Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Episode 15, Season 2 - Conflicting Decisions

REMINDER: The canon characters of RWBY are owned by Monty Oum and Rooster Teeth, as well as the characters of Gintama are owned by Hideaki Sorachi. Also, the only Tales of characters that will be involved is Velvet Crowe and Zaveid, I do not own these characters but Yoshiharu Gotanda does since he's the creator of Tales of.

I do NOT own these characters other than my own and close friends of mine. Thank you very much.


Writer's Note: Welcome back, ATF readers! What a fun episode to write for Episode 14! I hope you all liked the episode as well as I did! What a cliffhanger, no...Two cliffhangers! One, where is Tony headed next? Two, what does Cinder mean by "rejoining her" to Seth, what type of past that these two had? We'll find out in this episode! Also, let me know on what you guys thought about the brand new ending theme that's specific for this arc! I hope you guys liked that! Roll it, producers! 



The episode begins with multiple flashbacks with the Fall of Beacon from twenty years ago. 

A narrating voice sounds off in the background about it's past.

"Long ago..."

The flashback sees The White Fang and Adam Taurus, along with Roman Torchwick and Cinder Fall destroying Beacon Academy as Beacon had multiple students as well as from different schools trying to defend Beacon as well. Grimm was heavily involved as well.

"Remnant, mostly in Vale saw a new era...A era that was truly experienced with..."

The narrating voice paused as a red background appears where Adam Taurus severely injures Yang Xiao Long by slashing his sword at the arm of Yang, a front of Blake Belladonna.


A black background would fade in as a background and it shows a flashback with Pyrrha Nikos sending Jaune Arc into the weapon pod away from Beacon.

"Sad goodbyes..."

Then, the darkness would fade in once more. Timeline wise, would go back to see at the Beacon Tower in the end of the Cinder vs. Pyrrha fight where Cinder shoots one of her arrows at the heart of Pyrrha and Ruby Rose sees this. 

"The worst of all...Death and heartbreak..."

Ruby was in shock as Cinder places a hand on Pyrrha's forehead as Pyrrha fades away. Then, Ruby cries out and screams out as the Silver Eyes activated and the whole background changes into all white afterwards.

"But, after all of that. A certain team was broken, later brought back together to stop one villain ahead of them that's caused The Fall of Beacon and the wars to happen."

The background would be painted in with color and it's in Salem's castle. Salem is shown.

"This woman, this dangerous woman...The darkness flows within her, because of her selfish needs. This woman's name is Salem and she won't stop at nothing until...The world is burnt down to the ground a front of her...."

What's next is shown with pages like a history book would be flipped and sees a war breaking out. The pages flip once more as the paint is being placed in the page with Team RWBY standing side by side with Ryuuto Yoshida, Gintoki Sakata, Zaveid, Shinsuke Takasugi, Shinpachi Shimura, Mutsuko Crowe, Velvet Crowe, Qrow Branwen, Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren, Oscar Pine, and Raven Branwen on their side along with tons and tons of allies by their side.

"A war would be engaged. One side was the legendary Team RWBY alongside with their allies, that came along for in their journey."

Next page is flipped as it's shown with The White Fang with leader, Adam Taurus and many more on his side and standing from a few minutes off of where they were was Salem shown standing inside from the castle, watching this from afar.

"As The White Fang and Adam Taurus was ready for war. Salem was watching from afar. Then, from there the war finally begun."

A brand new page had been created as it would be painted in as it shows Team RWBY defeating Salem, alongside with Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie. Oscar Pine, and Lie Ren.

"Then, Salem was defeated by our heroes of the past. Sure, the war with Salem ended. But, things took a dark turn with The White Fang and Team RWBY's allies."

Another page would be stained in paint as it shows Shinsuke Takasugi, Velvet Crowe, Shinpachi Shimura, Mutsuko Crowe, Qrow & Raven Branwen, and Zaveid being held down as Adam Taurus watched them grovel and is enjoying it. As Shoyo Yoshida is seen tied up at the end of the cliff.

After this, then a page is turned as Gintoki Sakata is seen slashing Shoyo's head off clean with his sword, forcibly.

"After Shoyo's sacrifice for his students. The war did indeed end but on a sad note as our heroes stared at the sun, looking into the future as The White Fang did die down after the war and later disband. This would be the end of the past generation."

Then, a new book would be picked up by someone as the person would open that book. As the book has pages that needs to be filled in. But, the background would be painted in as a new generation would be shown standing a front of Beacon Academy.

"After twenty years of chaos and war. A new generation has risen. The new generation will make sure the world is safe from any sort of danger..."

A page is flipped and the background gets painted in as it would show Dean Ambrose in his new demon form killing Roman Reigns a front of Tony Shimura, Tyler Black, Mutsuko Crowe, Seth Thurston, Asuka Reigns, Vanilla Frost, and Nashime "Kita" Yoshida.

"Then...even in the new generation, darkness exists within the new generation..."

A new page is shown, one of the new pages is there but the one to the right is not painted in yet. The page to the left shows Dean not turning his back to look at his former teammates, as he did side with Cinder Fall, Roe Ket, Zero Kishitani, Katsuke Shinoda, and Saiko Mayama. Tony is shown with an angered look on his face.

"This is where...Anger, darkness, and finally...Despair comes into play..."

The page to the right is now painted in as it shows Tony Shimura standing all alone, in the rain and is apparently seen at Atlas, raging in the rain by himself, continuing his search for Dean, following his interaction with Saiko Mayama using her Darkness Control on him. He is seen shouting out loud out of desperation and anger.

