Friday, February 22, 2019

Episode 17, Season 2 - Final Intervention

REMINDER: The canon characters of RWBY are owned by Monty Oum and Rooster Teeth, as well as the characters of Gintama are owned by Hideaki Sorachi. Also, the only Tales of characters that will be involved is Velvet Crowe and Zaveid, I do not own these characters but Yoshiharu Gotanda does since he's the creator of Tales of.

I do NOT own these characters other than my own and close friends of mine. Thank you very much.


Writer's Note: What's going on, ATF readers? This is RWBYFan19, again with another episode of After the Fall for you guys! I hope you guys are loving this current arc as this arc is now coming to a close. We still got some unanswered questions, whose taking who's side, and more. Don't worry, tho. These questions will be answered on this episode and the next episode (which will end this current arc) and then, the huge war arc. I do have an announcement regarding the ED for the war arc and going towards to the final episode of this whole fanfic. The second ED (Niji by Shinku Horou) will return for the war arc. A new OP is coming for the war arc, and that'll be I Wanna Be... by SPYAIR! So, that's out of the way. Now, let's get to the brand new episode. 



The episode begins with multiple flashbacks with the Fall of Beacon from twenty years ago. 

A narrating voice sounds off in the background about it's past.

"Long ago..."

The flashback sees The White Fang and Adam Taurus, along with Roman Torchwick and Cinder Fall destroying Beacon Academy as Beacon had multiple students as well as from different schools trying to defend Beacon as well. Grimm was heavily involved as well.

"Remnant, mostly in Vale saw a new era...A era that was truly experienced with..."

The narrating voice paused as a red background appears where Adam Taurus severely injures Yang Xiao Long by slashing his sword at the arm of Yang, a front of Blake Belladonna.


A black background would fade in as a background and it shows a flashback with Pyrrha Nikos sending Jaune Arc into the weapon pod away from Beacon.

"Sad goodbyes..."

Then, the darkness would fade in once more. Timeline wise, would go back to see at the Beacon Tower in the end of the Cinder vs. Pyrrha fight where Cinder shoots one of her arrows at the heart of Pyrrha and Ruby Rose sees this. 

"The worst of all...Death and heartbreak..."

Ruby was in shock as Cinder places a hand on Pyrrha's forehead as Pyrrha fades away. Then, Ruby cries out and screams out as the Silver Eyes activated and the whole background changes into all white afterwards.

"But, after all of that. A certain team was broken, later brought back together to stop one villain ahead of them that's caused The Fall of Beacon and the wars to happen."

The background would be painted in with color and it's in Salem's castle. Salem is shown.

"This woman, this dangerous woman...The darkness flows within her, because of her selfish needs. This woman's name is Salem and she won't stop at nothing until...The world is burnt down to the ground a front of her...."

What's next is shown with pages like a history book would be flipped and sees a war breaking out. The pages flip once more as the paint is being placed in the page with Team RWBY standing side by side with Ryuuto Yoshida, Gintoki Sakata, Zaveid, Shinsuke Takasugi, Shinpachi Shimura, Mutsuko Crowe, Velvet Crowe, Qrow Branwen, Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren, Oscar Pine, and Raven Branwen on their side along with tons and tons of allies by their side.

"A war would be engaged. One side was the legendary Team RWBY alongside with their allies, that came along for in their journey."

Next page is flipped as it's shown with The White Fang with leader, Adam Taurus and many more on his side and standing from a few minutes off of where they were was Salem shown standing inside from the castle, watching this from afar.

"As The White Fang and Adam Taurus was ready for war. Salem was watching from afar. Then, from there the war finally begun."

A brand new page had been created as it would be painted in as it shows Team RWBY defeating Salem, alongside with Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie. Oscar Pine, and Lie Ren.

"Then, Salem was defeated by our heroes of the past. Sure, the war with Salem ended. But, things took a dark turn with The White Fang and Team RWBY's allies."

Another page would be stained in paint as it shows Shinsuke Takasugi, Velvet Crowe, Shinpachi Shimura, Mutsuko Crowe, Qrow & Raven Branwen, and Zaveid being held down as Adam Taurus watched them grovel and is enjoying it. As Shoyo Yoshida is seen tied up at the end of the cliff.

After this, then a page is turned as Gintoki Sakata is seen slashing Shoyo's head off clean with his sword, forcibly.

"After Shoyo's sacrifice for his students. The war did indeed end but on a sad note as our heroes stared at the sun, looking into the future as The White Fang did die down after the war and later disband. This would be the end of the past generation."

Then, a new book would be picked up by someone as the person would open that book. As the book has pages that needs to be filled in. But, the background would be painted in as a new generation would be shown standing a front of Beacon Academy.

"After twenty years of chaos and war. A new generation has risen. The new generation will make sure the world is safe from any sort of danger..."

A page is flipped and the background gets painted in as it would show Dean Ambrose in his new demon form killing Roman Reigns a front of Tony Shimura, Tyler Black, Mutsuko Crowe, Seth Thurston, Asuka Reigns, Vanilla Frost, and Nashime "Kita" Yoshida.

"Then...even in the new generation, darkness exists within the new generation..."

A new page is shown, one of the new pages is there but the one to the right is not painted in yet. The page to the left shows Dean not turning his back to look at his former teammates, as he did side with Cinder Fall, Roe Ket, Zero Kishitani, Katsuke Shinoda, and Saiko Mayama. Tony is shown with an angered look on his face.

"This is where...Anger, darkness, and finally...Despair comes into play..."

The page to the right is now painted in as it shows Tony Shimura standing all alone, in the rain and is apparently seen at Atlas, raging in the rain by himself, continuing his search for Dean, following his interaction with Saiko Mayama using her Darkness Control on him. He is seen shouting out loud out of desperation and anger.

