place, it's seen Seth Thurston standing a front of an old abandoned base that was used, awhile back. He knew where he was at.

"Well, Cinder...I gotta say, this is clever...But, not clever enough, I still know this place all too well." 

Seth said with an emotionless set tone of voice, as Cinder was standing behind him with a sword to the back of his head, as if it's like a threat.

"Smart, Thurston. Unlike your parents." Cinder said with a evil smirk on her face.

Seth had kept an emotionless look on his face, he didn't seem to be surprisingly angry with her saying that to him, as he places his hands in his pockets. "You think that's gonna work on me, Cinder? I know that all too well with the mind games. It's cute, really. Seriously, though...Why are you targeting the Demon-Dweller Sword? Why did Tony end up missing? What is it that you're trying to gain here?"

Cinder's eye lights up in flames and she smiled evilly. "What makes you think you need to...Well, know about that, Seth? Huh? I wonder, what does make you want to know on why I'm doing anything really? I'm sure you know the answer to that. Do you?"

"Do I even need to answer that? Nope!" Seth does a reverse frontflip kick to kick the sword out of Cinder's hand as he lands perfectly and catches the sword.

Cinder wasn't surprised but kept the evil smile on her face. She was amused. "I see you can still bring the fight, one on one at least."

"Hmph...Why do I need to fight anyways? It's pointless, unless if I have a reason to." Seth threw the sword at Cinder, as he smirked at her. 

"Well...I'll take what I said to heart then. You are smart, Thurston. Really, you are....I'mma cut to the chase. You should be a free man in terms of not being affiliated with these...Pathetic schools anymore..." Cinder says as she walks around Seth, examining him. "So...Seth Thurston...Are you interested in...rejoining me again?"

Seth reverted back to his calm and emotionless look. 

As Cinder stopped examining him, and looks him closely in the eye and smiled evilly. "I see..."


Dean Ambrose is seen inside the base as he was sitting in the darkness part of a room, as he seen with a evil look on his face. 

"This is a war...A war none of you can win. Soon enough, this world will suffer in despair and darkness. It'll know my pain. Everyone will learn it, feel it, and take it all. Even you...My "friends"..." He laughed evilly as he saw everybody's movements on the screen with cameras planted with the members, even Tony's movements were spotted as well. Zero and Katsuke listened to Dean's words come out.

"Cocky ass bastard..." Katsuke thought in his mind.

The episode ends.


Ending Credits
Second ED Theme (Specifically for this arc) 

Ending Theme Song: Memosepia by Sajou no Hana

The ending visuals starts off with a dark background and someone is standing in it all alone, as a close up would show of Tony Shimura in the dark, alone. His eyes were dull and is seen with a look of serious despair on his face. It was a face that was disgusted.

It appears he's in his own subconscious as well.

The seeds disappeared as they were spilled

Then, he would sigh and starts to walk on as he would pass by his own memories. 

I follow the stained colors, and watch over

The first memory would see him with his mother, Velvet Crowe, his auntie, Mutsuko Crowe, his cousin, Benjamin Shimura, and his father, Shinpachi Shimura along with his two sisters, Kaiku and Sagura doing a family photo together. This marks the last time he saw his mother and father before the wars.

Oh oh, Immediately, again 

After that, his expression changed to a more of a happy look on his face as he walked past the memory. He walked past a memory of him, Sagura, and Kaiku saving Vanilla Frost on her return day at Britannia Village. Marking their first time meeting each other. 

It returns to my palm

The next memory shows is Tony with Kaiku and Sagura on their first day of school at Shoka Shinjuku, as they were met with Roe Ket, Jake and Wraith Belladonna. He kept his smile at the memory, but once Roe appeared...He had an unsure look on his face. 

Too light to climb up like this, so helpless

It would next show, the day when Tony and Dean having their altercation. But, making up and becoming officially friends with each other and also adding Tyler Black and Roman Reigns, into their friendship.

Years later, would show a memory of the four graduating and ending up at Beacon, together alongside with Vanilla Frost, Roe Ket, Nashime "Kita" Yoshida, and Asuka Reigns. 

The world is cold, it robs you of warmth

And outside of Tony's mind for a brief second. It shows him with Dean Ambrose slowly walking away, also fading away from him while Tony tries to reach out to him as Vanilla Frost is walking towards Tony.