"The boy, Tony Shimura is now under his own darkness and fighting his own subconscious, with a desperate mind, that's close to breaking. Trying to prove he can save someone on his own and under his own power."

Finally, a new page is flipped and is seen with someone holding their hand out to Tony, as Dean walked away into the darkness. Saiko is shown holding her hand out and Vanilla holding hers on opposite sides as Tony was in the middle.

"Now...Darkness or Light, Give up or keep fighting is his two only options...Which will he choose?"


Opening Theme Plays
Opening Theme Song Name: RESISTER by ASCA

The opening begins with seeing Vanilla Frost and Nashime "Kita" Yoshida standing together, side by side as the two staring at the dark clouds ahead and wind was blowing around them. 

Strong memories wither, brilliant pride

This would transitioning to seeing her with the determination in their faces, as they got close-ups

Fight against destiny

Another transition gets a close-up into Vanilla's eye as it would then show white particles forming the RWBY: After the Fall Season 2 title card in a dark background drop. 

In a place where your voice does not reach

Tony Shimura would be seen dropped into the water and had his eyes opened, but slowly closing. 

As someone's hand appears around his neck. Saiko Mayama appears to be the one having her hand around his neck and she whispers into his ear. His eyes does close.

Distorted rules that no one taught

What's next going down deeper into the water, would transition to seeing Cinder Fall with Zero Kishitani, Roe Ket, Saiko Mayama, and Katsuke Shinoda. As Cinder was leading the way towards for Britannia Village. 

I strongly hoped for it when I was young.

Then, it's seen that Dean Ambrose in his demon form and him having the Demon-Dweller Sword in hand, awaiting for his former friend, Tony. He had an evil look on his face.

The journey to find the location of a dream has just begun

After that would then see Dean use his demon-dweller sword which was in dark flames. Make a huge slash, as the dark flames would burn out this scene.

As that scene transitions to show Gintoki Sakata and Jake Belladonna in the forest at Vacuo, about to head into town, as they get stopped by Tony Shimura. Tony makes a quick sword wind slash at Jake, but Jake does the same with a Lightning Sword Slash as well. Both moves are blocked, as the smoke appears. 

The smoke transitions to the next scene.

I do not need time to cry

Kaiku and Sagura Shimura walking with Zaveid and Velvet Crowe on their search for Tony, as Sagura and Kaiku is seen with a concerned, yet confident looks on their faces. Velvet and Zaveid is seen with serious looks on their faces.

Asuka Reigns is next seen nearby as they were walking. She is seen with her brother's gloves and looks up at the sky with a serious look on her face. She balls her fist as she walks off to the village.

Break down the limit wall right now

Then, it's seen with Ao Thurston, Kintoki Sakata, Emilia Rose, Ray Rowe, and Himiko Ren at Britannia Village, defending for Vale. Asuka joins in as well as she does lead the charge.

As Cinder with the leading charge, she, and Katsuke, Roe, Zero along with their forces on their side and ready to go.

After this would then see both ends starting to fight and begin a war in the village. 

Strong memories wither, brilliant pride

Kintoki, Ao, and Ray would take on Cinder, Katsuke, and Roe but three Dark Lightning arrows are getting shot at Roe, as she had a shocked look on her face, looking up at someone, who she once knew as Zero had taken out Emilia, Himiko, and even Ray by himself as he still had Asuka to try and take on. Zero and Asuka gets in a fist fight.

Memory that does not change even if any pain is touched

As Tony was in the water, still sinking in deeper into his own subconscious counterpart. It's seen Vanilla Frost running towards for Tony, as she reaches out for him. 

Embracing the oath that expanded visibility and found it

Then, this would see Vanilla Frost diving in deeper to reach for him. 

As she reaches for him, this would see a quick vision visual of Tony standing face to face against Wraith in a psychotic state of mind, that's almost broken at Atlas. He pulls out Siegfried in gun form while Wraith grabbed Immobius, her railgun and pointing at each other.

I will connect you with the road I chose with cloudless eyes

This scene would fade out to seeing Tony standing in the middle without making a move or saying a word. This with a background where's it's just all grey and dark with smoke all over the place. On opposing sides, would see Vanilla pulling Cheshire, as Saiko pulled out her long sword and the two started to fight but before the fight begins.

The fight fades out back in with Vanilla grabbing Tony's hand as the scene fades out into the light as it transitions into the next scene.

Resound your voice to resist fate

Tony Shimura is seen with Siegfried in it's sword form would soon be seen standing on opposing sides with Dean Ambrose, who still had his Demon-Dweller Sword in hand. This fades out with a memory of the two in Shoka Shinjuku in sword fencing practice. 


Tony had an serious look on his face. As Dean would have an evil smile on his face. The two would run towards each other as they would begin their fight. The two didn't even have their semblances showcased, yet. 

The opening would see with multiple background and brief scenes such as Tyler Black being shown with a concerned look on his face at Beacon, everyone from the village in Vale, worried, and also Roman Reigns walking away into the light as the fight fades out. 

The OP would end with two swords seen slammed into the ground, together, in which it was Siegfried in sword mode and the Demon-Dweller Sword.


The episode begins off with Tony Shimura finally arriving to Vacuo. The rain had finally stopped, as it was the night time now. He was asleep, resting after fleeting from Atlas and his fight with Wraith.

He was sitting down against one of the trees in the forest, all alone. 

Saiko Mayama was nearby. She smirked as she would make triggering sounds for Tony, those sounds is a major effect when the Darkness Control is placed upon Tony.

"Ohhhh, senpai~! Senpai~...Tony-Senpai~..."

Tony was having a dream, as it did fade away. He hears a voice in his head, ringing throughout his ears. His subconscious mind was hearing this.