"The boy, Tony Shimura is now under his own darkness and fighting his own subconscious, with a desperate mind, that's close to breaking. Trying to prove he can save someone on his own and under his own power."

Finally, a new page is flipped and is seen with someone holding their hand out to Tony, as Dean walked away into the darkness. Saiko is shown holding her hand out and Vanilla holding hers on opposite sides as Tony was in the middle.

"Now...Darkness or Light, Give up or keep fighting is his two only options...Which will he choose?"

Opening Theme Plays
Opening Theme Song Name: RESISTER by ASCA

The opening begins with seeing Vanilla Frost and Nashime "Kita" Yoshida standing together, side by side as the two staring at the dark clouds ahead and wind was blowing around them. 

Strong memories wither, brilliant pride

This would transitioning to seeing her with the determination in their faces, as they got close-ups

Fight against destiny

Another transition gets a close-up into Vanilla's eye as it would then show white particles forming the RWBY: After the Fall Season 2 title card in a dark background drop. 

In a place where your voice does not reach

Tony Shimura would be seen dropped into the water and had his eyes opened, but slowly closing. As someone's hand appears around his neck. Saiko Mayama appears to be the one having her hand around his neck and she whispers into his ear. His eyes does close.

Distorted rules that no one taught

What's next going down deeper into the water, would transition to seeing Cinder Fall with Zero Kishitani, Roe Ket, Saiko Mayama, and Katsuke Shinoda. As Cinder was leading the way towards for Britannia Village. 

I strongly hoped for it when I was young.

Then, it's seen that Dean Ambrose in his demon form and him having the Demon-Dweller Sword in hand, awaiting for his former friend, Tony. He had an evil look on his face.

The journey to find the location of a dream has just begun

After that would then see Dean use his demon-dweller sword which was in dark flames. Make a huge slash, as the dark flames would burn out this scene.

As that scene transitions to show Gintoki Sakata and Jake Belladonna in the forest at Vacuo, about to head into town, as they get stopped by Tony Shimura. Tony makes a quick sword wind slash at Jake, but Jake does the same with a Lightning Sword Slash as well. Both moves are blocked, as the smoke appears. 

The smoke transitions to the next scene.

I do not need time to cry

Kaiku and Sagura Shimura walking with Zaveid, Velvet Crowe, Ray Rowe, Emilia Rose, and Himiko Ren as they were on the search for Tony and Jake, as Sagura and Kaiku is seen with a concerned, yet confident looks on their faces. Velvet and Zaveid is seen with serious looks on their faces. 

Asuka Reigns is next shown at her home in Mistral as she is seen with her brother's gloves and looks up at the sky with a serious look on her face. She balls her fist as she walks off to the village.

Break down the limit wall right now

Then, it's seen with Ao Thurston, Kintoki Sakata, and Tyler Black at Britannia Village, defending for Vale. Asuka joins in as well as she does lead the charge.

As Cinder with the leading charge, she, Roe, and Zero along with their forces on their side and ready to go.

After this would then see both ends starting to fight and begin a war in the village. 

Strong memories wither, brilliant pride

Kintoki and Ao would take on Cinder and Roe, next is shown was Zero is seen in a back and forth fight with Tyler, as he punches him very hard, keeping him out of the fight and what's next, Asuka comes in with a huge punch attempt, but Zero put his fist up and did the same, as both of them hit and miss each other in the exchange, getting into a fist fight.
Memory that does not change even if any pain is touched

As Tony was in the water, still sinking in deeper into his own subconscious counterpart. It's seen Vanilla Frost running towards for Tony, as she reaches out for him. 

Embracing the oath that expanded visibility and found it

Then, this would see Vanilla Frost diving in deeper to reach for him. 

As she reaches for him...Saiko Mayama was there as she hugged Tony from behind and is seen staring at Vanilla with a evil smile, which was a sign of victory for her.

I will connect you with the road I chose with cloudless eyes

A scene is shown with Seth Thurston face to face with Dean Ambrose and Cinder Fall, as Dean and Seth ran towards each other. Seth slides under Dean as Dean went for a huge sword slash. But misses, and Seth jumps in the air for a blade slash to Cinder as the fight scene transitions back to the previous scene.

The fight fades out back in with Vanilla grabbing Tony's hand. As he still wasn't awakened yet, and Saiko fades away as she did grab his hand. The light would fade out the scene, transitioning to the next scene.

Resound your voice to resist fate

Tony Shimura with Siegfried in it's sword form would soon be seen standing on opposing sides with Dean Ambrose, who still had his Demon-Dweller Sword in hand. This fades out with a memory of the two in Shoka Shinjuku in sword fencing practice. 


Tony had an serious look on his face. As Dean would have an evil smile on his face. The two would run towards each other as they would begin their fight. The two have their aura connected to their respective weapons with Tony's wind power and Dean's demon, dark flame power. 

The opening would see with multiple background shots and brief scenes, which showed in slower flashing transitions, such as Tyler Black being shown with a concerned look on his face at Beacon, everyone from the village in Vale, worried, and also Roman Reigns walking away into the light as the fight fades out. 

A quick shot also sees a man grabbing his sword holster, as he was seen in a dark cloak, covering his face and a girl walking with him, leaving Menagerie.

Then, the final shot sees the two colliding swords against each other.

The OP would end with two swords seen slammed into the ground, together, in which it was Siegfried in sword mode and the Demon-Dweller Sword.


The episode would begin off to be somewhere in the forest, in Vacuo and it's shown that Katsuke Shinoda with his head on the ground and Dean having his broken arms pulled back. Cinder is standing face to face with Ao Thurston, the younger brother of Seth Thurston. In which, Seth does have a sword to his head, by Roe Ket. Roe had Gambol Shroud pointed at his head.

Cinder laughed at Ao, as he did say that he was her "biggest problem".