Blinding sunlight is not enough

That would then fade out with a transition back to Tony's subconscious and it's showing the full-blown memory of him seeing Dean killing Roman a front of him and Tyler, then him finding out Cinder was the one behind his father's death, and Saiko lastly using her Darkness Control on him...

The memories I felt block the way ahead

Tony would stop walking as he is seen with a transition of three expression changes of sadness, anger, and despair after having to what had happened from seeing Roman's death and Dean's betrayal and his mind would break apart with a glass effect and he slowly pulls Siegfried in gun form as we're back outside of his now broken mind. He is seen with an psychotic smile on his face.

I brush away that body heat and go far away

Multiple transitions of visuals would see of him holding Siegfried up towards a front of Jake Belladonna and Gintoki Sakata in Vacuo, Wraith Belladonna in Atlas, and finally, at Ruby Rose in Beacon.

It would be over in an instant if I let it wilt

Kaiku, Sagura, and Velvet would stand in front of Tony, trying to getting him to stop with his mental madness. Tony realizes that he's pointing Siegfried at them. He tries to back away from them. 

But expectation won’t leave me

Vanilla was standing behind him, as she started to hug him from behind and whispers to him saying something very meaningful to him.

Tony fell limp as he didn't know how to react to that at all to end the sequence.


"Sup, guys. My name is Zaveid! So, did you all enjoy this episode? If so, I am glad for you that you did enjoy it all. More and more cliffhangers just keeps coming for each episode, doesn't it? Even we got a brand new ending sequence. But, that's only used for this arc, right now. As of our writer said before the episode. Yes, the first Season 2 ED will come back. Just after this arc. I can, "at least" confirm you of this."

"Hey! Shut up, Zaveid!" Writer shouted, as he facepalms and laughs it off.

Zaveid laughs as well. "Well, for the next episode title. Episode 15, Conflicting Decisions. This will be an interesting episode. Tune in for it and here's the preview. See y'all in the next one!"


Preview: Episode 15 - Conflicting Decisions

Tony Shimura did make it on his own towards at Vacuo...He was sitting down against one of the trees in the forest, all alone. As Saiko Mayama was nearby. She smirked as she would make triggering sounds for Tony, those sounds is a major effect when the Darkness Control is placed upon Tony.

"Ohhhh, senpai~! Senpai~...Tony-Senpai~..."

Tony was having a dream, as it did fade away. He hears a voice in his head, ringing throughout his ears. His subconscious mind was hearing this.

His eyes is wide open awaken and he starts to shake. 

"Wh-Who is there?!"

"Senpaaaaaiii~! Oh, senpai! My, my Tony. Is your mind broken yet?! I bet it is!" Saiko's laughing starts to ring in his ears as Tony looks around and goes down to his knees.

His eyes widens. He screams out, as his head starts to get a headache from this..."GET OUT OF MY HEAD! STOP THIS!!!!!!! I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL I GET DEAN BACK! UNDERSTAND ME?!?!?!?!?"

"That's right...Go into deeper of your own darkness, senpai~." Saiko's voice spoke out as Tony's body went limp and he began to sink down deeper. 

"D-Darkness?" Tony asked, as he starts to slowly repeat this over and over.


"You got three choices, Seth. One, side with me once again, two, stay away from this war, or three, making your own grave? So, what's it gonna be? Huh?" Cinder asked Seth as she smiled evilly at him and places a hand on his cheek.

Seth looks at her hand, as he still kept his emotionless look in his eyes. "Interesting choices...I see, that's clever--"

Then, Katsuke is sent back out of the base as he was seen being thrown out of the base.

Dean looked over at Katsuke with a death glare. "What did you say to me, Shinoda?! WOULD YOU LIKE TO REPEAT THAT???"

"....Cocky ass bast--" Katsuke was interrupted by a kick to the gut by Dean. 

Seth didn't seem to flinch at all from this, but Cinder seemed confused by this.

"Dean? Katsuke? What is going on?" Cinder asked.

Knowing Katsuke, he has problems with internal pain. He spat out blood to the side. "A-Ask Dean..."

"Dean?" Seth looks over at Dean. 

Dean looks back at Seth with a emotionless look, as well as Seth did so too.

Preview ends

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