His eyes is wide open awaken and he starts to shake. 

"Wh-Who is there?!"

"Senpaaaaaiii~! Oh, senpai! My, my Tony. Is your mind broken yet?! I bet it is!" Saiko's giggling starts to ring in his ears as Tony looks around and goes down to his knees.

His eyes widens. He screams out, as his head starts to get a headache from this...


"That's right...Go into deeper of your own darkness, senpai~." Saiko's voice spoke out as Tony's body went limp and he began to sink down deeper. 

"D-Darkness?" Tony got down to his knees, as he starts to slowly repeat this over and over and he held his head.

Saiko walks out from behind the tree, as she hugs Tony from behind and whispers this to him. 

"Yes, Tony. Darkness and Despair is something you can never ignore, it's something you and only you embrace. Nobody, I mean nobody can lift that darkness from you. You embrace it, as much as it embraces you... You see it as your way of doing things, and you hate it when someone interferes with the way you do things...People always want to get in the way of what you truly desire. That is...to save your friend, right?...Do you want to save him?~" 

Tony looks down as a shadow was being formed with his hair to cover his eyes. "Yes...I do, but...PEOPLE always gets in my way! They make me want to hurt them, try to put them out in their misery too for getting in my way. This is my journey and mine alone..Everyone else even think I...I..." He paused as he tears up.

Saiko smiled, knowing this was the best opportunity to keep him by her side while Cinder is making her plans happen. 

"I know, my love~...People saw me that way too. I'm gonna be honest, I always hated every last person on this earth for looking at me for some violent, gruesome, and evil person. But, I'm not all of that and I know you're not that way. I will never treat you that way...If you let me stay with you, I can help you with whatever there is you want and need. I will be there for you, even fight for you. I really will. Not only that, I will even fight alongside with you through finding your friend." The yandere girl kissed Tony on the cheek and turns around to face him, so she can dry his tears.

"Really? Would you help me, really? I never really often needed help with anything from anyone, especially...."

"Trust me, Senpai~" Saiko's eyes glows as she looked into Tony's eyes once more and smiled, innocently at him. This deepens Tony's conscious side to go deeper into his own darkness, even more.

Gintoki and Jake were hiding out in the bushes, after the two did arrive in Vacio, as the two were close to where Saiko and Tony was. 

"What the hell?! Who is that?" Gintoki asked Jake, looking over at him.

Jake looks over at the girl and the boy, and he recognized the male. His eyes widens in shock. "That's Tony, Gin!" 

"Well, I know. But, whose the girl and what is she doing to him?" The silver-haired samurai asked Jake, as he looked ahead with binoculars.

Jake grabs the binoculars and looks ahead as he sees Saiko Mayama with Tony. "Oh no...I heard about this girl! That's Saiko Mayama...18 years old, expelled student from Course Academy, a little bit ago...People said tons of rumors that she was really obsessive over Tony. And...If anything, this could even have connections to how Tony ended up disappeared in the first place. She is even using her semblance on him..It's called Darkness Control, I studied this, years ago. It's often an effective way to create darkness for the victim, it'll quickly break the victim's mental state." He whispered to Gintoki, informing him about the girl.

"Oh, shit...Really?" Gintoki was shocked 

Saiko looks over to the corner of her eye, as she heard voices behind the bushes. She squinted her eyebrows. She turns around as she stood a front of Tony and takes her long sword out. "Whose there?! And come out, now!"

Jake would sigh at this, as he walks out of the bushes with his sword in hand.

"Jake! We need to--...Dammit..." Gintoki sighed heavily as he also comes out of the bushes as well, as he takes out Lake Toya, his trademark wooden sword out.

Jake looks over at Tony and kept his eyes on him, ignoring Saiko. "Tony...Whatever you do, stay the hell away from this girl! She is someone you think her ought to be."

"She is manipulating---" 

Gintoki was cut off as Tony quickly pulled Siegfried out and fires a bullet at him from Siegfried as the gun was reloaded. But, Jake quickly and in time blocks the bullet with his sword.


...Why can't you all just leave me alone?! Why can't you leave this girl alone too??? She is just offering help to me, kindly! UNLIKE YOUR DUMBASS SISTER, JAKE! YES, JAKE! SHE WAS FIGHTING ME BACK IN ATLAS! SHE WAS IN MY WAY!" Tony shouted as he gritted his teeth in anger and starts to point Siegfried at Jake, with his finger on the trigger.

"In your way...? What in the hell are you talking about?! Even though, I wasn't there...I had a feeling, she was fighting you because she had no choice to. And she was trying to help you, Tony...Because you disappeared, you caused the worry upon everyone you ever could know. Even me, and I'm one of the closest friends you could ever have...I'm concerned for you, like everyone else is. Don't listen to her, Tony! SHE IS USING YOU! She is mostly keeping you away from your friends and family! Not only that, it was not long ago that Me and Wraith had to fight Cinder--"

Jake was then cut off as Tony fires another bullet but this time targeted on the ground as a warning shot. "DON'T YOU MENTION HER NAME! I SWEAR I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" He shouted at Jake, as he tries his hardest not to laugh it off. But, does in the most psychotic way, too.

Saiko smiled at Tony, as she looks at Jake the same way. She was happy on how all of this was turning out to be. "Should've never did that, Belladonna. Next time, it's targeted at your head!" She laughed evilly at him.

Tony points the gun at Jake and it was targeting his face, as he had a emotionless look on his face. No sense of remorse on his face.

"Please Tony, don't make me do this...We're supposed to be good friends...Partners for life. That's what you said...Right?" Jake was very hesitant on needing to attack his friend.