"A big problem, huh Ao Thurston? Ooooo...I'm so scared...What are you gonna do?! Call your dead father and paralyzed mother?! Let me tell you what you're gonna do...You won't do nothing about it. Because why? You're just a shadow.. You follow me...You're just nothing more than an obedient puppet of mine that not even Seth knows about..Or...Really, your so-called friends knows about..." 

Cinder said as she walked around him in a circle and stops to look at him in the eyes.

Seth was confused on what Cinder was talking about, so he looked at Ao. "Ao...What is she talking about?!"

Ao takes his pistol gun out and points it at Cinder. "What in the hell are you going at, Cinder Fall?!"

"Do you want to shoot me, Ao? Or is it just doubt? Are you scared that you may end up dead like your father is?! Are you gonna follow in his footsteps? Or your brother's? I'm sure he hasn't given you the full story of how he was once an apprentice of mine before reuniting with you."

Ao's eyes widened in total shock and he kept his gun pointed at her, as he has his fingers on the trigger. "That's not true! I know it's not!"

Seth looked down at the ground with a formed shadow over his eyes. "Ao! Don't listen to her! She's trying to split us up!" 

Dean would put Katsuke down after breaking both of his arms. He would walk over to Seth, going past Ao. 

"I wouldn't even try and interrupt if I was you. You're just speeding your death up like that street rat punkass, Shinoda!" He points his Demon-Dweller Sword at him.

Cinder looks over at Dean. "Hold it, Dean...Let Seth tell Ao, his little brother the truth...Seth, darling~...Tell Ao who you once were before you even were brothers with him again, reuniting with him...."

She said, as she smiled evilly at Seth with her eye glowing and then, she looks back at Ao.

"....Seth, what is she talking about?! Please tell me!" Ao begged of his older brother to tell him what Cinder was talking about.

Seth gritted his teeth and looked down, as he shouted at her with these words. "GO TO HELL! I can't do that! Ao, you'd be crushed if I did tell you...I just can't..."

"Well...Fine, if you won't tell him.. Then I will..." Cinder walked towards Ao, as Ao kept pointing the gun at her. She brings his hand down to stop pointing the gun at her.

He yelled out. "DON'T DO---" 

Dean would kick him in the face, as Seth hits the ground. "Didn't I already tell you to shut up, Thurston?! I'd quit speeding your death up, if I was you."

"G-Get away from me..." Ao's eyes widens as Cinder leaned closer to whisper into his ear.

"Your brother once apprentice. He was once lost and I guided him to kill, and show no remorseless to every death he made...And get this, Ao...You're just gonna follow into his footsteps.." 

Ao's eyes widens in shock after Cinder had whispered to him about who Seth was. She backs away, as she notices Zero was standing behind him, as he did bring the rest of Cinder's force with him. He accidentally backs into him and turns around. 

Zero would punch Ao in the face, to knock him out.

"Ah, good timing, Zero...Can you carry the boy? We are going to bring him with us." Cinder asked Zero if this he can do.

Zero nodded his head at Cinder. "Yeah." 

"AO! DAMN YOU!!!" Seth shouts out as he sees Ao getting punched in the face. 

As Dean would slash his sword across the body of Seth, real quick as Seth would fall down once again to the ground and starts to bleed from his chest. Actually, the sword slash did destroy his shirt as well. 

"You don't know when to shut up, do you?!...Pitiful..." Dean would spit into the face of Seth, as he walked towards Cinder. 

"Y-You...bastard...." Seth slowly said, as his eyes slowly loses light in them and he was about to pass out due to slow blood loss. He watches Ao get carried by Zero.

"You brought all of this on yourself, Seth..." Roe said, as she puts the katana back into the holster of Gambol Shroud as she walked past Seth.

Katsuke was on the ground, can't move or even get up due to his arms being broken. He looked up to see Zero knocking out Ao and Dean piercing Seth. "Zero...Why?!" He whispered.

Zero looked back at Katsuke and gave him a cold look in his eyes, then he proceeds to ignore him by turning his back on him.

Cinder walks ahead, away from the area. "We move out now...To begin this world's destruction...We begin with Vale, going through there. We have Britannia Village to go past before Vale. If we run into enemies along the way...Kill them....Make sure nobody is left standing.. And then, when we're done with the village...Then, it Vale's turn! Does everyone got that clear?!" 

"YES, MISS FALL!" The army shouted out.

Dean thinks in his mind, as he smiled evilly. "Tony...Despair, pain and suffering...It's all coming...Just wait..." 

"Vanilla, Kita, Asuka...I cannot wait to see the looks on your faces when we take over..." Roe thought in her mind as well.

"Let's move out." 

Cinder ordered, as her forces would start running off towards for Britannia Village, which is the ahead movement for Vale. Dean would get into his demon form with his sword, as he vanishes off. Zero alongside with Ao, and Roe goes with Cinder.

Seth and Katsuke were left for dead. 

"Wake up, Seth...C'mon! We gotta st-stop them!" Katsuke shouted at Seth, as he tries to move using his feet and chin moving up closely to him without his arms.

Gintoki and Sayaka was spotted in one of the trees, just nearby as they were headed towards that direction. Gintoki was recovered by Sayaka 

Sayaka hears the shouting from straight ahead. 

"What was that?!" Gintoki asked, as he looked over at Sayaka.

"Sounds like some shouting or something..." Sayaka said, as she shrugged her shoulders. "What? Wanna check it out to see what it is?"

"Yeah...I got a bad feeling about this, Saya." Gintoki nodded.

Sayaka sighed and blushed a bit, knowing she hasn't been called that in years since her last time seeing Shinsuke and her friend, Vanilla, as she would go straight ahead.

"Wait for me!!!" Gintoki sat up and ran as he followed Sayaka.

Meanwhile, it's shown to see Velvet, Kaiku, Sagura, Zaveid, Ray, Himiko, and Emilia on a huge boat that carries many people on at one time. They were headed towards for Atlas.

"I hope we're not too late, guys...I'm seriously worried..." Kaiku said, as she looks at everyone. 

Sagura places a hand on Kaiku's shoulder. "Don't worry, sis. We'll find him soon. We just need the information to actually know where he is."

"How close are we towards Atlas, Zaveid?" Velvet asked, as she looked around if anything was out in the waves, as they were.

"Not far..." Zaveid answered Velvet's question, steering the boat towards there to Atlas.

Ray was laying back with his hands to the back of his head, looking up at the sky.

"What's wrong, Ray?" Emilia asked, as she looks at him

"Nothing...I'm fine, just thinking is all..." Ray answered, as he closed his eyes for a moment.

"So, Mrs. Crowe...What's the plan?" Himiko looks over at Velvet to see what the plan should be when they hit Atlas.

Velvet looks at everyone on the boat. "Okay, so...Kaiku, do you have those communicating transmitters with you?"

Kaiku nodded, as she takes off her backup and places it a front of her. She pulls out the communicators. 


"Alright, are they enough for everyone?" Velvet asked her, once more.

"Yes, mother! Always came prepared!" Kaiku dumps out tons of earpiece communicating transmitters out of her bag. 

Ray and Emilia was shocked, even Sagura was surprised herself.

"Hehe, I mean. We always carried them for our little missions back then, remember Sags?" Kaiku looked over at Sagura. 

"Wow...She wasn't kidding..." Himiko said, also surprised. Although, she shouldn't be surprised...Besides, this is Kaiku and she knows how unpredictable she really is when it comes to being prepared for anything,

"Yep. That's Kaiku for ya, Himiko." Emilia responded with that surprise look on her face.

Sagura nods her head slowly. "Yeah. I remember those times, too."

"So, what does these have to do with our current search?" Ray asked Velvet.

"As apart of this plan, we'll go into teams of two. Like, Kaiku and Sagura. And for the one person out of us seven, will try to speak with Weiss Schnee, and see if she knows anything upon Tony's whereabouts, or even Dean's..." Velvet explained to the group.

"Who are into the teams of two as well, other than Kaiku and Sagura?" Emilia asked. 

"I'll let you all decide that upon yourselves." Velvet responded back, as she looked at the five.

Emilia, Himiko, Ray, Kaiku, and Sagura looked at each other. 

" 'bout this? Ren and Rose, you two are in a team. Me and Ray are in one. Velvet, I'm sure you're gonna speak with Weiss. Correct?" Zaveid asked, as he looked back at everyone when steering for the boat.

Velvet nodded, as everyone agreed by nodding as well.

"I guess it's what we all got." Ray said. 

"Yeah. We'll go with that, Zaveid." 

Velvet agreeing with the plan he made, as she would then soon see her messenger crow flying towards her and she puts her arm out. 

"Huh?! What's up with the crow?" Emilia asked, as she saw the crow come towards Velvet.

Zaveid looks back at everyone. "Actually, that is Velvet's messenger crow. She also uses her crow to keep track of what's going on back in the village and if there is something very sufficient happening. The crow tracks Velvet's location and she gets the updates from it. Apparently, that's why the crow is here."

"Ohhh!! That's right! I see now!" Kaiku smiled as she nodded.

"Hm...A evacuation is taking place?! And...Cinder, she is coming to Vale soon...I have Qrow and Ben with me, even three of our own is with us too...Ryuuto Yoshida..." Velvet read out loud to the group.

Everyone else gasped, but Ray and Zaveid. Ray had a serious look on his face.

"So...They are really gonna start an attack, huh?!...I would assume that slick, backstabbing bastard, Dean is gonna be there..." Ray said to himself, as he gritted his teeth in anger. 

"Mr. Shimura, Teacher..." Emilia said in worry.

"If Cinder's there. If Dean will be there...Then...." Sagura paused.

"Tony should be there too..." Kaiku said, as she had a worried look on her face.

"Zaveid!" Velvet looked at Zaveid.

"On it!" Zaveid nodded as he turns the boat around. 


As Tyler Black, Kintoki Sakata, and Asuka Reigns went to Britannia Village to await for war to happen. Benjamin had caught up with Reigns, Black, and Sakata.

"Are you three crazy?! What are you doing?" Benjamin asked the three who is wanting to step up for the upcoming fight.

Kintoki looked up at Benjamin, as he crosses his arms. "I'm sorry, Mr. Shimura. But, we just can't sit back and do nothing when we got the energy to fight and fight against an incredible threat."

"You three need to leave it to the professionals! We don't want you guys to get--" Benjamin gets cut off by a soon to be an outspoken Tyler.

"Mr. Shimura, we aren't moving. As a former Shield member and Roman's best friend...I have to avenge for him. I'm done crying...I'm done watching! I will fight and for him. I don't even know where our other brother is, maybe he is coming to Vale as well..We'd never know. I have to fight...And I will even do it, against the woman that killed my brother, that woman discriminated for what The Shield really meant and what our team represented! And that was brotherhood and teamwork. You or anyone, can't stop me from fighting..." Tyler shouted at Benjamin, as he had a look of seriousness on his face. 

Asuka nodded in agreement of what Tyler said, but she gets Ben's point as well. "Mr. Shimura...I know you helped us in our training years and when we were just kids. Look...We're not kids anymore...We have our reasons. That man, Ambrose killed my brother and Cinder was the cause of one of my former teammates to turn on our team and selling out our teammate, Vanilla...I even believe Cinder had something to do with Tony ending up disappearing...I know, I swore...I was finally gonna be a sister for once for Roman and fight as well...

...Whatever you tell us, we can't leave. We won't leave, even if before the fight begins...As of what Tyler had said. We are done watching. We'll show you what we can do, you'll watch us do what we can do. And I'll be damned if I or those two let some enemy scum came by and causing havoc. They got another thing coming...Kin, Tyler..."