Tony's eyes widened at that and shook his head, as he started to shake a bit..."P-Par-Partners...Friends?!..." 

"Don't listen to him, Tony-senpai~. He's just filling you up with false memories and accusations...Jake Belladonna, I know you. You are just as egotistical with the best of them. Friends! HA! Yeah, right...If you were ever a true friend to him. I'm sure you would've been there to stop him from disappearing on that night. But, nooooo....Where were you?! You were nowhere to be seen! You were just thinking about your sister instead of your friend! How shameless of you!" Saiko said out of total manipulation and lies, but she wasn't wrong about Jake being there for Wraith instead of him.

Tony looked down at the ground and kept pointing Siegfried at Jake. "You! You NEVER WAS THERE FOR ME, JAKE!!! WHY?! WHY, WHY, WHY, WHYYYYYY?!!?!?" He started to go and teary-eyed about this.

Gintoki had lowered his eyebrows to go along with the serious look. "You are truly disgusting...You manipulating Tony and using him against his friends, is just a low blow...And I hate people who does low blows..."

"Me too...This is making me sick! Tony! I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you when you were just in distraught and betrayed...But, you know family always come first before anything else. Friends come second. And then, you have to take care of yourself and stay living to protect people all over Remnant....That's the life of a huntsmen! Go through it all, and live to see it all..." Jake said, as he tries to wake Tony up from this darkened state of mind that he is in by Saiko. 

"Take it from me, Tony...Revenge won't do any sort of favors for you. Neither will killing people to get your way, doesn't work either.....Sometimes, they are good and bad ways to go about anything in this world. You just gotta find those ways and learn them yourself. Whatever it maybe, there is always a way to go about things. Right now, you need someone to love. You need friends. You need your family by your side to help you as well, along the way. Jake, I'm sure you heard of this before. You too, Tony...But, there is nothing more in this world than to protect those around you, whether if it's your friends, family, or someone you truly love." Gintoki explained to Tony, 

Tony's eyes widens, as he denies that statement and puts his fingers on the trigger once more. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! SO, SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UPPPPPP!!!!" He shoots a bullet at Gintoki and this time it was a fast bullet, as the bullet did hit Gintoki in the shoulder.

Gintoki falls back and his shoulder starts to bleed as he holds his shoulder. "Damn!"

"Gin!" Jake's eyes widened as he takes a knee to check on him. "Are you okay?!"

"Yeah..." Gintoki nodded as he watched Saiko and Tony.

Tony looked at Gintoki and Jake, with an emotionless look...As he turns Siegfried into a sword. \

Jake turned to look back at Tony for a moment, as he looks back at Gin. "Are you gonna be okay?"

"Yeah....I'll keep an eye on the crazy bitch. Go get'em..." Gintoki said.

Jake grabs his sword once more, as he stood up and goes face to face with Tony. 

Meanwhile in Britannia Village, in the woods at the exit way of the village. Kaiku and Sagura Shimura were trying to catch their breath. And they were numerous of Cinder's forces down and out. 

More was still coming their way.

Kaiku sighed heavily, as she looks over at more of the men coming their way. "Really?! Do we have to take on more?! How many are there of these idiots?"

"Not sure..." Sagura said, backing up Kaiku as she was tired also. 

One of the men came from the side, as Ray Rowe was on a tree branch and he shoots two to three swords from his bow at the enemy from a far distance.

"Huh?!" Kaiku blinked as she watched the swords hit the man as she looks up above as Ray jumped off the branch a front of the two sisters. 

"Sup, you two?! Need a hand?" Ray grinned as he looked back at the two.

Sagura sighed and shook her head at Ray. "You are still bad at trying to be a badass, Ray."
"I agree with Sags, Ray Ray! Sorry, but...You suck!" Kaiku snickered as she teased him.

"Well, that hurt." Ray laughed as he shouts out. "Emilia! You're next!"

Emilia would throw in a smoke bomb a front of the men coming forward towards Kaiku, Sagura, and Ray. Emilia takes out her Sakura Rose weapon which was in staff form and she senses that two of them were coming in towards her direction. 

"Himiko! Two is standing in the middle of the smoke! I got one, you got the other!" Emilia calls out to Himiko.

While the other two was blinded by this, Emilia comes out from the bushes as she would hit one of the men with her staff multiple times to the stomach and face in the most quickest way imaginable. 

Himiko would clear the smoke with a huge Water Slash from her weapon, Stormhowl at the other person and it takes that person out as Emilia pops the first one up in the air with a kick to the jaw, as the person comes down and Em meets with a flying kick to the stomach of the person, sending it back. 

"Nice one, you two!" Ray said to Himiko and Emilia.

Kaiku raced her way to both Emilia and Himiko and hugs both of them. "Em! Himiiiii!!! It's great to see you two! I missed you!!!"

"Missed you too, Kaiku! Sagura, you too." Emilia smiled as she embraced the hug.

"What were you two doing out here, alone?" Himiko asked the sisters.

Sagura looks up at the the three and answers their question. "Well, Me, Kaiku, Mom, and Zaveid are actually leaving the village to start our search for our brother."

"I see...You two are also searching for him as well. So are we." Ray said.

"Mom? What are you talking about?" Himiko asked, blinking and she couldn't believe that their mother had have been alive this whole time. 

Velvet and Zaveid comes out from the side of the forest, following Velvet's encounter with a girl that apparently entranced Zaveid.

"Kaiku, Sagura! It's good to know you two are alright!" Velvet ran over to Kaiku and Sagura and hugs them both with a relieved look on her face.

"Who are you three? Aren't you with the enemy?" Zaveid asked as he slowly grabs Siegfried.

Emilia and Himiko seemed intimidated by Zaveid, but Ray just stood there unfazed.

"W-W-Whoaaaaa!!! Easy! We're just friends of Kaiku and Sagura!!" Emilia says in a stuttering tone of voice.

"Please! We just came to help!" Himiko begged as she and Emilia hid behind Ray.

"Zaveid, please. Calm down! They are really our friends!" Kaiku said in a loud tone of voice.

Zaveid blinked and takes his hands off of Siegfried, as he looks at the three. "Oh...Sorry about that!" He laughed over this little misunderstanding. 

"It's o-okay!" Emilia said, as she was a bit scared.

Ray blinks and tilted his head slightly, then turns down to look at one of Cinder's forces that was taken out. "The enemy...Do you mean by these punks?"

"Yeah. They ambushed us, and I believe it's all Cinder's doing..." Velvet shortly said, as she looks at the three teammates.

Emilia, Ray, and Himiko didn't seem to be too surprised with this.

"I see...So, she is really the one behind everything going on, right now. Huh?" Ray asked.

Zaveid nodded his head, as he looked forward ahead. "She is. I believe she is the reason for many incidents that happened lately as well. Shinsuke being paralyzed, the fight she had with Blake's kids in Atlas...And..."

He paused, as Velvet looks at Zaveid and then back at the five.
 "She is even responsible for Tony disappearing too. I know it has to be..."

Flashback Scene

This goes back to the day of Shoka Shinjuku's Graduation Day. After the fight, Cinder and Velvet had against each other. 

Velvet tries to catch her breath a bit. "Bitch...How are you moving still?! Why don't you die and go TO HELL WHERE YOU BELONG??" She was bloodied from her head, and she did take her cloak off as well.

"Isn't that obvious? To cause more hatred, more despair, more destruction! More of everything...." 

Cinder smiled evilly as she tries to stand her ground. 

"Not only that but...that "so-called" son of yours....Mark my words...He WILL suffer all of that. He will fall into the darkness like you once did. Because, like you. He won't able to protect anyone, or his stupid little friends. Even that crush of his...Y'know, I got someone on my side who even wants to take him from her....

....Remember this, Crowe...Even the new generation has arrived, in this world. It's either you kill or be killed...There is no good way to go about it either....Not even you could save him from the despair, hatred, and darkness that awaits him." She added into her rant about Velvet's son and his crush...

"What do you know about my son?! He will never despair or hate! That boy is special! He's very special in his own way. He created bonds that you NEVER will, Cinder..." Velvet said to Cinder with a look of seriousness and realness in her eyes.

Cinder brushed it off as she slowly disappears. "We'll see about that..." She would use her flame power to disappear fully.

Flashback ends


"So, what are you guys gonna do since all of us are here? Are you three coming along with us or search elsewhere?" Kaiku asked Ray, Himiko, and Emilia. 

"Depends, really. We just searched everywhere in the village. We even looked everywhere in Vale and nothing came up there. So...Atlas or Menagerie is possible places to look next." Himiko explained out to Kaiku, but she thought about it and now she got what Kaiku implied to. "Oh, wait. I see what you mean. All three of us. We team up to look. Right?"

"Exactly! That'd be great for numbers on our side!" Kaiku said with an excited smile on her face. 

Sagura nods her head at Kaiku, agreeing with her. Then, looks at the three. 

"Yes. It'll only be the seven of us. With us seven, we could have a good chance to finding him. But, then again...It's better for our two sides to search in different places and then, we can come back here to see what we got. What would you guys wanna do?"

She suggests all the possibilities out and asks them on what their plans will be next.

Ray looks at Emilia and Himiko. Himiko nods, as Emilia shrugged.

"Whatever it takes, Ray. We just need to bring him back safely and Jake, as well" Emilia said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Ray nods and looks back at Velvet, Kaiku, Sagura, and Zaveid. "Alright. We'll team with you."

"Yes! Alright!" Kaiku smiled and cheered on for this, very excited for this.

"Only on one condition...If we find Cinder and her cronies with that traitorous bastard, Dean Ambrose....Let me have Dean, let me kick his ass...." Ray said under that one condition.

"Okay. But, if Tony gets to him first. Don't even...Alright?" Velvet offered to Ray.

Ray nodded his head at Velvet. He agreed to these terms. "Alright. Seems fair enough, I can even ask Tony to give him the ass kicking of the lifetime for me. While I fight for what's right."


Vanilla Frost and Nashime "Kita" Yoshida had finally arrived at their home village, Britannia Village.

"Ahhh! Home, sweet, home!" Vanilla says with a smile, as she stretches a bit.

Kita smiled as well as she remembered great times she had here with her sister, father, and Dean here. But these memories were sad, though since Dean isn't present with them.

Vanilla looks over at Kita and lays her arm around her neck, smiling at her little sister. "I understand, sister. We just gotten--" Her scroll goes off in alerting sound. "Hm?" 

She checks her scroll and sees the alert notice on there. It was an alert going off about something going on at Vacuo, in which isn't far away from where they were.

"What's wrong, Vanilla?" Kita asked, as she looks in to see what was wrong.

Vanilla Frost blinked, as she shook her head a bit. "Wait...An attack at Vacuo?"

"Is there any more information, sis? Is everything okay?" Kita had a concerned look on her face.

Vanilla was thinking for a moment...She hopes it was a false alarm and it wasn't Tony or Cinder...She looks at Kita, as she held her hand. "We need to check this out...I have a feeling on where that...It may have something to do with Cinder's group or...Tony..."

"I hope not...Should we check here first, before going to Vacuo?" The younger sister suggested to Vanilla. 