Asuka looked at both Kintoki and Tyler, as the three walks away from Benjamin.

Benjamin shook his head. He understood their point for staying. He ran off to where Yoshida and Qrow was.

Ryuuto Yoshida and Qrow Branwen were sending people to the village's exit. 

Benjamin walked up to the two. "So, anything new, guys?"

"Well, our reinforcements should be coming back soon. Also...The evacuation is working. We got security to block the way to Vale as the villagers are leaving. What about you? Did you get them out of here, as well?" Ryuuto explained everything, as he asked Benjamin..

Benjamin shook his head. "No. But, they do have their points, Ryu..."

"What?! They can't stay here! Ben, we need them to get--" Qrow exclaimed.

"Qrow...Understand that, they need to do this. I mean, their frie--Er, former friends are with Cinder. There is even potential involvement of Tony being brought into this." Benjamin explained to Qrow in a reasonable manner.

"Benjamin's right, Qrow. We gotta let them settle their issues with Dean and Roe, and if Tony is involved. That brings more the reason for them to be involved." Ryuuto said, backing up Ben's explanation to Qrow.

Qrow sighed heavily, as he grabs his flash and looks at it, about to drink from it. He shook his head. 

"Okay...Fine, but who's gonna keep watch until that backup does arrive?" 

"I'll do it. You and Ben help security keep watch of the people. If my two daughters are gonna be involved as well..I may as well step up." Ryuuto answered, as he walked ahead only to turn around and look at Ben and Qrow.

Ben was shocked about Ryuuto wanting to step up. "Are you sure, Ryu?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine. Don't worry." Ryuuto said with a reassuring smile.

"Well, alright...Be safe..." Benjamin said, as he looks at Qrow. "Let's go." 

"Yeah...." Qrow and Benjamin ran off as the final people did leave as well. 

Ryuuto walks back to the now, empty village to watch Kintoki, Asuka, and Tyler.


As Qrow and Benjamin were running to the evacuated crowd. In the trees sees Jake, Vanilla, and Kita jumping tree to tree, heading towards for Vale. Going back to Beacon.

"Is that Mr. Shimura?! And...Who is that with him?" Kita asked her sister and Jake.

Jake looked down as he kept going and he recognized the weapon that was inactive on Qrow's back. "I think that's Qrow Branwen! I would assume they are preparing for what may happen. I mean...Cinder is gonna try and reach for Beacon!"

"What?! The legendary Qrow Branwen??? Really?" Kita was surprised, as Vanilla was just focused on the goal of saving Tony.

"Yeah! Vanilla? Are you okay??" Jake asked, to make sure if Vanilla was alright.

Vanilla nodded her head slowly, as she takes the lead. She thought in her mind. 

"Hang in there for me, Tony...Please...We're close!" 


Ruby Rose was in her brand new huntress gear and is waiting for Tony's arrival, with Crescent Rose in hand as well. She was standing outside of Beacon with security inside guarding back the students. The headmistress would then see Tony coming out from the trees and finally arriving at Beacon, in quick timing. 

He even brought Saiko Mayama with her. 

"Well, well, well...If it isn't Shimura's oldest kid, Tony Shimura...What happened to you?! What's wrong with you? Why are you acting not like your usual self?!

Ruby asked as she goes into scythe mode with Crescent Rose and held it up to her shoulder. Tony didn't respond to Ruby at all, but she looked over at the girl with Tony.  

"I would have to assume you're the girl that caused for Tony's disappearance....Did Cinder order you to it?! I know she has to be behind this, somehow...Did she tell you to manipulate this young man?"

"Where's your proof, you old hag? You got no evidence to prove if that either she did have a hand in me manipulating him or it was probably out of my own intention. Hmph...Innocent until proven guilty, did you read the law?! or...Is it your old mind too forgetful?!" 

Saiko asked with a psychotic, yet so evil smile on her face.

"Ruby...Rose...I know you, I remember you!" 

Tony had this straight look on his face with a psychotic smile, which was straight in this point. He laughed out loud in a psychotic way. 

"You're the p-person I've been looking forward to....kill....Because why? You are the one behind my...friend is gone and is with that BITCH, CINDER FALL!!!! RUBYYYYYY!!!! RUBYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!"

He laughed out loud as he goes down to his knees and spreads his fingers down his face.

"I see now...You did manipulate him and then, he's in darkness...I know he's under your mother's old semblance influence. He's in Darkness Control...Isn't he?!" Ruby asked as she makes Crescent Rose go into gun mode, pointing Crescent Rose at Saiko.

Saiko laughed evilly, as she gave Ruby a evil grin. "Oooo! You did your research, I see, old lady...I'm impressed. I wonder...How good you really are...Let's see if those legends were right about how strong you were then..." She went down and licks Tony in the ear. As she whispers in his ear.

"Kill Ruby Rose...Do what you intend to do for your friend. She is the scum of the earth and the reason why you're this way! Do what your heart desires! Let your darkness take over and kill this person, this filthy, decieving, and evil person!" 

Tony nodded as he got back up to his feet and builds himself up with his aura. He would grab Siegfried as it was in gun form. He points Siegfried at Ruby. The unstable man would give Ruby a psychotic grin on his face.

" coming for you, RUBY ROSE!!!"

"Hmph..." Ruby readies herself for this fight, as she turns Crescent Rose back into Scythe Mode. 

Saiko would slowly take one of her swords out, apparently taking her long sword out. 

Tony would begin to shoot multiple bullets at Ruby, as Ruby began to charge at Tony and Saiko, and counters the bullets by pulling a defensive move by using her scythe to spin in tracing circles, causing the bullets to actually getting deflected. 

Saiko came charging at Ruby with her sword, as she attempt to make slashes going towards Ruby. But, Ruby would stop at her tracks and does block the slashes by Saiko as the two went back and forth. 