"Well, yeah. But, I wanna make sure nothing bad is happening in Vacuo. I mean, look at the situation we were just in after our mission's failure."

Kita nodded her head at Vanilla, as she understood...

"Alright." She says as she and Vanilla runs off, leaving the village's grounds heading towards for Vacuo.

This was a huntresses type of job, anyways. Making sure everyone is living a safe life, in a safer world.


Seth had Cinder's sword in hand as he drops it down to the ground.

"You got three choices, Seth. One, side with me once again, two, stay away from this war, or three, making your own grave? So, what's it gonna be? Huh?" Cinder asked Seth as she smiled evilly at him and places a hand on his cheek.

Seth looks at her hand, as he still kept his emotionless look in his eyes. He takes her hand off of his cheek. "I wouldn't touch, if I was you..."

"Oooo!~ You're so intimidating, Seth...You know you want power, you want blood to be spilled all over the place. Chaos and destruction...Isn't that what you want?" Cinder smiled evilly at him. 

"Is that so?...I wonder, what makes you think--"

Then, Katsuke is sent back out of the base as he was seen being thrown out of the base.

Dean looked over at Katsuke with a death glare. 

"What did you say to me, Shinoda?! WOULD YOU LIKE TO REPEAT THAT???"

"....Cocky ass bast--" Katsuke was interrupted by a kick to the gut by Dean. 

Seth didn't seem to flinch at all from this, but Cinder seemed confused by this.

"Dean? Katsuke? What is going on? I demand answers..." Cinder asked.

Knowing Katsuke, he never says shit to Cinder at all, as he has problems with internal pain. He spat out blood to the side. "A-Ask Dean..."

"Dean?" Seth looks over at Dean. 

Dean looks back at Seth with a emotionless look, as well as Seth did so too.

"Seth Thurston...The Reckless Freelancer.... The Alchemist..." Dean would slowly walk up to Seth and looks him, dead in the eyes.

Seth turned to look over at Dean, then at Katsuke. "What are you doing, Dean? Why are you with Cinder? And why must you have to kill one of your brothers for her?! I need an answer..."

Dean disrespectfully spat to the side on the ground, next to Seth. "I don't owe you any sort of answer..."
Katsuke runs towards Dean after getting up slowly to his feet, as he had to gone for a punch at him. 

"The only answer you need is a reality--" 

Dean would quickly duck under for Katsuke to accidentally hit Seth in the face with the punch instead. "Hmph...Missed me, you fake ass, samurai know-at-all..."

Katsuke's eyes widened in shock as he does recognize that man's face, this was the same person he took out when he and Seth last met, which was Cinder, Katsuke, Zero, and Saiko against Seth, Mutsuko, The Shield, and Team Raven. 

But, he thought he had got lucky over Seth that time...He looked up at the six foot three tall man, and he was in fear a bit as Seth gives him an emotionless look as he didn't seem to feel the accidental punch from Katsuke.

"...Dean, do you really think you can have me joining by doing something I wouldn't even set out on doing?! How idiotic are you, huh? I ain't falling for that..." 

Seth said, as he had looked up at Dean instead of Katsuke. Cinder looks over at Seth, Katsuke, and Dean. Watching the situation unfold, but she has to question Seth about his decision after he said that to Dean.

"So...Thurston, what's it gonna be? New options this time, same call to you... Will you join our side, and kill Shinoda or defend and die with him, or...Do you just stay out of this war and let everyone fight this out....? Even when your brother is...gonna be alone without his big brother helping or protecting him..." Cinder asked the freelancer.

Seth blinked, as he looks over at Cinder. He turns his attention back towards at Dean and Katsuke...He is thinking his decision over a bit. He sighed, as he placed his hands into his pockets.

"Honestly, I'm flattered with the offer. Sure, I don't wanna be involved in this "war", you speak of. But, I don't wanna see anyone get hurt or end up dead, either so I need to be in it to protect the innocent and the weak, make sure everyone stays safe...

...At one point before, I didn't really have any sort of beliefs in that. Nor, did I have a reason to have any sort of belief in anything or have emotion towards anything at all...Because you were there in those times. You are the reason why I have no sort of feelings or emotion at all, because you wanted me to become a killer just like you. As I remember....In this cruel world, it's either you kill...or be killed...I have lived that lifestyle a long time. As I lived through by that creed. There is another creed I follow and it's reckless and needless to say, anyways. But, I always put others before myself. So, no. I will not rejoin you and go back to those darkened days again. I will even protect this man, and take all of you on. Whatever it takes..."

Katsuke was surprised about Seth's decision. "Seth..."

Seth gave Cinder a serious look on his face. He was ready, as he clapped his hands for a clapping transmutation and uses his aura to make the alchemy. He slides his good left arm down his right arm, as the right metal hand transitions to having a metal gauntlet blade on his hand, as he gets in guard. "I hope you're ready..."

"Student just never learns...Well, fine!" Cinder creates her Scimitar sword out of glass and flames, coming from her aura and she was ready.

"Get up, Shinoda. Fight Dean...I'll take on Cinder!" Seth says to Shinoda, telling him to start fighting back.

Katsuke takes his samurai sword out and nodded his head at Seth. 

"Alright. After this...We got a fight to finish here!"

Seth nods, as he started to charge the rest of his full speed towards Cinder. Cinder does the same thing, as they are ready to clash swords.

Katsuke jumped in the air, as he had ran towards Dean with his sword in hand.

Dean takes out his Demon-Dweller Sword and he quickly transforms into his Demon form and dark markings appears to his face and arms. As the whole sword was covered in full dark black. He would use the demon's aura to create Dark Flames. 