As Tony turns Siegfried back into a sword and he ran towards Ruby. Saiko would jump in the air, as she attempts to hit Ruby with a slash to the face in a reverse frontflip but this was countered with Ruby taking a step back and quickly notices Tony behind her, as he attempt to slashes at her as well.

Ruby would jump in the air, as she makes her scythe transform back into gun form and shoots a few bullets at both Saiko and Tony. Both of them would block the bullets with their swords.

Tony would grab his two pendulums and puts his aura into them as he would use his semblance to shoots both of them at Ruby, using the wind trajectory semblance is mainly the support tool for that and in attempts to bring her down by grabbing her legs, or at least one of them. 

Ruby blocks the pendulums by shooting two bullets at both pendulums. She came back down as she uses her scythe to keep her balance by grounding the scythe to the ground.

Tony would bring the pendulums back down to make several quick attacks on Ruby, but Ruby blocks the pendulums again. As a distraction, Saiko would come up from the side and attempt to attack Ruby with an out of nowhere slash.

But, Ruby saw it coming as she would lean her back to the ground, backwards and place her hands down to the ground for balance. Saiko goes for a forward slash but Ruby lifts her legs up in the air to make a kick to the face of Saiko, which it connects. She also kicked the huge sword out of Saiko's hands. As it was a handstand kick that turned the tide for Ruby.

Ruby would get back to her feet from the handstand. She grabbed Crescent Rose, as Tony did charge at her with his sword once more, as he and Ruby was about to clash off.

A sword would be dropped into the ground, between Tony and Ruby and the sword was filled with lightning power. Jake would appear a front of the sword, in between Tony and Ruby.

Jake would grab the sword and clashed off with Tony once again.

Tony was shocked, as Jake had an serious look on his face and kicks Tony back where Saiko was regrouping back to her feet.

Ruby couldn't even believe it herself. "Jake..."

"Don't worry, Head of Beacon...Sit this one out, because me and two sisters are here to help you out in regaining Tony and his sense back..." Jake said as he looked back at Ruby. Then, he pays his attention back towards Tony.

"We're not done yet, you bitch!" Vanilla came out from the trees, as Saiko grabbed her sword as fast as she could. As she would pull out Cheshire out, her fan which turns into a bow and shoots a few arrows at Saiko.

Saiko gritted her teeth as she sees Vanilla and blocks the arrows with her sword. "You again?! YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE BROKEN!" 

"Oh, the hell she isn't! She never gives up!" Kita shouted out, as she had her sword in the ground and her Explosion Magic semblance goes off like mine bombs on the ground. Saiko would move away from those spots

Tony grabs his sword, as he looks at Kita, Jake, and Vanilla and slowly gets up. "Oh, you three again...Why can't you all LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" 

Jake slowly walks up to Tony. "Because we are your friends...We care about you! Isn't that an enough reason?!" 

Ruby grabs Jake by the shoulder. She looks at him. "Jake...Listen, Tony..."

"Let me stop you right there, Miss Rose. I know...Saiko controlled him with Darkness Control....I just need to beat the sense into him. Knowing my words won't work!" He shrugged Ruby's hand away from his shoulder as he kept walking towards Tony.

Saiko and Kita started to go back and forth of trading punches and kicks, while Vanilla is trying to shoot more arrows at Saiko with her. Saiko counters these arrows at the same time as she fighting off Kita.

"Get away from me...I'm serious!" Tony shouted at Jake, as he points Siegfried in gun form at him. 


"Go ahead...Try it..." Jake said, as he kept walking up to Tony.

Tony keeps backing away from Jake. He accidentally pulls the trigger as Jake would move his head slightly to the right. The unstable boy didn't know what to do.

Jake would run towards Tony and punches him in the face. "It's time to wake up, you idiot!" 

Saiko would notice Tony getting punched in the face by Jake. She would power kicks Kita, sending her back away from her. As she had a plan for Vanilla to back off of her.

"Kita! Oh, that's it!" 

Vanilla would use her vanishing semblance to disappear, only for Saiko to run towards Tony, in attempt to protect herself and him, as well..

As Saiko was close towards Tony, Vanilla would appear a front of Saiko. She would punch Saiko, as Saiko does the same towards Vanilla.

Jake looks over to his left and seeing both Vanilla and Saiko punch each other in the face at the same time as he looks back down at Tony.

"Tony...Look at what Vanilla is doing...She is fighting her, just to save you. Save you from her clutches, save you from yourself...She is trying to keep this bond she has with you alive, like how everyone else is. How is she doing that?! By her actions and she is showing those actions, to try and save you. Even if you pushed her away or you weren't noticing her, she always chased after you. No matter what happens...Saiko is using you, she is preventing you from defending---"


Jake quickly leans down and punches Tony again in the face.
"Sorry, but I needed to do that..."

Saiko and Vanilla would kick each other in the stomach at the same time, as the two starts trading back and forth punches, kicks, and reversals. Saiko attempts to make a swift kick to the head, as Vanilla ducks under. As Saiko tries for a quick kick sweep under Vanilla's feet, but she jumps in the air as Saiko misses. 

Vanilla would go for a major punch to the face to Saiko, but Saiko counters with a punch as well. Saiko, then punches Vanilla in the stomach but Vanilla backs up a bit. Kita would come up from behind with a flying kick to the back of her head. But, Saiko ducks under as Kita misses her as well.

Saiko would kick Kita in the stomach once again, but this time it was a kick that made Kita get sent into Vanilla but Vanilla catches Kita. 

As Vanilla caught Kita. Saiko went for a jump in the air and attempts a frontflip kick towards Vanilla. Vanilla would disappear, as she reappears and hits Saiko with a powerful punch that sends Saiko back down hitting the ground, really hard. 

Vanilla would disappear again and reappears to give Saiko a powerful kick, as it connects and it would send Saiko all the way back into a few trees. 

"Take that, bitch..." Vanilla said, as she tries to catch her breath. She looks down at her sister. "Are you okay, Kita?"

"Yeah...If Saiko keeps getting up. I'll cover you...Go and tell him how you feel, sis." Kita responded as she grabs a collection of her swords and they were all in between her fingers. As the swords does have bomb seals on it, as apart of her semblance. 

Vanilla slowly turns around, looking over towards Tony. "Thank you, Kita. Thank you, Jake..." 

Tony was looking at Jake, then back at Vanilla. As he slowly stood up and tries to back away from the girl. "Leave me alone...Why can't you do me that one little favor?! I just want to be alone! I don't need anyone! I don't--" 

Vanilla walked towards Tony, as Tony tries to back away even more from her with a look of despair and distraught on his face. "Don't leave...Please...I beg of you, Tony! I know you're in there, please wake up!" 

"L-Let me go...I am Tony, I am me! What in the hell do you know about me?! Tell me! Tell me!! I want to know...What in the hell do you know about me that I don't even know about myself?! I don't get it! I don't understand! WHY ARE YOU STILL FRIENDS WITH ME?! You see...I'm just nothing! I am nothing, I will always be nothing! I'm just a damn failure! I will not reach my mom and dad's level! I am not in their league! I bet my sisters are even better than how I'm doing! My so-called friends! THEY ARE BETTER OFF WITHOUT ME! You all are better without me...I know it...Why can't you all just leave me alone?! Let me do what I need to do without your interference! Why?! I don't understand why!....Why? Why? Why???"

Tony would place Siegfried to his own head. "Don't come another step!" 

Vanilla stopped walking as she was in tears, by just a little bit. But, manages to shake the tears off and smile at him.

"Tony...Those things you said...They aren't true. Everyone else who wants to stay being by your side, they know it's not true. Your teacher knows it's not true. Your mother and father, I know they know it's not true. Your sisters, they know it's all not true. We, your friends know it's not true. You, your conscious knows it's not true. I even know it's not true...Tony...Believe it or not, you are truly a wonderful, positive, and upbeat type of person...Your smile, your laugh, your personality, your presence, and the way you talk...It makes anyone's day. Especially, how respectful and positive you are towards anyone around you...

...Whether if it's your friends, your family, and your hometown people...All of it...It makes anyone's day. Even me...You may have heard something of someone having a major crush with you upon our Beacon group, from the moment we met nearby the bridge when you and your sisters saved me and during our time in Shoka Shinjuku, up to now. That crush was me...I am sorry for now expressing how I feel now, instead of back then...But, I know in your heart of hearts, you'll forgive that. Because, who you are..What you are...You're a huntsmen, you're the oldest son, you're a older brother, you're an amazing and forgiving friend, and not only that...You're Tony Shimura...Never back down from anyone, never ran away from anything...Despite these flaws, you're still you, Tony. You even told me to be myself when I was exposed as a faunus...I thought you'd hate me! But, you told me to stay true to myself and always talk to others as if I feel something is wrong. I am doing that here with you! I love you, Tony! I will always keep chasing after you until the very end. I will be by your side, no matter what. I will fight with you, I will be there for you in the darkest of times and even the light of times. I will do anything to keep chasing you, loving you!" She said, as she did get up close to him and puts the gun down. Vanilla would start hugging him.

Tony's eyes widened in shock of hearing those words..."But..."

"Wake up...Wake up for everyone on your side. Your parents, your sisters, your friends, and...Me...Please!"

"I d-don't know...I don't know what you're talking--"

Vanilla would kiss Tony, as his darkness is slowly fading away in his own subconscious mind. He slowly breaks down in tears as she let's go of the kiss. As Tony's eyes lit up once more. He tears up and cries as he goes down to his knees, embracing her hug. 

"I-I'm sorry...I am really sorry!"

He apologized, as Kita, Jake, and Ruby was watching what was going down. The students inside were happy for the two to end the episode. 


Ending Credits
Second ED Theme (Specifically for this arc) 

Ending Theme Song: Memosepia by Sajou no Hana

The opening starts off with a dark background and someone is standing in it all alone, as a close up would show of Tony Shimura in the dark, alone. His eyes were dull and is seen with a look of serious despair on his face. It was a face that was disgusted.

It appears he's in his own subconscious as well.

The seeds disappeared as they were spilled

Then, he would sigh and starts to walk on as he would pass by a visuals of his own past memories. 

I follow the stained colors, and watch over

The first memory would see him with his mother, Velvet Crowe, his auntie, Mutsuko Crowe, his cousin, Benjamin Shimura, and his father, Shinpachi Shimura along with his two sisters, Kaiku and Sagura doing a family photo together. This marks the last time he saw his mother and father before the wars.

Oh oh, Immediately, again 

After that, his expression changed to a more of a happy look on his face as he walked past the memory. He walked past a memory of him, Sagura, and Kaiku saving Vanilla Frost on her return day at Britannia Village. Marking their first time meeting each other. 

It returns to my palm

The next memory shows is Tony with Kaiku and Sagura on their first day of school at Shoka Shinjuku, as they were met with Roe Ket, Jake and Wraith Belladonna. He kept his smile at the memory, but once Roe appeared...He had an unsure look on his face. 

Too light to climb up like this, so helpless

It would next show, the day when Tony and Dean having their altercation. But, making up and becoming officially friends with each other and also adding Tyler Black and Roman Reigns, into their friendship.

Years later, would show a memory of the four graduating and ending up at Beacon, together alongside with Vanilla Frost, Roe Ket, Nashime "Kita" Yoshida, and Asuka Reigns. 

The world is cold, it robs you of warmth

And outside of Tony's mind for a brief second. It shows him with Dean Ambrose slowly walking away, also fading away from him while Tony tries to reach out to him as Vanilla Frost is walking towards Tony.