He lashes out a few dark flame slashes at Shinoda, as he was in the air.

Seth and Cinder clashed at each other, as the two begins to go back and forth in quick movements.

Until, Seth breaks out of the back and forth fighting, he would quickly do a jumping spinning blade slash from his gauntlet blade towards Cinder.

Cinder blocks this with great impact, as she would kick him in the stomach and this would follow up with a charging running paced shot of Cinder about to use her sword to slash at him with. 

As Seth was falling back, he notices the quick speed of Cinder and counter quick sword slash she was going for, as he would quickly go for another clapping transmutation and he does.

He slides his hand down to the ground as his hand was going towards Cinder's direction. To her surprise, they were spikes going off the ground and it targets her.

Cinder stopped herself at her tracks as she blocks all of the spikes with her sword in quick movements. 

But, momentarily this surprises her even more that....Seth ran back around towards her and jumps in the air, as he does a front flip and attempts to go for a huge kick to Cinder from a higher jump. 

The frontflip kick was countered by Cinder catching Seth's leg and drags him down to the ground, back first, really hard..

Katsuke did get slashed twice, once in the shoulder and on the leg but still goes in for the attack. Dean was surprised that Shinoda took the slashes, head on. Dean would quickly vanish using his demon power. 

Shinoda slides his hand down to the ground to keep his balance but he fell back, as his shoulder even got hurt way worse than before, right off the bat...Burns on the shoulder, and from the fail of keeping balance on the fall caused him to get second or third degree burns.

He slowly gets up as he held his left shoulder with his right hand and is in pain a bit, as Dean would reappear behind Shinoda, as he punches him in the back really hard and a kick to send Shinoda down to the ground and it did send him down.

Dean grabs Shinoda's arms and torts both arms, backwards the wrong way and places a boot to the back of his head. As he grinned evilly.

"GAH! DAMN!" Shinoda tries to fight back but can't and he was in serious pain. "Let me go!"

"Ohhh, no...Why would I wanna do that to a TRAITOR, huh?! A punkass bitch like yourself, huh?!?!!? ANSWER ME!" Dean shouted at Shinoda as he was close to pulling Katsuke's arms back way further to almost breaking it.

Katsuke was in serious pain as he shook his head and was yelling for his life.

Seth would open his eyes to see Katsuke grounded by Dean with his arms being pulled back. Cinder would slowly walk up to Katsuke as she creates a spear out of the glass and flame form as she targets Katsuke. 

"Where the hell do you think you're going, Cinder?! Your fight is over here!" Seth shouted out at Cinder, as he slowly tries to get up.

But, someone pulls a sword to Seth's head. "I am afraid, your fight just ended...Shinoda will pay for his sins, also...You too...But, I will let you watch him die before one of us kills you...So, enjoy the show~!" Roe said, as she had the blade of Gambol Shroud pointed at the head of Seth.

"Roe..." Seth had an disgusted look on his face to see her. He wasn't too pleased with her actions before...

As Cinder was a quite a good distance off from Katsuke. As she had her spear ready for throw. 

Then it shows Tyler Black and Asuka Reigns actually leaving Vacuo, heading towards for Beacon first.

"Are you sure, if we should come back to Vale and go back to Beacon? Is that a good idea?" Tyler asked, raising an eyebrow and stopped walking.

Asuka nodded her head, as she didn't seem stop walking at all. "Yes and No. I'm expecting Professor Rose to go off on us, but at the same time. We have our reasons for going back...I'm sure that's where Cinder wants to start her war for destruction and pain at...As you do know, Vale is really easily a targeted place for that...."

"I see." Tyler nodded his head at her and he ran up to her trying to get caught up with her. 

What's noticeable is Ao Thurston seen in the air with his ref board, going into Vacuo. 

"What trouble did you get yourself into now, Seth?! Dammit..." 

He thought in his mind as the episode ends.


Ending Credits
Second ED Theme (Specifically for this arc) 

Ending Theme Song: Memosepia by Sajou no Hana

The ending visuals starts off with a dark background and someone is standing in it all alone, as a close up would show of Tony Shimura in the dark, alone. His eyes were dull and is seen with a look of serious despair on his face. It was a face that was disgusted.

It appears he's in his own subconscious as well.

The seeds disappeared as they were spilled

Then, he would sigh and starts to walk on as he would pass by a visuals of his own past memories. 

I follow the stained colors, and watch over

The first memory would see him with his mother, Velvet Crowe, his auntie, Mutsuko Crowe, his cousin, Benjamin Shimura, and his father, Shinpachi Shimura along with his two sisters, Kaiku and Sagura doing a family photo together. This marks the last time he saw his mother and father before the wars.

Oh oh, Immediately, again 

After that, his expression changed to a more of a happy look on his face as he walked past the memory. He walked past a memory of him, Sagura, and Kaiku saving Vanilla Frost on her return day at Britannia Village. Marking their first time meeting each other. 

It returns to my palm

The next memory shows is Tony with Kaiku and Sagura on their first day of school at Shoka Shinjuku, as they were met with Roe Ket, Jake and Wraith Belladonna. He kept his smile at the memory, but once Roe appeared...He had an unsure look on his face. 

Too light to climb up like this, so helpless

It would next show, the day when Tony and Dean having their altercation. But, making up and becoming officially friends with each other and also adding Tyler Black and Roman Reigns, into their friendship.

Years later, would show a memory of the four graduating and ending up at Beacon, together alongside with Vanilla Frost, Roe Ket, Nashime "Kita" Yoshida, and Asuka Reigns. 

The world is cold, it robs you of warmth

And outside of Tony's mind for a brief second. It shows him with Dean Ambrose slowly walking away, also fading away from him while Tony tries to reach out to him as Vanilla Frost is walking towards Tony.