Blinding sunlight is not enough

That would then fade out with a transition back to Tony's subconscious and it's showing the full-blown memory of him seeing Dean killing Roman a front of him and Tyler, then him finding out Cinder was the one behind his father's death, and Saiko lastly using her Darkness Control on him...

The memories I felt block the way ahead

Tony would stop walking as he is seen with a transition of three expression changes of sadness, anger, and despair after having to what had happened from seeing Roman's death and Dean's betrayal and his mind would break apart with a glass effect and he slowly pulls Siegfried in gun form as we're back outside of his now broken mind. He is seen with an psychotic look on his face.

I brush away that body heat and go far away

Multiple transitions of visuals would see of him holding Siegfried up towards a front of Jake Belladonna and Gintoki Sakata in Vacuo, Wraith Belladonna in Atlas, and finally, at Ruby Rose in Beacon.

It would be over in an instant if I let it wilt

Kaiku, Sagura, and Velvet would stand in front of Tony, trying to getting him to stop with his mental madness. Tony realizes that he's pointing Siegfried at them. He tries to back away from them. 

But expectation won’t leave me

Vanilla was standing behind him, as she started to hug him from behind and whispers to him saying "I love you, Tony."

Tony fell limp as he started to tear up, crying and is seen embracing the hug by Vanilla to end the sequence.


"Hi, guys. What a crazy arc this has been! My name is Tony Shimura!" 

The fans gives him a standing ovation, as some of the fans cries for him. 

"Shit...I see you all loved this arc. It was sad. I know. It's over, tho. We are now getting to the big war arc! Whose excited?!" The fans goes incredibly nuts and cheers.

"I see! As you know, the second ending theme from Episode 13 will return for the arc as well we got damn SPYAIR as our next big artist for the war arc's OP! I cannot wait! I can't wait for you fans to witness the insane shit that happens with this arc! Now...Without further ado! Episode 18's title is called "The Story to Redemption Begins!". Don't miss out, guys! Here's the preview! See y'all on the next episode!"


Episode 18, Season 2 - The Story to Redemption Begins

Saiko slowly crawls out of the forest, still alive somehow. "I-I'm not done...NOT DONE YET!!!! You disgusting bitch whore, you stole him away from me! Damn you! Damn you! Damn you!" 

Kita was going to throw the swords at Saiko. 

But, Jake places a hand on Kita. As he steps in and he puts his aura into his sword, as it begins to spark up in Lightning. "Let me handle this crazy bitch. You three head to Britannia Village...I think Cinder is on her way..."

"Vanilla! Tony! Let's go!" Kita shouts out at Tony and Vanilla.

Tony and Vanilla would get up, as they nodded at Kita. 

"Professor Ruby..." Before he leaves, he looks over at Ruby with a look of concern.

"Don't worry about me, Shimura. It's alright...Just go and save your friend." Ruby said, as she got up and shouted at Jake. "Let me lend you a hand, Belladonna!" She sets up her Crescent Rose in gun form.

Saiko gritted her teeth in anger, as Jake would run towards her with his sword.

Tony goes onto a tree, as he travels tree to tree. As he heads towards Britannia Village with Kita and Vanilla. He looks ahead and looks over towards Vanilla. "Thank you, Vanilla..." He thought in his mind


Velvet, Kaiku, Sagura, Zaveid, Ray, Himiko, and Emilia came back in quick timing. 

Kaiku, Sagura, Ray, Himiko, and Emilia would see Kintoki, Tyler, and Asuka readying up for war.

"Good grief! You guys are safe!" Emilia said out of relief, then looks over at Kintoki. "Kin?!"

"I know what you're gonna ask...I have my reasons, Em..." Kintoki said.

"Yeah...Kaiku, Sagura...Are you two doing alright?" Tyler asked to make sure Tony's sisters were alright.

Sagura nodded her head without saying a word.

"Yep!!! Good to see you, Ty!" Kaiku smiled as she cheerfully hugs Tyler.

Tyler was being surprisingly crushed by the hug. "G-Good to see you too..." 

"Haha, sorry!" Kaiku let's go of the hug.

Ray and Himiko looks at Asuka. 

"What about you, Asuka? Are you alright?" Ray asked, as he looked down at a sitting down Asuka.

Asuka was looking at Roman's gloves, as she had them on her hands. 

"Asuka?" Himiko sat down next to her, as she notices the gloves. Her eyes widens. 

Himiko looks at Ray and shook her head, as Ray understood what that meant and he walks off.

"Ryuuto! Did they arrive yet?!" Zaveid asked, as he was trying to catch his breath after running. 

"No, not yet. But, good timing, guys. We need the backup as much as we got." Ryuuto said.

"Was everyone evacuated?" Velvet also asked Ryuuto, just to be sure. 

Ryuuto calmly nodded his head. "Yes. We got everyone out, luckily..."


Meanwhile at the bridge of Britannia Village. Cinder's group had arrived. 

Cinder was awaiting back for confirmation from one of her men who is watching everyone on top of a building at the village. She was waiting on Dean's rival to show up to get this war started. 

"When can we attack Cinder? I am ready!" Roe asked as she looks over at Cinder.

Cinder looked back at Roe.
"When Tony shows up, that's when we start a riot..."

Dean glared at Cinder. "Look, we don't need to wait for him. I got him. You all just start it already..." 

"Who are you to talk to me that way, Ambrose?!" Cinder evilly stared at Dean, as she was slowly getting angry at him.

Dean had an emotionless look on his face, as he wasn't intimidated by Cinder. 

Cinder's earpiece goes off, as she listens in from her spy.

"He's arrived...Now, we start our plan!" The spy reported to Cinder, as Tony would shoot at the spy and the bullet did hit the spy in the forehead. 

"Now's the time~!" Cinder had an evil smirk on her face, as her entire forces goes through the bridge into the village.

Preview ends

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