Blinding sunlight is not enough

That would then fade out with a transition back to Tony's subconscious and it's showing the full-blown memory of him seeing Dean killing Roman a front of him and Tyler, then him finding out Cinder was the one behind his father's death, and Saiko lastly using her Darkness Control on him...

The memories I felt block the way ahead

Tony would stop walking as he is seen with a transition of three expression changes of sadness, anger, and despair after having to what had happened from seeing Roman's death and Dean's betrayal and his mind would break apart with a glass effect and he slowly pulls Siegfried in gun form as we're back outside of his now broken mind. He is seen with an psychotic smile on his face.

I brush away that body heat and go far away

Multiple transitions of visuals would see of him holding Siegfried up towards a front of Jake Belladonna and Gintoki Sakata in Vacuo, Wraith Belladonna in Atlas, and finally, at Ruby Rose in Beacon.

It would be over in an instant if I let it wilt

Kaiku, Sagura, and Velvet would stand in front of Tony, trying to getting him to stop with his mental madness. Tony realizes that he's pointing Siegfried at them. He tries to back away from them. 

But expectation won’t leave me

Vanilla was standing behind him, as she started to hug him from behind and whispers to him saying something very meaningful to him.

Tony fell limp as he didn't know how to react to that at all, but to cry a bit, showing tears rolling down his face to end the sequence.


"Hi, guys! My name is Vanilla Frost, I'm sure you know me by now as the daughter of Shoka Shinjuku's owner and teacher, Ryuuto Yoshida and sister of, known as Nashime "Kita" Yoshida! I hope you guys enjoyed this episode as well as we all did here on production, heh. Breaking the fourth wall, much?" Vanilla shrugged and laughed at this. "I wish I can get some sort of full thing for the next episode, but...Producer won't tell me. But, that's okay! I did see the preview for the episode...And man...What a shocker this is, who saw this coming?! Next episode's title is Promising Memories. Hopefully, we'll see you guys for that episode. Now, here's the big preview! See you guys soon!"


Preview: Episode 16, Season 2 - Promising Memories

In Menagerie, it was a very much so a nice and moonlight outdoor night. Someone was sitting at the end of the docks, looking at the moon. The man had his weapon out and was cleaning it. 

He looks up at the moon...Thinking about something.

"Is it time for me to head back home to where I belong?...Hiding after all these years...Is it really that time again?"

The man asked himself, as he grabbed his sword and placed it back into his holster. He sat up and starts walking away without his face shown at all.


Tony and Jake was having such a good back and forth fight against each other, Wind vs. Lightning...An interesting battle as well with Gintoki on the sidelines and Saiko watching Tony.

The two had clashed again with their swords, as it sends them back upon impact.

They were trying to catch their breath. 

"Damn....I never thought we'd still be outmatching each other, even to this day...He's never missed a beat. Not at all...But, I'm sorry man...You forced me with no other choice..." 

Jake would charge up every last bit of his aura into this last attack as he slides his two fingers down his sword, as lightning goes off the sword coming from Jake's aura...

Tony charges his aura up to his sword into glowing in green aura and within the sword, the wind is strong within the sword.

"Kill the bastard, Tony!" 

Saiko smiled as she whispered into his ear, as Gintoki throws his Lake Toya Wooden Sword at Saiko as she blocks it with her long sword.

"Shut up, you crazy bitch!" Gintoki shouted at the yandere girl.

"What did you call me?!" Saiko growled in an angry tone set of voice, as she would slowly walk up to Gintoki with her long sword in hand. 

"Gintoki!" Jake looks over at Gintoki, concerned as Saiko was walking up to him

"You heard me!!!" Gintoki still shouted out at her, as he tries his hardest to get away from her, even with an injured shoulder.

As soon as Vanilla Frost, Nashime "Kita" Yoshida, and alongside with them was Sayaka Ishiyama, made it to Vacuo..It was in the forest, as well as the two would see Lightning and strong feel of Wind power up ahead.

"Lightning?!...That definitely has to be Jake!" Kita guessed as she looked ahead.

Sayaka was up on the trees as she looks down at Kita and Vanilla, when she sees Tony, Jake, Gintoki, and Saiko. "I can see...That's actually Tony with Jake as well! And Gintoki...But...Who is the girl?" She mumbled.

"A girl?! Oh, that's the bitch you told me about...Isn't it?!" Vanilla asked Sayaka.

Sayaka from a far distance with her eyes, she can this who was far away from there. Her eyes widens and nods her head, confirming it was actually Saiko. "Yep. That's her! Saiko Mayama...The daughter of the person who once dated the former leader of The White Fang, long ago." 

"Vanilla...Before you---" Kita's warning was cut off by Vanilla's shouting.  "Wait!!!"


"What the?!" Saiko looked to her left side, as she stopped walking and quit paying attention to Gintoki.

Vanilla shouted out yelling, as she comes in from the side direction to stop Saiko at her tracks and she went for a flying kick to the face and she does so.

Jake blinked as he saw Vanilla just come in full speed, kicking Saiko in the face. Gintoki was just as surprised as Jake was.

"STOP ATTACKING HER!!!!" Tony shouted out to the vengeful girl in a voice where it was completely lost, compared to his normal voice. 


He yelled as he was really in tears and he stopped his power, as he goes to check on Saiko.

"Vanilla...You came here at a better time..." Jake said, as he sat down and drops his sword.

Gintoki nodded his head at Vanilla. "Yeah. Great to see you."

Kita sighed and shook her head as she ran into the area as well, as Sayaka followed pursuit. 

Preview ends

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